Indian Pediatr 2016;53:S20 -S27 |
A Brief History of
Vaccines Against Polio
*Vipin M Vashishtha and **Sachidanand Kamath
From *Mangla Hospital & Research Center, Shakti Chowk,
Bijnor, UP; and **Welcare Hospital, Vyttila, Cochin, Kerala; India.
Correspondence to: Dr Vipin M Vashishtha, Consultant
Pediatrician, Mangla Hospital and Research Center, Shakti Chowk, Bijnor,
Uttar Pradesh 246 701, India.
Email: [email protected]
Poliomyelitis, a dreaded disease
of the last century that had already crippled millions of people across
the globe, is now on the verge of eradication thanks mainly to two polio
vaccines, inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) and oral polio vaccine (OPV).
Ever since their development in late 1950s and early 1960s, the journey
of their early development process, clinical trials, licensure and
ultimately widespread clinical use in different countries provide a
fascinating tale of events. Oral polio vaccine has been the mainstay of
global polio eradication initiative (GPEI) in most of the countries.
With the advent of ‘polio endgame’, the focus has now shifted back to
IPV. However, there are certain issues associated with global cessation
of OPV use and universal implementation of IPV in routine immunization
schedules across the globe that need to be dealt with some urgency,
before proclaiming the global victory over polio.
Key words: Global polio eradication initiative, polio,
vaccines, polio endgame, vaccine development.
The global polio eradication
initiative (GPEI) is now in its last leg. Barring two countries,
Pakistan and Afghanistan, endemic transmission of wild polio virus has
been halted all over the globe. The wild polio virus (WPV) type 2 has
been eradicated completely, WPV type 3 is also not detected from
anywhere for more than three years, and the entire African continent has
been ‘polio-free’ for more than a year [1]. This is indeed a remarkable
feat. The ‘end game’ strategies are now under implementation world-over
and gradual process of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) withdrawal has
already initiated with the introduction of inactivated poliovirus
vaccine (IPV) in the immunization schedules of almost all the countries
hitherto using OPV in their schedules [2]. OPV has successfully
eliminated WPV from major part of the world. However, circulating
vaccine derived polioviruses (VDPVs) and vaccine-associated paralytic
polio (VAPP) have exposed its shortcomings and paved the way for
introduction of IPV in to the global vaccination schedules. The polio
eradication and endgame strategies reflect the complimentary roles of
the two polio vaccines in tackling the threats posed by wild and vaccine
polioviruses. Whenever the history of polio eradication would be
written, the selection of OPV as a preferred tool over IPV by World
Health Organization (WHO) for global polio eradication shall be a source
of intense, passionate debate.
Polio Vaccine Development- Historical Perspectives
A. Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV)
Poliomyelitis was a public health scare in the 1950s,
even in countries with the best health systems and hygiene practices in
place [3]. The earliest attempts to develop polio vaccines turned out to
be futile. In early 30s, John Kolmer from Philadelphia, and Maurice
Brodie from New York University tried to make polio vaccines which
unfortunately were found to be quite unsafe and resulted in few deaths
and many cases of VAPP [4, 5]. During the aftermath of these deaths, a
hostile media and state health administration severely criticized the
researchers. The progress of polio vaccine development was halted and no
new trials were undertaken for next decade [3]. However, the impasse was
over in 1949 when Enders, Weller, and Robbins of Harvard Medical School,
Boston, USA, published their findings on successfully growing Lansing
strain of polio virus in cultures of various human embryonic tissues
[6], and many laboratories restarted their work on developing polio
Though Koprowski first tested a live attenuated,
rodent-adapted strain of poliomyelitis virus vaccine in humans in 1950
at Wistar Institute in Philadelphia [7], it was Jonas Salk who succeeded
in developing the first-ever licensed vaccine against polio–a trivalent
inactivated poliovirus vaccine, called Salk vaccine or IPV in 1955 [8].
The Salk IPV was tested by Thomas Francis in a very large clinical trial
conducted in United State (US) in 1954. This was the first and the
largest controlled clinical trial involving more than 1.8 million
subjects. Around 420,000 children were administered Salk IPV, 200,000 a
placebo, and 1.2 million kids received nothing [3]. This vaccine was
found 60 to 70% effective against poliovirus Type I, and 90% against
other two strains, i.e. Types II and III [9]. The results of this
trial were announced on radio (not published in a journal) on April 12,
1955 and within 2 hours, Salk IPV was licensed in US for mass use [9].
