Indian Pediatr 2020;57:
842-847 |
Integration in Medical Education
Musharraf Husain,1,3
Sabina Khan2,3
and Dinesh Badyal4
From Departments of 1Surgery, 2Pathology and
3Medical Education Unit, Hamdard Institute of Medical
Sciences and Research (HIMSR), Jamia Hamdard, Delhi, India: and 4Department
of Pharmacology and Medical Education, Christian Medical College,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
Correspondence to: Dr Musharraf Husain, Professor and Head,
Department of Surgery HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, Delhi 110 062, India.
The term integration has gained
importance in Medical education over the last two decade, and is
believed to facilitate knowledge, that is more meaningful to clinical
practice. A move towards integration in medical education is likely to
reduce fragmentation of the medical course and motivate students towards
better learning, It aims to improve medical education by bridging the
traditional barrier between basic and clinician sciences. Integration is
one of the major changes incorporated in the new competency based
curriculum for undergraduate medical program in India. There are
associated changes in the assessment system too in relation to
integration. However, the concept of integration/integrated curriculum
lacks significant clarity as how to implement it in medical institutions
with added paucity of literature on this important topic. Integrated
teaching is the integration of the concepts wherein various
subject-based knowledge or aspects of one theme or topic areassimilated
to provide the holistic approach. Our review focusses on the need for
integration with comparative analysis of the two most important models
of integration (Fogarty and Harden) which are being followed, delving on
their common features for simplifying this complex topic as well as for
better understanding of the concept. We have also proposed six steps for
implementation of integration. We conclude that the proposed change from
conventional to new integrated curriculum requires robust planning and
coordination amongst the various stakeholders in medical institutions.
Keywords: Competency-based medical education,
Curriculum, Multi disciplinary.
All of us are aware of the importance of term
"integration". The concept of life or even the whole universe is
non-existent without integration. We cannot compartmentalize our body
into various systems or organs, everything in the body has to work in
coordination with each other just to stay alive. This is not only true
for human lives but also holds true for all kinds of system in the
universe- be it natural or man-made. We have given this example of human
body just to stress upon the importance of integration in medicine as
medical education is all about dealing with human body, its function,
diseases and treatment.
Integration in medical education is best described by
Harden as ‘the organization of teaching matter to interrelate or unify
subjects frequently taught in separate academic courses or departments’
‘(Harden et al, 1984) [1]. Shoemaker also defines an integrated
curriculum as "education that is organized in such a way that it cuts
across subject matter lines, bringing together various aspects of the
curriculum into meaningful association to focus upon broad areas of
study" [2].
Undertraditional curriculum in India, majority of the
medical colleges teach subjects in isolation without much effort to
integrate the basic/paraclinical with the clinical subjects. An
integrated curriculum provides a platform where learning takes place in
a context (contextual learning). It also promotes a holistic approach to
patients and their problems. The learning theory ‘constructivism’ behind
the integration of basic and clinical sciences states that learner needs
to understand the concepts in basic sciences and make connections with
its applicability in clinical sciences. There should be development of
construction of understanding the relevance of learning basic sciences
In this review, we will discuss, how to develop,
implement and evaluate an integrated curriculum. Let us start by
reviewing the importance of integrated curriculum and why it is the need
of the hour.
Purpose of Integration
Knowledge is most effective when the organization of
that knowledge matches the way in which the knowledge is to be used [4].
It is believed that the current system of medical education is
fragmented, the subjects are taught in isolation with unnecessary
repetitions and there is no structured or systematic effort to
interrelate the concepts of various diseases [5,6]. For example, when
students are taught about liver in different disciplines without any
integration, they may develop the concept of anatomical liver,
physiological liver, pathological liver and so on without getting the
holistic concept of the body and various diseases in the context of
liver. As a result, it is left to the students to understand or develop
the correlation between the topics taught in various disciplines.
Human body is a perfect example of integration. The
knowledge learnt in isolation remains to be applied to a complex system
like human body. The basic idea of integration is to develop a holistic
approach to treat that particular disease affecting human body. It is
true that body is divided into systems and organs but they always work
in unison with highest level of coordination possible. Similarly, it is
important to have coordination between subjects to understand the body
and the diseases better, so that when a student sees a patient, it
should all come together.
