Indian Pediatr 2019;56:767-771 |
Mass Administration of
Azithromycin to Prevent Pre-school Childhood Mortality: Boon or
Source Citation:
Keenan JD, Arzika AM, Maliki R, Boubacar N, Elh Adamou S, Moussa Ali
M, et al. Longer-term assessment of azithromycin for reducing
childhood mortality in Africa. N Engl J Med. 2019;380:2207-14.
Section Editor:
Abhijeet Saha
A group of American researchers funded by the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation examined the effect of mass administration
of azithromycin, on mortality in pre-school children. This was done
through a community-based randomized controlled trial (RCT) designated
MORDOR-I, conducted in Malawi, Niger, and Tanzania [1]. MORDOR is an
acronym for the French title of the study. Community clusters of
children (1 month to 5-year-old) were randomized to receive either
azithromycin (single dose 20 mg/kg, administered twice a year for 2
years) or identical placebo (in the same dosage schedule). The overall
mortality rate (expressed as deaths per 1000 person years) was 13.5%
lower in the treatment arm, with 95% confidence interval 6.7% to 19.8%
(hence statistically significant). However, detailed analysis showed
that only communities in Niger had statistically significant mortality
reduction to the extent of 18% (95% CI 10%, 25.5%), whereas those in
Malawi and Tanzania did not. Thus, the overall mortality reduction was
largely due to the reduction in Niger. This significant inter-country
difference was partly attributed to higher baseline mortality in Niger,
and stronger effect of mass azithromycin administration in such settings
[2]. The investigators then evaluated the administration of two doses of
azithromycin (6 months apart) in children from both groups of
communities in Niger only. Thus, communities in the original
Azithromycin group (in MORDOR-I) received a total of 6 doses, whereas
those in the original placebo group received 2 doses. This part of the
study has been designated MORDOR-II [3], and is examined in detail here.
Communities in Malawi and Tanzania that did not show mortality decline
were not evaluated any further.
The primary outcome in MORDOR-II [3] was the same as
in MORDOR-I viz. all-cause mortality at the community level.
Secondary outcomes included intra-group comparison of mortality.
Although safety data were mentioned in the manuscript [3], the data were
not presented. The results showed a comparable mortality rate (expressed
as deaths per 1000 person-years) among children who received 6 doses of
azithromycin over three years versus those who received 2 doses
over 1 year. In contrast, the mortality after administration of 2 doses
and 4 doses of azithromycin (versus similar doses of placebo) was
16.0% and 20.3% lower respectively, in the azithromycin group.
Intra-group comparison showed that mortality in the original placebo
group was 26.3 at the end of year 1 of MORDOR-I, 28.0 at the end of year
2 of MORDOR-I, and 24.0 at the end of MORDOR-II. This translated to an
overall (statistically significant) 13.5% reduction in mortality between
pre-MORDOR-I and post-MORDOR-II. In contrast, the intra-group comparison
in the azithromycin group showed a 3.6% higher mortality after
MORDOR-II, compared to before MORDOR-I (although the difference was not
statistically significant). The authors reiterated their original
conclusion that mass administration of azithromycin reduced mortality
among pre-school children in Niger [1,3], and additional administration
of two doses did not appear to wane this effect. However, there was no
additional benefit on mortality with the third year of mass azithromycin
Evidence-based Medicine Viewpoint
Relevance: Azithromycin was discovered in 1980,
and has broad antimicrobial activity. Researchers are intrigued, if mass
administration of Azithromycin is capable of decreasing mortality in
children. Trachoma Amelioration in Northern Amhara (TANA) trial,
conducted in Ethiopia, showed that mass administration of azithromycin
for trachoma halved all-cause mortality among children 1 to 9 years of
age in communities that received azithromycin. Similarly, mass
administration of azithromycin had shown to reduce morbidity associated
with infectious diseases in Gambian children. MORDOR trail is another
attempt to answer the complex questions associated with mass
administration of Azithromycin.
Critical appraisal
Study design and procedures: In the MORDOR-I
trial [1], community clusters in each country were randomized by
assigning one of ten alphabets to each. These ten alphabets were
randomly coded to azithromycin or placebo. Thus, the sequence generation
was unpredictable and hence acceptable. However, since block
randomization (with variable block sizes) was not used, there is a
theoretical possibility of predictability towards the end of the
randomization procedure, and unequal number of communities in each
group. The process of allocation concealment is unclear; although, it
appears that centralized allocation was done. Blinding of participating
communities, outcome assessors and most investigators was adequately
done. MORDOR-II [3] continued with the original allocation and involved
the administration of two doses of azithromycin to both groups of
communities. Hence in that sense, although it was a component of the
original RCT, it is an observational study comparing the effect of three
years’ azithromycin administration versus one year; as well as
intra-group mortality estimates over time.
The investigators’ a priori sample size
calculation required 624 community clusters to be included [3], whereas
only 594 were eventually included. However, post-hoc analysis
suggested adequate power.
