Indian Pediatr 2019;56: 753-755 |
Profile of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate at a
Public Hospital in Southern India
S Prabakaran 1,
K Kasthuri Thilagam2
and G Murali Mohan Reddy3
From Departments of 1Pediatric
Surgery and 2Pathology, Govt Mohan Kumaramangalam
Medical College and Hospital; and 3Department of
Community Medicine, Evidencian Research Associates; Salem,Tamil Nadu,
Correspondence to: Dr S Prabakaran, Govt.Mohan
Kumaramangalam Medical College and Hospital, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
[email protected]
Received: July 27, 2018;
Initial review: January 03, 2019;
Accepted: June 12, 2019.
Objective: To analyze the pattern
of cleft lip and cleft palate cases and their operative management at a
tertiary-care hospital. Methods: Data of all patients (<18 year)
with cleft lip and cleft palate operated between 2011 and 2016 were
extracted from the records and analyzed. Results: The final
analysis included 1643 cases (60.9% males). Mean (SD) age at the
time of surgery was 8.9 (10.17) years. Left-sided cleft clip was more
common. Complete hard palate type of cleft palate on left was present in
787 (47.90%). Primary Cleft Palate repair was most common procedure
(492, 29.9% children, followed by primary lip nose unilateral in 458
(27.9%) and lip nose revision in 298 (21.1%). Conclusion: Data on
age at presentation and procedures used for correction of cleft lip and
cleft palate are presented.
Keywords: Orofacial clefts, Repair, Smile
train, Treatment.
M anagement of cleft lip and/or palate of a common
birth-defect requires a multidisciplinary team with a complex approach
[1,2]. Across the country, there are significant variations in treatment
provided and the quality of outcome with some having excellent outcomes
while many patients receiving sub-optimum, limited or no treatment [3].
With this background, the current study was designed with an aim to
analyze the pattern of cleft lip and cleft palate cases presenting to a
tertiary-care teaching hospital, in Southern India, and to analyze their
operative management and outcome.
The present study was a retrospective case record
review of all the cleft lip and cleft palate cases operated in our
tertiary-care teaching hospital in Salem, Tamil Nadu between 2010 and
2016. The data of all the cleft lip and cleft palate cases undergoing
surgical procedures was retrieved from Smile Train Express program that
supports free cleft repair surgery and comprehensive cleft care for
children globally. All the cases included in the current study were
operated by a team led by the principle investigator. The study included
both boys and girls younger than 18 years, at time of surgery. The study
was approved by the Institutional human ethics committee. The personal
identifies were delinked, while retrieving the data, to maintain the
confidentiality of study participants. The cases were classified
as per the Nagpur classification [4]. Cleft lip (Soft tissue), Cleft of
the lip and alveolus (soft tissue and skeletal combined), Cleft of the
palate only (soft tissue and skeletal) and Cleft of the lip and palate
(soft tissue and skeletal combined) were the various categories [4].
A total of 2000 cases were present in the database;
1643 cases satisfying the inclusion criteria were included in the
analysis. The median (IQR) age of the study population was 3 (1 to 9)
years, with 1001 (60.9%) boys. Of these, 787 (47.9%) had complete left
sided cleft lip and 228 (13.8%) had incomplete cleft lip. The
right-sided cleft lip was found in 478 (29.1%) and incomplete right lip
cleft in 167 (10.1%) (Table I). Complete and incomplete
alveolus type of cleft lip right were observed in 450 (27.4%) and 65
(3.9%) subjects, respectively. Complete, incomplete and submucous soft
palate type of cleft palate was observed in 1168 (71.1%), 15 (0.9%) and
15 (0.9%), respectively.
TABLE I Profile of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate in Children (<18) year, 2010-2016 (N=1643)
Parameter |
No (%) |
Hard palate type of cleft palate-left |
Complete |
806 (49.1) |
Incomplete |
103 (6.3) |
Submucous |
1 (0.1) |
Hard palate type of cleft palate-right |
Complete |
549 (33.4) |
Incomplete |
96 (5.8) |
Submucous |
3 (0.2) |
Alveolus type of cleft lip-left |
Complete |
748 (45.5) |
Incomplete |
95 (5.8) |
Alveolus type of cleft lip-right |
Complete |
45 (27.4) |
Incomplete |
65 (3.9) |
Soft palate type of cleft palate |
Complete |
1168 (71.1) |
Incomplete |
15 (0.9) |
Submucous |
15 (0.9) |
With regard to the type of operation, primary cleft
palate repair was the most common procedure, in 492 (29.9%) children.