The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (now the March of Dimes)
which was established by US President Franklin Roosevelt in 1938, helped
in industrial production of the Salk IPV. Some European countries
imported the Salk IPV from the US whereas some other like the
Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden started production of Salk IPV in their
own public health production units [9].
The impact of Salk IPV: When IPV was introduced
systematically in the US, ~99% reduction in polio incidence was achieved
when 3 rd dose vaccine
coverage was only <70% in under-5 children [10]. Finland conducted
nation-wide campaigns and eliminated poliovirus transmission by 1962
[11]. Wild polio virus was eliminated when 3rd
dose coverage reached 54% in the total population. Clearly, incidence
decreased even in the unvaccinated, due to retardation of wild
poliovirus transmission (‘herd effect’).
B. Oral Polio Vaccine
Despite the success of Salk vaccine, the efforts to
develop other polio vaccines, particularly the live oral vaccine were
continued. Three US scientists namely Cox, Koprowski and Sabin,
persisted with their quest of a live polio vaccine, the first two
conducted research at Lederle Institute, and Sabin at the University of
Cincinnati [3]. Koprowski later shifted with his candidate vaccine to
Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. All these studies took place outside
the US since it was difficult to find adequate vaccine-naive subjects
due to widespread use of Salk IPV. Hence, Koprowski conducted most of
his trials in Northern Ireland and Congo, Cox in Latin America, and
Sabin in the Soviet Union [9]. Albert Sabin collaborated with his
Russian colleagues to conduct massive trials and had administered his
oral vaccine to around 15 million subjects by July 1960 [3].
Salk maintained that only a single dose would suffice
for primary immunization and immunological memory generated by it would
obviate the need of future boosters. Nevertheless, there was a
perception amongst scientific community that probably the Salk’s vaccine
could not provide long-lasting protection against paralysis and a live
vaccine would be the ideal candidate needed for longer protection. On
the basis of enormous trials by Albert Sabin and the positive review by
Horstmann of the Russian trials, his oral candidate vaccine was
considered better than other oral products developed by his
contemporaries [12-14]. The Sabin vaccine was found to offer durable
immunity, fast onset of action, ease of administration by oral rather
than through injection, and prospect of provision of ‘contact
immunization’ to unvaccinated individuals through passage of live
attenuated viruses in the feces. In August 1960, the US Surgeon General
recommended licensing of the Sabin vaccine [3].
OPV was licensed initially in the USA as monovalent
(m-OPV) and in 1963 as mixture of types 1, 2 and 3 (trivalent, tOPV).
Until 1963, both Salk IPV and Sabin OPV were used in the USA, but by the
1964 tOPV grown in monkey kidney cell culture replaced IPV in USA. So,
the OPV gradually ousted its rival and by 1968, Salk IPV was no longer
being administered in the USA, and manufacturers had stopped producing
it [9]. Although Sabin vaccine had clear-cut advantages over Salk IPV,
few European countries like the Netherlands and Scandinavia continued
exclusive use of the latter in their immunization programs [9]. The risk
of VAPP with Sabin OPV was for the first time suspected in 1962 in USA.
In 1964, a study done there confirmed a definite albeit a very small
risk of VAPP associated with the use of Sabin vaccine [9]. However, the
benefits associated with the use of OPV outscored the small risks
associated with its use. Consequently most US health officials voted in
favor of OPV as a preferred vaccine to take on polio in US. By the end
of 60s and early 70s, Sabin OPV was the main vaccine against
poliomyelitis in majority of the countries world-over [3, 9].
Later, in 1974 when World Health Organization (WHO)
launched the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), OPV was recommended
for use in all low and middle income (LMI) countries. In 1988 when the
GPEI was launched, the OPV was chosen as an exclusive tool for use in
all these countries [15, 16].
C. Improved Salk IPV-the eIPV
Netherlands continued to manufacture Salk IPV
indigenously and also use it in their immunization program. Their
scientists persisted with their efforts to improve it in their research
laboratory, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid (RIV), in Bilthoven. The
IPV produced in the Bilthoven facility was sufficient to meet the entire
country’s need. Later, Hans Cohen, a microbiologist at RIV successfully
produced a combination of Salk’s IPV and DTP vaccine [17]. However, this
process necessitated enhancement in the potency of IPV which needed
large amount of monkey’s kidney cells. The institute’s requirement was
around 5000 Rhesus monkeys per year that had to be imported from Asian
countries. This was one of the major constraints to produce a refined
IPV since around 20% of imported monkeys would die soon after arrival.