Strengths and limitations: This study had several
strengths including robust design, community-based randomization, and
inclusion of a highly meaningful outcome (relevant to individual
children, communities and policy-makers). Sophisticated study procedures
were deployed to minimize selection and ascertainment biases inherent in
this type of study. The investigators also acknowledged salient
limitations in their study, and did not try to over-sell the
implications of their findings.
However, there are a number of issues that warrant
closer attention. The investigators reported neither the pre-study
baseline mortality rate in each country [1] nor its relationship to the
pre-trial baseline mortality rate in each group. This would have been
helpful to understand whether the communities participating in the trial
reflected the baseline status of each country as a whole. Unfortunately,
it is difficult to obtain this information from other sources as well.
The authors did not present the mortality data by the
number of doses administered. MORDOR-I showed that infants younger than
6 months had the greatest mortality reduction in all three countries [1]
suggesting that one dose alone may have been sufficient. However, it is
possible that similar reductions in mortality were not observed in older
age groups because the benefit was counter-balanced by increasing
bacterial resistance with greater number of doses. Thus, it would be
important to examine the relationship between the number of doses
administered and mortality pattern.
Safety issues: Mass administration of
azithromycin in trachoma control programs (wherein infants older than 6
months are included) have been associated with side effects. In young
infants, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is one of the more serious side
effects associated with azithromycin [4]. Among adults, cardiac event
related deaths have also been reported [5]. A recent systematic review
[6] reported that macrolides in general increased the risk of myocardial
infarction, but not arrhythmia. This effect was greater with
erythromycin and clarithromycin than azithromycin. The safety of
azithromycin in children is still under investigation [7].
In MORDOR-I [1], parents of children were expected to
approach village leaders for any suspected adverse event; they in turn
passed on the information up the chain of command till the Data
Coordinating Centre in San Francisco. Naturally, this passive
surveillance could miss potentially important adverse events.
In addition, a component of limited active
surveillance for side effects was built in, but only for infants <6
months old, and that too in 30 randomly chosen community clusters [8].
This component was thus restricted to only about 1700 of several
thousand participating infants. The investigators found no differences
between the azithromycin and placebo groups for the most frequent
adverse events such as diarrhea, vomiting, and skin rash. Additional
symptoms solicited were abdominal pain, nausea, dyspepsia, constipation,
and haemorrhoids – although it is unclear how the first three of these
were detected in infants <6 months old. No serious adverse events
(notably infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis) were detected. A
systematic review of 183 studies including over 2.5 lakh participants
reported additional unpleasant adverse events including taste
disturbances and hearing loss [9]; these were not examined in the trial
[1,3]. Comparison of "any health problem" and "any health problem
requiring clinic visit" also showed similar distribution between
azithromycin and placebo recipients. From these data, the investigators
concluded that azithromycin was safe in young infants.
However, it is important to note that despite
comparable event frequency in the two groups, the absolute proportion of
affected children was fairly high. At least one adverse event was
reported in nearly one-third of infants, and over a third of these
required clinic visits. Almost one in five infants had diarrhea – a
condition thought to be treated by azithromycin. This raises an
important issue whether the comparability of adverse event frequency in
the two groups actually translate to safety? One wonders whether the
vehicle in which azithromycin was dispersed (which incidentally was the
placebo preparation) could independently contribute to side effects.
This is important because though azithromycin itself may be safe, its
administration may not be as safe. This issue could have tremendous
implications for policy-makers and program managers considering mass
azithromycin in their communities. The only way to resolve this would
have been to record the frequency of adverse events in an additional arm
of the trial wherein infants did not receive either azithromycin or
placebo. This would be especially relevant because the comparator used
in this trial (placebo) is not the usual standard of care, hence could
be easily omitted in control group children. This also raises the
ethical issue of whether infants in the trial were exposed to
potentially undesirable adverse events through their participation in
the trial.
From the research angle, an important lesson is that
although placebo administration to control group participants is the
ideal way to minimize bias while testing efficacy of interventions, it
may not be the ideal comparator to test safety.
The investigators attempted to suggest additional
safety of azithromycin by emphasizing that mortality was lower in those
who received it (than those who received placebo) [1,10]. This argument
is untenable for two reasons. First, morality was recorded over six
months after administration. If mortality related to the intervention
was an outcome of interest for evaluating safety, it should have been
separately recorded within the timeframe of minutes to days after
administration. Only this would enable capturing allergy/anaphylaxis
mediated mortality, as well as the effect of somewhat delayed serious
side effects. Second, the confidence intervals of mortality reduction
estimates in Tanzania and Malawi in MORDOR-I overlapped zero, suggesting
that azithromycin could increase (rather than decrease) mortality in
these communities. A separate analysis of mortality data [10] suggested
that in all three participating countries, children were less likely to
have died early in the treatment arm relative to the control arm.
Although this could be interpreted to mean that azithromycin was safe,
it could also suggest that placebo was unsafe.