An integrated approach in medical education captures
students’ attention and creates more excitement in learning, prevents
repetition, enhances reinforcement of important areas or topics, and
improves retention of learning [7]. The long-pending demand of students
that basic and clinical sciences should be integrated can be achieved
with this approach. Basic sciences’ role is well documented for learning
of clinical sciences [8]. The students trained with such an integrated
curriculum, make more accurate diagnosis than students trained in a
conventional curriculum as they learn to apply their knowledge to
clinical practice as a result of more contextual learning. This promotes
a holistic approach to patients and their problems. It also promotes
interdepartmental collaboration and helps in rationalization of teaching
resources [9,10]. It was interesting to note that in various workshops
conducted at various medical colleges, few faculty members got
introduced to each other for the first time; although, they had been
working in the same institute for long.
Here, it is important to understand that in our body,
each and every cell, every tissue, organ and system has its own
importance and they need to develop fully for any kind of coordination
to be successful. Similarly, each and every discipline or subject is
important and should also have their identity maintained but never in
isolation. It is just like a rainbow where the different colours
maintain their identity but are very closely assimilated to showcase
their features. The impact of a rainbow is different than the single
colours. In medical curricula also there has to be a balance between
integrated teaching and discipline-based teaching.
Integration has traditionally been divided into three
types based on two basic components of curriculum as reference points
that is time frame and clinical disciplines/ subjects [11].
Horizontal Integration: Integration that occurs
across disciplines/subjects but within a finite period of time. For
example, integration among subjects of first phase of undergraduate
curriculum in India. (Fig. 1a).
Vertical Integration: Integration across time –
it breaks the traditional divide among the basic science and clinical
subjects and brings them together. For example, integration among
subjects of different phases (Fig. 1b)
Spiral Integration: This is the integration
across time and disciplines. It is the most complete form combining both
horizontal and vertical integration. The major advantage of this model
is the better reinforcement of topics through a natural progression from
simple to complex using a curriculum that breaks down the barriers and
boundaries between the courses and the departments [12] (Fig.
Over the last few decades, medical educationists have
realized the importance of integration and understand that integration
is a key factor in the delivery of an effective educational program [9].
The two most discussed models for the development of integrated
curriculum are the ten ways to integrate Curriculum by Robin Fogarty
[13], and the integration ladder by Harden [14].
We have tried to compare and correlate these two
models for better understanding and simplification (Table I
and web table I).
Table I Comparison of Two Common Models of Integration
S.No. |
11 steps on the integration
Common description
Ten ways to integrate
ladder (Harden, 2000) [14] |
curriculum (Fogarty, 1991) [14]
1 |
Isolation |
Various disciplines /departments organize their
The fragmented model |
teaching without considering other departments
or subjects |
2 |
Awareness |
Teacher is made aware of what is covered in other
subjects through appropriate documentation about
aims and objectives of each course |
3 |
Harmonization |
The Disciplines remain separate but the teacher may |
The connected model |
make explicit connection within the subject areas
to other subjects |
4 |
Nesting (Infusion) |
The teacher targets within a subject based course, |
The nested model
few objectives relating to other subjects. Contents
drawn from different subjects are used to enrich the
teaching of a particular subject |
5 |
Temporal coordination |
The related topics within a subject are taught |
The sequenced model
separately but are sequenced / arranged/scheduled
at same time in consultationwith other subjects. |
6 |
Sharing |
Two disciplines may agree to plan and jointly |
The shared model
implement a teaching program using overlapping
concepts or ideas as organising elements |
7 |
Correlation |
Within the subject based framework, integrated
teaching sessions are introduced. These sessions
bring together areas of common interest in each
8 |
Complementary programme |
It has both subject based and integrated teaching. |
The basic difference with correlation is that the
percentage of integrated sessions are increased |
9 |
Multidisciplinary |
This step brings together a number of subject areas
in a single course with themes, problems or issues as
the focus of teaching. The subjects/ disciplines still
preserve their identity and demonstrate how they |
contribute to the understanding of the theme or
problem. |
10 |
Inter-disciplinary |
The subject/discipline boundaries become blurred.