Two Dutch microbiologists, Paul van Hemert and Anton van Wezel later
succeeded in improving the molecular genetic techniques to grow
polioviruses that reduced the annual consumption of live rhesus monkeys
at the institute to just seven by 1978. van Wezel grew large quantities
(>thousand folds) of monkey kidney cells along with polioviruses on the
surface of small plastic beads filled in to the stainless steel vessels.
The unit at RIV that used to grow large quantities of microorganisms was
called ‘Bilthoven Unit’. The process was adapted by Van Wezal, and known
as the ‘Bilthoven process’. Tt thus became possible to produce a higher
potency Salk’s IPV with a more refined manufacturing process with proper
standardization. Later in 1978, this improved, high-potency IPV was
field tested in Mali and Burkino Faso by a research establishment formed
by Salk, Cohen, and Charles Mérieux. The new IPV, ‘enhanced-potency IPV’
(eIPV) was found highly efficacious with just two doses [18]. The
Bilthoven process was further improved by propagating the virus in a
cultured monkey kidney cell line at Institut Mérieux. So the
incentives for the Netherlands to develop a more potent and refined IPV
were their determination to become self-sufficient in their domestic
requirement of the vaccine, to administer IPV in a combo DTP-IPV form,
and of course, to avoid their dependency on imported wild monkeys [9].
Today only the improved eIPV is manufactured and supplied to whole world
including USA .
Vaccine Characteristics
A. Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV)
The current generation IPV is made by formalin
inactivation of laboratory-maintained and vero-cell grown wild
poliovirus (WPV) strains known as Mahoney (type 1), MEF-1 (type 2) and
Saukett (type 3). Although IPV is considered safe, there is a risk of
exposure to the wild type strain during the manufacturing process.
During monovalent bulk preparation, vero cells are expanded using two
pre-culture steps and cell culture followed by virus culture. The
poliovirus is purified using normal flow filtration for clarification,
tangential flow filtration for concentration and followed by two
chromatography steps involving size exclusion and ion exchange
chromatography. Purified virus is inactivated using formaldehyde [19].
Subsequently, the virus harvest is concentrated by ultrafiltration and
cellular proteins and DNA removed by column chromatography, prior to
inactivation [20, 21]. Then the three types are mixed to obtain 40, 8
and 32 D antigen units of types 1, 2 and 3, respectively [18]. Potency
is determined by its antigen content, which is designated D [19].
Due to the need to cultivate large amounts of the live polio virus which
involved complex manufacturing and purification processes, exposure of
workers to the live virus must be safely guarded. There is no adjuvant
added to IPV. Since the preservative thiomersal affects IPV potency, in
combination products with DTP it is either avoided or replaced with
2-phenoxy-ethanol [19]. On account of fear of seed-virus
leak, IPV production in low and middle income (LMI) countries is not
allowed for bio-safety reasons. The WHO has set BSL-4, a very high
bio-safety measure, as a requirement for manufacturing IPV at current
manufacturing sites.
Jonas Salk, as described above, did argue in favor of
a single dose of IPV for primary immunization. However, the later trials
in Senegal proved that a single dose of even the new generation
enhanced-potency IPV provided only 36% protection to vaccinated
individuals [22]. Although vaccination schedules vary between countries,
the principle of ‘prime-boost’ is common to all. One dose is sufficient
to ‘prime’, but two are better. ‘Priming’ means generation of immune
memory cells by the first dose of a vaccine that results in a
sub-optimal immune response but ensures a rapid and stronger immune
response to the subsequent dose of the same vaccine. Since residual
maternal passive antibody reduces immune response, the first dose is
ideally delayed beyond 2 months of age. A second dose
given two or more months later completes priming and also acts as
partial booster [23]. Long-lasting immunity will be
achieved with a third dose (booster) given ideally several months later
[24-26]. A fourth dose is given a few years later in some
countries (e.g. USA, UK, Sweden) but it may not be needed to
maintain life-long immunity [26]. IPV causes little or no
local or systemic reactions; in combination vaccines reactions to other
antigens must be expected. Although anaphylaxis is theoretically
possible, none has so far been reported. Although IPV has an excellent
track record on efficacy, it has poor induction of intestinal immunity,
require strict cold-chain maintenance, need booster injections and has
expensive and potentially dangerous manufacturing processes with the
wild type virulent virus [19].
B. Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
OPV is a live attenuated vaccine given by oral route.
OPV immunizes after infection (‘take’) in the intestine. The schedule of
OPV recommended in ‘high income’ countries was three doses given at
intervals of four or more weeks, beginning at or after 2 months of age.
The WHO EPI recommends a dose soon after birth and three more at 6, 10
and 14 weeks of age particularly for developing and LMI countries [27].
The ‘take’ frequency and antibody response rate are lower in many LMI
countries than in high income countries; the adverse factors are
environmental, not ethnic/genetic or nutrition-related [28,29].
By mid-1980s, approximately half the children with polio in India
had already received 3-doses of OPV. On the other hand, vaccine failure
was never a problem in high income countries [30].
Five-dose primary vaccination substantially increases the antibody
response rate [30]. Additional doses are necessary to
close immunity gaps particularly to types 1 and 3. In some parts of
Northern India, even 10 doses of OPV failed to provide adequate immunity
needed to stop transmission of WPV [31]. According to one study, the per
dose efficacy of tOPV was calculated as low as 9% [31]. High incidence
of malnutrition, diarrhea, and interference by other non-polio
enteroviruses were blamed as the main reasons for poor efficacy in these
regions [31].
Until 2005, only tOPV was used but thereafter m-OPV
types 1 and 3 were licensed in several countries that had not
interrupted transmission of WPV 1 or 3 [32, 33]. Type 2 is
dominant in tOPV and interferes with ‘take’ and immune response to types
1 and 3. The type-specific immunogenicity of m-OPVs is 2-3 times higher
than that of tOPV [32]. A bivalent OPV without type 2 (bOPV)
was licensed in 2009 for use in countries that continued to have endemic
WPV 1 and 3. The immunogenicity was found to be non-inferior to mOPVs
Safety issues with oral polio vaccine: Vaccine
polioviruses contained in OPV are attenuated so that they do not retain
their ‘original’ neurovirulence and transmissibility. Nevertheless, two
major adverse effects of OPV are due to reversion of vaccine viruses to
neurovirulece and transmissibility [34]. The first, VAPP, primarily
occurs due to loss of attenuating mutations and reversion to
neurovirulence during replication of the vaccine virus in the gut [35].
VAPP may occur in the vaccine recipient (‘recipient VAPP’, occurring
within 4-40 days of receiving OPV) or contact of the vaccine recipient
(‘contact VAPP’) [35]. The frequency of VAPP varies widely – the
estimated rates are 1 per 750,000 first dose recipients in the USA, 1
per 145,000 birth cohorts in India, and 1 per 100,000 birth cohorts in
Norway [27,36, 37]. According to a recent review, the global risk of
VAPP is estimated to be around 4.7 cases per million births (range,
2.4-9.7) [38].
The second major adverse event associated with OPV is
VDPV which was recognized relatively late in the process of GPEI
operations in the Dominican Republic and Haiti during 2000-2001 [39].
They arise due to mutation and recombination with other enteroviruses in
the human gut and are usually 1-15% divergent from the parent vaccine
virus. The VDPV cases appear in communities with very low rates of
coverage with OPV. Some VDPVs become efficient transmitters – they
circulate in children and cause polio – if 2 cases of polio are caused
by one lineage it called ‘circulating VDPV’ (cVDPV) [39]. The mutations
accumulate at a relatively constant rate — around 1% a year. The
outbreaks caused by VDPVs had biological properties indistinguishable
from those of wild poliovirus [39].
Table I provides key differences in the
characteristics of VAPP and VDPVs. Rarely, vaccine polioviruses
establish chronic intestinal infection in persons with B cell related
immunodeficiencies. The vaccine viruses undergo genetic reversions over
time and such viruses are called ‘immune deficiency-associated VDPV’ (iVDPV)
[40]. Immunodeficiency is also associated with several-fold higher risk
of VAPP and polio developing months or years after chronic infection.
TABLE I Differences Between Vaccine Derived Polio Virus (VDPV) and Vaccine Associated Poliomyelitis (VAPP)
Parameters |
Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis (VAPP) |
Vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) |
Year of discovery |
1956 |
2000 |
Place of discovery |
Republic of Belarus, Russia |
Haiti and Dominican Republic |
Mode of transmission |
Single-vaccine recipients and immediate contacts |
Well-immunized communities and areas of |
low population immunity |
Types |
Recipient and contact VAPP |
Circulating (cVDPV) and ‘immune |
deficiency-associated VDPV’ (iVDPV) |
Recombination with |
No |
Yes |
other enteroviruses |
Probability of occurrence |
1 out of several hundred thousand vacinees |
1 out of 2.4 million vaccinees |
Controversies Surrounding the Polio Vaccines
The Cutter Incident
After his success with invention of an effective
polio vaccine, Jonas Salk got a lot of media attention and public
adulation, but at the same time he was also targeted by his detractors
for the way his vaccine was tried, tested, and licensed [3].
