Page # 563 | Total Views / Downloads 159
July, 2016; Volume 53; Number 7
Page # 569 | Total Views / Downloads 145
Research Papers
Gagandeep Kang, Sowmyanarayanan V Thuppal, Rajan Srinivasan, Rajiv Sarkar, Beula Subashini, Srinivasan Venugopal, Kulandaipalayam Sindhu, Dhivya Anbu, Nathalie Parez, Lennart Svensson and Anuradha Bose
Racecadotril in the Management of Rotavirus and Non-rotavirus Diarrhea in Under-five Children: Two Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trials
Page # 595 | Total Views / Downloads 162
Anu Paul, Sudhir Babji, Rajiv Sarkar, Robin Penugula Lazarus and Gagandeep Kang
Rotavirus-specific Salivary and Fecal gA in Indian Children and Adults
Page # 601 | Total Views / Downloads 148
Ashok Kumar, Sriparna Basu, Vipin Vashishtha and Panna Choudhury
Burden of Rotavirus Diarrhea in Under-five Indian Children
Page # 607 | Total Views / Downloads 149
CP Girish Kumar, S Venkatasubramanian, Gagandeep Kang, Rashmi Arora and Sanjay Mehendale, for the National Rotavirus Surveillance Network
Profileand Trends ofRotavirusGastroenteritis in Under-five ChildreninIndia (2012-2014): Preliminary Report of the Indian National Rotavirus Surveillance Network
Page # 619 | Total Views / Downloads 128
S Venkatasubramanian, CP Girish Kumar and Sanjay Mehendale
Interpretation of Rotavirus-positivity Patterns Across India
Page # 623 | Total Views / Downloads 146
MA Mathew, Srinvasan Venugopal, Rashmi Arora and Gagandeep Kang
Leveraging the National Rotavirus Surveillance Network for Monitoring Intussusception
Page # 635 | Total Views / Downloads 127
Journal Club
Joseph L Mathew
Time-trend Analysis of the Impact of Universal Rotavirus Vaccination in Brazil Evidence-based Medicine Viewpoint
Page # 645 | Total Views / Downloads 124
Page # 649 | Total Views / Downloads 128
Rashmi Arora and Soumya Swaminathan
Ready to Measure Impact? The Introduction of Rotavirus Vaccine in India
Page # 565 | Total Views / Downloads 136
Page # 567 | Total Views / Downloads 135
Research Letters
Madhu Gupta, MP Singh, Vishal Guglani, KS Mahajan And S Pandit
Hospital-based Surveillance of Rotavirus Diarrhea among Under- five Children in Chandigarh
Page # 651 | Total Views / Downloads 131
Vipin M Vashishtha, andeep Thacker and Gajanan Sudhir Namjoshi
Immunochromatography-based Diagnosis of Rotavirus Infection in Acute Diarrhea
Page # 652 | Total Views / Downloads 156
E Mohanty, B Dwibedi, SK Kar and RM Pandey
Association of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis with isto-blood Group Antigens
Page # 653 | Total Views / Downloads 143