The integrated model |
There may be no reference to individual subjects or
disciplines as they are not identified in the timetable.
Interdisciplinary teaching implies a higher level of
integration, with the content of all or most subjects
combined into a new course with a new menu [15]. |
11 |
Trans-disciplinary |
There are no subjects or discipline. There is only one |
subject for education, and that is Life in all its mani- |
festations [16].The teacher provides the framework
of learning opportunity and the integration takes
place in the mind of the students based on situations
of the real world. |
Two integrated teaching models given by Fogarty which
are not correlating with any of the steps of Harden ladder are the
threaded model and the networked model. The threaded model of
integration thread various concepts and skills throughout various
disciplines. Teaching sessions are planned according to the identified
skills or concepts. In the networked model, the learners themselves,
knowing the intricacies and dimensions of their field, can target the
necessary resources as they explore within and across their areas of
specialization [13]. For example, the option of selecting electives in a
course. Students chooses their own areas of interest and during the
electives, he or she may come across number of experts in the field and
develop the networking.
Integrated Curriculum vs Integrated Teaching
The difference between integrated curriculum and
integrated teaching is almost similar to the difference between syllabus
and curriculum. Integrated teaching is limited to one particular session
or topic which can be achieved either by individual efforts or
collectively by the concerned departments, while integrated curriculum
requires effort at larger level, mostly institutional with multiple
sessions of integrated teaching. Nesting, the fourth step in the Harden
ladder is an example of integrated teaching while the temporal
coordination, the fifth step in the ladder is not an integration in true
sense as there is no connection between the subjects or the topics, they
merely are aligned together. Actual curricular integration starts from
the seventh step i.e., Correlation. Integrated teaching is an all
or none phenomenon, either it is integrated, or not integrated while
integrated curriculum is a continuum from incomplete to complete.
This is usually documented during the development of
curriculum whether all the teaching sessions will be integrated or a
particular percentage of the curricular delivery will be integrated.
Medical Council of India (MCI), in their recent revision of curriculum,
have suggested that at least 20% of the curriculum should be integrated
and they have also provided examples of the areas where integration can
take place [17].
Integration is represented as a continuum with full
integration at one end, discipline-based teaching at the other end, and
intermediate steps between the two extremes [18]. Integrated curricula
can also be labelled as complete or incomplete. Horizontal and vertical
integration are examples of incomplete integration while spiral
integration is an example of true or complete integration.
The change from traditional subject-based curriculum
to an integrated curriculum should be gradual and starts with the
understanding of one’s place in the integration ladder. Most of the
teachers agree with the value and importance of integration but are not
sure about the extent of integration required and how to go about it.
The institution should take into consideration the existing curriculum,
experience and training of the teachers, existing infrastructure and
most importantly the aim of the curriculum, before deciding on the level
of integration. The higher one moves up the integration ladder, the
greater coordination and communication is required amongst different
disciplines [14].
Before actually going for its implementation, it is
important to understand that integrated teaching or curriculum is the
integration of the concepts where various subject based knowledge or
aspects of one theme or topic is assimilated to provide the holistic
approach. Integration does not mean that multiple teachers from
different subjects are delivering their lectures in the same session.
Planning of the session is usually done before the actual teaching
session by subject experts/ teachers about the content and delivery
methods. It is not always necessary to actually involve the teachers of
different subjects during the teaching sessions; they are mostly
involved at the planning level only. However, if you think that getting
a surgeon into anatomy class can encourage/motivate students to learn
anatomy in context, then that can be done.
Six Steps of Integration in Curriculum-implementation
1. Train the teaching faculty:
Implementation of integrated curriculum requires lot of dedication
and coordination among faculty members of different disciplines.
Still there are lot of reservations and doubts about the utility of
the integrated curriculum. Faculty members should be sensitized
about the importance and objectives of integrated curriculum. They
should be explained about their roles and responsibilities towards
the integrated curriculum. The new undergraduate medical curriculum
implementation in India is being supported by MCI by training
teachers in MCI affiliated medical colleges through Curriculum
Implementation Support Program (CISP). The programme trains teachers
in integrated teaching too. However, training requires longer
sessions as well as refresher courses at all levels.