Unfortunately, soon after the launch of Salk-IPV, an incident known as
‘Cutter Incident’ came to the light in which more than 250 vaccinees and
their contacts developed paralytic polio [3]. Later investigations found
that most of the adverse reactions were caused by the vaccine developed
by one manufacturer, Cutter Laboratories. The entire polio vaccination
program was temporarily suspended for the detailed investigations; and
after resumption, more strenuous safety tests were introduced in the
The Simian Virus 40 Episode
In 1960, it was found that the rhesus monkey kidney
cells used to prepare both inactivated and live polio vaccines, were
infected with a new virus called Simian virus 40 (SV40) [3]. Later
investigations revealed that the SV40 had escaped inactivation of polio
vaccines with formaldehyde during their development process. After
recognition of this incident, proper precautions were taken to ensure
complete removal of the virus from vaccine lots. However, this incident
had caused a great deal of anxiety and alarm since SV40 was found to
cause tumors in rodents and many animal species, and was associated with
certain malignancies in humans also. It was feared that hundreds of
millions of individuals across the globe may have been exposed to SV40
by receiving contaminated polio vaccines [3]. However, studies
undertaken later to analyze any deleterious effects associated with the
vaccines contaminated with the SV40 virus in the recipients, did not
find any added risk particularly from cancers associated with
administration of these vaccines [41, 42].
Another controversy erupted in 1990s in which
accusations were made against the late 1950s trials conducted by
Koprowski in Congo with his experimental oral polio vaccine. It was
stated that a Simian virus contaminated few batched of this vaccine
which had facilitated transmission of ‘simian immunodeficiency virus’
(SIV) from chimpanzees to humans and was ultimately responsible for
appearance of HIV/AIDS in humans. This hypothesis was also refuted by
the studies conducted later [43].
OPV versus IPV: Which is the Ideal Vaccine?
Considering the history of inactivated and live polio
vaccine development, and later their public use globally, any discussion
on the superiority of one over the other is replete with passionate
arguments. None of these two vaccines can be termed as an ideal polio
vaccine. Both these vaccines have certain merits and demerits yet they
proved to be having a great complimentary role as far as polio
eradication effort is concerned. Table II provides
attributes of an ‘ideal’ vaccine and evaluates the two polio vaccines on
those parameters. While IPV provides excellent individual protection
without any serious side-effects, OPV is hailed as a great public health
tool in protecting community despite having some safety limitations. As
described above, IPV was incorporated in US immunization schedule in
1955 soon after its successful trial and succeeded in reducing wild
polio incidence by 99% [3]. After the licensure of OPV in US, it was
introduced in the national immunization schedule along with IPV in 1961,
and in 1964 it had completely replaced IPV. OPV was the only polio
vaccine in US and in many European countries for almost next 35 years
till late 1990s when the only polio cases occurring there were caused by
the mutated-Sabin virus (VAPP)[3]. In January 2000, the US switched back
to exclusive use of IPV in place of OPV to thwart any possibility of
polio due to VAPP [9]. This ‘see-saw’ use of the polio vaccines in the
US reflects not only the inherent flaws and strengths of the IPV and
OPV, but also reveals how to best utilize them in a more harmonious way
to obtain desired results.