Another issue related to safety is the potential
impact of enhancing bacterial resistance to azithromycin through mass
administration. This has been documented in trachoma control programs
(although C. trachomatis itself does not appear to have become
resistant) [11], hence requires close monitoring, especially when young
children are involved. The investigators examined azithromycin
resistance in 30 community clusters in Niger, randomly selected from the
participating communities in the MORDOR-I trial. The proportion of
Pneumococcus (isolated in nasopharyngeal swabs) was compared among
pre-school children receiving azithromycin versus placebo, after
four successive administrations. In addition, rectal specimens were
examined for macrolide resistance determinants. The data showed 325%
increase in resistance among Pneumococcus, and 50% increase in the
prevalence of macrolide resistance determinants in the gut. Thus, the
short-term benefits of mass azithromycin administration could be offset
by the challenging long-term consequences related to azithromycin
resistance. This could pose not only research and programmatic
challenges, but ethical challenges as well.
Biological mechanism: What could be the mechanism
by which azithromycin reduced mortality in young infants in only one
country? This question has worried the investigators also. One
explanation could be the anti-microbial efficacy, since azithromycin
impacts organisms related to respiratory tract infection, diarrhea and
even malaria [12,13]. It is pertinent that a very recent online
publication showed that children receiving azithromycin had
significantly reduced quantum of 35 bacteria (in particular two
Campylobacter species) in the gut microbiome, compared to those
receiving placebo [14]. On the other hand, since a single dose of 20
mg/kg is unlikely to sustain therapeutic levels beyond a few days, could
there be a prophylactic mechanism? This has not been explored in detail.
Further, azithromycin is associated with diverse clinically relevant
effects, raising the possibility that non anti-microbial effects may be
involved [15].
Ethical issues: Does this trial [1] and its
subsequent follow-up [3] raise ethical issues? The basis for initiating
the trial was the successful mass azithromycin administration program
(among older infant, children, and adults) for trachoma control,
endorsed by the World Health Organization. This success, aligned to the
goal of improving health across the world, made it possible to explore
the effect even in younger infants. A group of scientists suggested that
it could be inappropriate to withhold mass azithromycin administration
on ethical grounds [16] because MORDOR-I demonstrated benefit on
mortality, similar mass administration is done to eradicate trachoma as
well as yaws, and many communities have limited access to antibiotics
(hence this could be one way of enhancing access). The scientists
themselves were averse to this argument because health system
deficiencies in some settings should not justify interventions where the
balance between benefit versus harm is unclear [16].
Another potential ethical issue is whether
interventions whose mechanism of action are unclear, could/should be
used in apparently healthy infants and children, especially when there
could be unclear/unrecognized long-term consequences in individual
children and the community.
Extendibility: Can the results of MORDOR-I
and MORDOR-II be applied in any setting outside Niger? Although the
significant percentage reduction in mortality is impressive, the
absolute reduction of 5 deaths per 1000 person-years [17], necessitates
that 200 children be treated for at least one year, to prevent one
death. This number-needed-to-treat is 10000 for Tanzania [17]. Viewed in
this context, it is clear that individual settings (in different
countries, or perhaps even within the same country) have to be examined
very carefully before considering any policy of mass azithromycin
Conclusion: Although India does not use mass
azithromycin administration for trachoma control, and based on the data
presented, there is no reason to consider this intervention in any part
of the country, irrespective of the baseline childhood mortality. This
is especially because, currently azithromycin resistance among typhoidal
and non-typhoidal Salmonella is fairly low [18-20], and disturbing this
can have serious consequences in the future.
Funding: None; Competing interests: None
Joseph L Mathew
Department of Pediatrics,
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
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Under-5 mortality in India continues to remain high
at 39/1000 live births [1]. The most important causes are preterm birth
complications [2]. The other main causes of death in poor performing
states are pneumonia and diarrhoea. The causes are similar in African
countries along with a high prevalence of trachoma, and some
socio-geographical reasons [3]. Though mass administration of
azithromycin has shown some reduction in the childhood mortality in
Africa, this is not the correct way to approach the problem as
vaccination against pneumococcus, Hemophilus influenzae B and Rotavirus
can result in long-term sustained protection with additional benefit of
herd immunity. As a clinician, the other issue which bothers me the most
is the risk of developing azithromycin-resistant strains of bacteria
with such mass administration. There are reports of rising incidence of
drug-resistant Salmonella in the Indian sub-continent to the extent that
some of the strains are found to be ceftriaxone resistant as well [4,5].
In such situations, azithromycin remains the last choice for us.
Moreover, in some other diseases such as scrub typhus, azithromycin is
one of the very few drugs which can tackle this emerging infection.
Increasing reports of azithromycin resistant of other bacterial strains
have already been reported from India [6]. In our institute, 10-50% of
the staphylococcus, enterococcus and pneumococcus are resistant to
azithromycin (unpublished data). Therefore, I would be very cautious in
accepting the study findings, and depend more on public health measures,
immunization and restrictive use of azithromycin in my practice.
Acknowledgement: Dr Melody Baruah,
Consultant Microbiologist, Health City Hospital, Guwahati, India for the
local azithromycin sensitivity results.
Funding: None; Competing interests:
None stated.
Rashna Das
Department of Pediatrics
Health City Hospital
Guwahati, India.
Email: rashnadass@gmail.com
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