2. Level of integration: Integration is
possible only when the components or the building blocks are ready.
In medical education, basic sciences are our building blocks and
that is the why most educationists feel that there is a need for
both subject based as well as integrated experience in the
curriculum, and it is not advisable to have an integrated curriculum
where individual disciplines completely lose their identity [1]. We
should also understand that higher level of integration is difficult
in basic sciences/phase I undergraduate course, so the integration
level should also be different at different phases of undergraduate
education. Harden ladder is a good guide to decide on the level of
integration. Nesting and temporal coordination (incomplete
horizontal integration) are easily possible at basic science level,
while correlation, complementary program and multi-disciplinary
steps are better suited for last phases of the undergraduate
curriculum. Medical Council of India has given us freedom to choose
between nesting, temporal coordination, sharing and correlation
(Steps 4-7 of Harden ladder) at various phases of the undergraduate
course [17]. The level will also depend on the topic and
competencies chosen for integration.
3. Assign the responsibilities: The next
step is to create committees or groups of faculty members across
different disciplines. There should be an adequate representation
from both basic sciences and concerned clinical subjects. The
committee should not only be responsible for developing the
integrated modules of teaching but also coordinating in its actual
implementation. In the new MBBS guidelines, this responsibility has
been assigned to Alignment and Integrated Topic (AITo) team.
4. Develop integrated teaching modules or
sessions: The most crucial step in the integrated curriculum is
to develop the teaching modules. A module is a set of learning
opportunities with respect to a well-defined topic or problem that
contains specific objectives, teaching learning activities and
assessment strategies [19]. Integrated modules may include body
systems like cardiovascular system, life cycles like childhood, core
problem based like chest pain, thematic like organ failure
[8,20,21]. The module should be developed for all phases together so
that integration is pre-decided for all phases for a particular
5. Design Integrated Assessment: Though
development of a complete module includes assessment, we have
decided to mention it as a separate step just to stress upon the
importance of assessment in the curriculum. What is assessed and
which methods are used for assessment will play an important role in
what is learnt and how it is learnt [21]. The success of integrated
curriculum depends on the implementation of integrated assessment
[1]. Methods assessing the higher level of cognitive domain should
be used. Various assessment methods suggested for integrated
teaching are Reflective writing [23], Clinical Reasoning Exercises
[24], Concept maps [25], Long essay questions [26], Progress tests
[27], and Problem-based multiple-choice questions [28].
6. Delivery of the integrated curriculum:
A timetable should be prepared for all the integrated teaching
sessions inclusive of theme of the integrated teaching session,
teaching learning methods with duration of each methodology along
with the name of the faculty member. This time table should be
incorporated in the main time table of each phase for the purpose of
There are many challenges in developing and
implementing integrated teaching in a curriculum. These include lack of
will, lack of good leadership support, inadequate
infrastructure/resources, prefixed mindsets, and faculty resistance due
to fear of more work. There are many myths associated with integrated
curriculum like multiple teachers will be required for one integrated
session, integrated curriculum will create more confusion, department
will lose its identity and faculty will lose its importance in
discipline-based compartments etc.
However, the challenges provide opportunities to
innovate and experiment with various models of integration and evaluate
their utility in the Indian context, especially in the new curriculum.
Integration in medical education is the need of the
hour as we move towards holistic healthcare. The two main models of
integration given by Fogarty and Harden are compared and commonalities
discussed for better understanding of the concept. The various levels
and models of integration provide a lead to innovate more in integrating
the disciplines for better contextual learning. Integration can be
implemented from the early years of the undergraduate teaching, and
higher level of integration is possible as the learners progress through
the course. The process of change from conventional to new integrated
curriculum is difficult, yet achievable, and requires robust planning
and coordination amongst the medical educationists at all the levels.
Acknowledgement: Dr Fatimah BV for designing the
Contributors: All the authors were involved in
reviewing the literature and preparing the article.
Funding: None; Competing interest: None
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