TABLE II ‘Ideal Vaccine’ Characteristics Compared with Currently Available Polio Vaccines
Attribute |
‘Ideal vaccine’ |
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) |
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) |
Route of administration |
Non-injectable |
Oral |
IM injection |
Thermo-stability |
Heat and freeze stable |
Heat sensitive |
Heat and freeze sensitive |
Humoral immunity |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Mucosal immunity |
Good |
Good |
Poor |
Onset of action |
Fast |
Fast |
Slower than OPV |
Geographic variation in immunity |
No |
Marked variation |
No |
Safety |
No safety issues |
No safety issues |
Safe production |
Widespread and low risk |
Widespread and low risk |
Only in select countries, risk of reintroduction ofWPV from
manufacturing sites |
Cost |
Low |
Low |
High |
Administration schedule |
One dose |
Multiple doses |
At least 3 doses |
Duration of immunity |
Life long |
Probably lifelong |
Probably lifelong |
Administration in NIP |
Routine immunization |
Routine immunization |
Routine immunization and small- |
and SIAs |
and SIAs |
scale SIAs |
Cold storage space |
Small |
Small |
Small (<5–7% of total volume) |
Waste management |
No risk |
No risk |
Sharp disposal |
(Adapted from Bandyopadhyay AS, Garon J, Seib K, Orenstein
WA. Polio vaccination: past, present and future. Future
Microbiol. 2015;10:791-808.) im.: Intramuscular; IPV:
Inactivated polio vaccine; OPV: Oral polio vaccine; SIA:
Supplemental immunization activity; VAPP: Vaccine-associated
paralytic poliomyelitis; VDPV: Vaccine-derived poliovirus; WPV:
Wild polio virus; NIP: National immunization program. |
Future Perspectives
The coordinated use of OPV and IPV has eliminated
wild polio from the entire globe, barring two endemic countries [1]. The
strategies to eliminate risks of polio due to vaccine viruses contained
in OPV referred as ‘endgame’ in GPEI’s parlance, are now underway. The
process of administration of at least a single dose of IPV in national
immunization schedules of all the OPV using countries has been already
initiated and global ‘switch’ from tOPV to bOPV has occurred in April
2016 [44]. Hopefully, IPV will be successful in providing adequate
individual protection against both wild as well as vaccine derived
polio. However, there are substantial financial and logistical
challenges to its implementation worldwide. Furthermore, there are
certain scientific issues that must be addressed before universal IPV
use is deemed permanent and safe.
High cost and limited supply of IPV are the two major
constraints associated with widespread use of IPV in resource-limited
LMI countries. To address these issues, GPEI is pursuing different
approaches that include cutting down the number of IPV doses for routine
immunization (RI), sparing doses via intradermal fractional-dose
administration, and employing adjuvants to reduce antigen quantity [45].
To sort out the operational difficulty associated with intradermal
injections with needles and syringes, other alternative delivery systems
like microneedle adapters and intradermal needles, needle-free jet
injectors, and microneedle patches are explored. Recently, IPV type 2
vaccine delivered to rat skin via high density microprojection array (‘Nanopatch’),
has elicited potent neutralizing antibody responses in rats [46].
The shortage of adequate amount of IPV in global
market is the greatest challenge in front of GPEI today. A stable,
uninterrupted supply of IPV for use in LMI countries will likely require
substantial increases in worldwide production capacity. Scaling up the
existing manufacturing base has failed to meet the demand of the vaccine
in some large countries like India. The issues of supply can only be
addressed by allowing and building production facilities of IPV in
developing countries. However, ensuring containment of wild-type
polioviruses, from which the current IPV is made, in new production
facilities that lack experience and that are situated in regions with
inadequate population immunity raises major concerns. Thus, development
of IPV from non-pathogenic strains becomes a top priority. Many such
options are available [47], but development of ‘Sabin IPV’ (both
adjuvanted and unadjuvanted forms) with the use of Sabin vaccine virus
as seed virus is the only option currently in advanced stages of
completion [48].
As far as improvement in existing OPV formulations or
development of ‘novel’ OPV is concerned, the research has reached almost
to a ‘dead end’ since oral vaccine is on its way of phasing out
gradually from the global usage under cover of IPV. However, the GPEI
will stockpile and utilize monovalent OPVs during post-eradication era
to deal with any new outbreaks of wild or vaccine viruses.
In conclusion, thanks to these vaccines, the world is
now on the verge of eradication of yet another vaccine-preventable
disease after smallpox. Perhaps the success could have been achieved
much earlier, and with less intensive effort had different tactics were
adopted right from the beginning to tackle limitations of these two
vaccines [49]. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the transmission of
all types of WPVs has almost been halted globally from all the countries
barring two. Now the GPEI has to expedite WPV elimination from the
remaining countries along with efficient removal of vaccine polioviruses
contained in OPV under cover of universal IPV use in a globally
synchronised manner so that the gains achieved so far are made
Acknowledgment: We are highly thankful to
Dr T Jacob John, Professor of Clinical Virology (Retired), Christian
Medical College, Vellore, TN, India for allowing us to cite from his
unpublished work on polio vaccines and polio eradication.
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