Indian Pediatr 2020;57: 791-792 |
Effect of Delayed Cord Clamping on Iron
Stores in Infancy
Siddarth Ramji
Director-Professor, Department of Neonatology,
Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
Email: [email protected]
T his issue of Indian Pediatrics has
published a meta-analysis on the effect of delayed cord clamping
in term infants on anemia in infancy by Fu, et al. [1].
The present systematic review included 12 studies which had 993
infants in the delayed cord clamping (DCC) group and 989 infants
in early cord clamping group (ECC). The review concluded that
the hemoglobin and serum ferritin were significantly higher in
infancy in the DCC group, compared to the ECC group. The
conclusions are not different from the review by McDonald, et
al. [2], which included 5 studies (620 in DCC and 532 in
ECC), and concluded that infants in the late clamping group were
less likely to be anemic at 3-6 months of age. However, both
reviews observed high heterogeneity in the reported results,
which could be due several reasons – the way iron deficiency is
defined, maternal iron status, type of feeding, proportion of
low birth weight babies, etc. The review by Fu, et al.
[1] has added two other possible variables that could
potentially contribute to the heterogeneity i.e,
ethnicity and timing of delayed cord clamping. Studies that use
serum ferritin alone as a measure of iron deficiency, without
concomitant hemoglobin measurement, are fraught with the risk of
missing iron deficiency if serum ferritin is elevated due to
infection (as an inflammatory response). This could be a
potential confounding, especially in low-resource settings where
infection rates tend to be high. Studies observing the effect of
interventions on anemia in infancy should therefore include
C-reactive protein to exclude concomitant infection, along with
serum ferritin and hemoglobin measurements.
While there is evidence of the benefits of
DCC on iron stores in term infants, its effect on iron stores in
preterm infants beyond the neonatal period is limited. In a
small trial in 37 preterm neonates over a decade ago, Ultee,
et al. [3] observed that at 10 weeks, the DCC group had
higher hemoglobin values. Trials of DCC versus ECC in
preterm infants may not be easy in the present time, as clamping
the cord late is increasingly being recommended and practiced as
the norm, and thus could pose an ethical challenge for the
conduct of such trials. The only possibility could be varying
the timing of cord clamping beyond 60 seconds. The appropriate
timing of cord clamping when benefits could cease to occur or
harm (if any) could manifest, is unknown and hence should be
explored. One of the reasons to examine such questions could be
the need to validate observations such as by Fu, et al.
[1] that benefits of increased iron stores may not accrue if
cord is clamped beyond 120 secs.
There have been reports that low cord
ferritin could be a potential biomarker to predict brain iron
deficiency and dysfunction as evidenced by lower psychomotor
scores at 1 year with iron deficiency due to maternal
gestational diabetes [4]. Gupta and Ramji [5], in a randomized
trial, observed that term infants born to anemic mothers who
underwent DCC were at lower odds for anemia at 3 months compared
to those in the ECC group. Thus, in regions of the world with
high burden of maternal anemia, DCC has the potential to
positively impact iron stores in infants and their
neurodevelopment outcomes as has been demonstrated by Andersson,
et al. [6] in term infants in Sweden. To see its effect
in low-resource settings, the same authors had designed a trial
comparing DCC and ECC on neurodevelopment to be conducted in
Nepal [7]; the trial was registered in 2014 but is apparently
not recruiting as per information available at the trial
registry site.
While trialists continue in their endeavor to
untangle the influence of the effects of confounding on the
timing of cord clamping and iron stores, current practice
guidelines to delay cord clamping to atleast 60 seconds should
be vigorously pursued given the available evidence of its
benefits, which possibly goes beyond improving iron status in
infancy and more importantly no harm having been demonstrated.
Competing interests: None stated;
Funding: None.
1. Fu X, Dang D, Li S, Xu Z, Wu H. Effect of
delayed versus early cord clamping on improving anemia in
term infants aged two months or older - A meta-analysis. Indian
Pediatr. 2020;57:815-9.
2. McDonald SJ, Middleton P, Dowswell T,
Morris PS. Effect of timing of umbilical cord clamping of term
infants on maternal and neonatal outcomes. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev. 2013;2013:CD004074.
3. Ultee CA, van der Deure J, Swart J, Lasham
C, van Baar AL. Delayed cord clamping in preterm infants
delivered at 34-36 weeks’ gestation: A randomized controlled
trial. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2008;93:F20-3.
4. Cusick SE, Georgieff MK, Rao R. Approaches
for reducing the risk of early-life iron deficiency-induced
brain dysfunction in children. Nutrients. 2018;10:227.
5. Gupta R, Ramji S. Effect of delayed cord
clamping on iron stores in infants born to anemic mothers: A
randomized controlled trial. Indian Pediatr. 2002;39:130-5.
6. Andersson O, Lindquist B, Lindgren M,
Stjernqvist K, Domellöf M, Hellström-Westas L. Effect of delayed
cord clamping on neurodevelopment at 4 years of age: A
randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2015;169:631-8.
7. Kc A, Målqvist M, Rana N, Ranneberg
LJ, Andersson O. Effect of timing of umbilical cord clamping on
anaemia at 8 and 12 months and later neurodevelopment in late
pre-term and term infants; A facility-based,
randomized-controlled trial in Nepal. BMC Pediatr. 2016;16:35.