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Indian Pediatrics September 1983; Volume 20: Number 9

Editor: Santosh K. Bhargava

Publication Secretary                                                                                     Secretary of the Committee
S.C. Arya                                                                                                        R.N. Srivastava

Table of Contents


Child health in 7th Plan                                                       627
B.R. Santhanakrishnan


Child health in the 7th Plan 1985-90 – India                                                      631
B.N.S. Walia


Chronic ingestion of natural fluoride and endemic bladder stone disease                              637
M. Teotia, S.P.S. Teotia, D.P. Singh and C.V. Singh

Influence of maternal iron deficiency anemia on the fetal total body iron                               643
S.H. Ahmad, M. Amir, Z. Ansari and K.N. Ahmed

Anterior fontanel size of Chandigarh infants                                                              647
A.k. Bhalla and B.N.S. Walia

Intrauterine malnutrition: amniotic fluid protein and enzymes in rats                                 651
K.N. Agarwal, R.D. Gupta and R. Shankar

Serum calcium and phosphorus in Indian childhood cirrhosis                               659
S.K. Sharma, B.D. Gupta, N. Miglani and G.L. Gupta

The role of copper in Indian childhood cirrhosis                                                663
Sukhdev Singh, R.S. Malhotra, B.L. Nagpal and Harbans Lal

Serum Zinc level in Pica                                                                  667
S.N. Bhalla, P.K. Khanna, J.R. Srivastava, B.K. Sur and Maya Bhalla

Muscle mass of intrauterine growth retarded babies in first nine months of life                              671
B.D. Bhatia, K.N. Agarwal and N.P. Jain


Familial aniridia
P. Rita, C. Kusuma Kumari, V. Ramanamma and P.P. Reddy

Rhesus Anti-E, Anti-C antibodies as a cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn                           681
P.M.C. Nair, K. Sabarinathan, P.A. Jayaprakash and Vijayalekshmi

Wet nappy detector                                              684
S.N. Parida and S.K. Giri

Lethality in male fetuses                                                                    685
K. Kucheria, Neelam Jain and Neelam Taneja


Gastric function in marasmus                                                                        689
K.K. Balakrishna

Congenital syphilis with chylous ascites                                689
P.V. Havaldar, A.S. Desai, V.D. Patil and B.M. Siddibhavi

Umbilical granuloma                                                                                       690
Nirmala Kesaree, P.S. Suresh Babu, C.R. Banapurmath and S.N. Krishnamurthy

Corrosion of metallic utensils                                               692
Santosh K. Chaudhary

Chemical basis of the passage of metals into the food and water from the Copper based utensils          693
Santosh K. Chaudhary

Progeria with marcus-Gunn phenomenon                       694
Suraj Gupte


Manual of ophthalmic terminology                                                                    697
Harold A. Stein

Metabolic diseases in pediatric practice                                                          697
Mary G. Ampola

NOTES & NEWS                                 635, 642, 646, 658, 61, 695, 698



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