The other common procedures performed were primary lip nose unilateral
in 458 (27.9%) and lip nose revision in 298 (18.1%). Alveolar bone graft
was performed in 137 (8.3%). The frequency of other procedures performed
is summarized in Table II.
TABLE II Surgical Procedures Performed in Children with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate (N=1643)
Operations |
No. (%) |
Primary cleft palate |
492 (29.9) |
Primary lip nose, unilateral |
458 (27.9) |
Lip nose revision |
298 (18.2) |
Alveolar bone graft |
137 (8.3) |
Primary lip nose, bilateral |
94 (5.7) |
Fistula repair |
87 (5.4) |
Primary lip nose, unilateral + primary cleft palate |
29 (1.8) |
Secondary cleft palate |
21 (1.3) |
Other |
16 (1.0) |
Primary lip nose bilateral + Primary cleft palate |
7 (0.4) |
Fistula repair + Alveolar bone graft |
2 (0.1) |
Primary lip nose unilateral + Other |
2 (0.1) |
The current review of case-records for 2010-2016 at a
tertiary care hospital showed that the age at surgery was quite variable
ranging from infancy to as old as 18 years, indicating heterogeneous
nature of the condition and care-seeking pattern of the affected. Left
sided involvement was more common. The current study also showed that
the most common surgeries performed were primary cleft palate repair and
primary lip nose unilateral.
The study has few limitations. As this is a
retrospective study, the missing data on certain cases could not be
retrieved and the outcomes could not be assessed. Secondly, all the
pediatric cases were included and the sample size was not determined,
hence generalizing the study findings may not be possible.
The wide range of age at surgical procedure in the
study may be partially attributed to the type and degree of cleft lip or
cleft palate. Differences in care seeking due to differences in
educational levels, awareness about the treatment and availability of
quality health care services, socio economic status etc. could
also be influencing factors determining the age at surgery, as
previously reported [5]. Majority of published studies have reported
different degrees of male preponderance. A 30-year epidemiological study
[6] showed there was a higher prevalence among males over female.
Various studies have reported a male to female ratio ranging from 1.26-
1.39 [78]. The probable underlying reason for this could be the reported
fusion of the palatine shelves a week later in girls than in boys [9].
Variations in genetic makeup may also be one of the reason for the
difference [8]. Kianifar, et al. [6] showed that cleft lip
associated with cleft palate was most prevalent (50%). Most of the
clefts were bilateral (92.6%) and.5% were located on the right side,
contrary to the present study where the left side is more common. The
study by Dvivedi, et al. [10] showed bilateral cleft in 19.3%.
Previous studies [7,8,11,13] show that cleft lip most commonly occurs
with cleft palate, as seen in the current study. The study by Agarwal,
et al. [5] also showed a high association of cleft of the palate
with cleft lip (86.5%).
The complex interplay between genetic and
environmental factors undoubtedly plays a role in the pathogenesis of
cleft lip and palate. Hence, relative proportions may vary across
different studies. Management differs in various studies conducted in
India. Primary surgical practices are almost similar to other studies.
There is a lack of interdisciplinary approach in majority of the
centers, and hence, there is a need for better interaction amongst the
specialists [3]. A systematic review has suggested that the choice of
primary cleft surgery are to be resolved, the challenge of multicenter
prospective clinical trials must be faced [14]. In India, there is also
a delay with regard to the treatment due to lack of awareness and
education, socio-economic factors, unavailability of advanced quality
care and high cost [5].
Based on the findings, we recommended that there is a
strong need to analyze the factors, which are responsible for delayed
care seeking for surgical correction of cleft lip and cleft palate.
There is a need to initiate organized efforts to enhance the surgical
correction rates at optimal age and prevent the adverse consequences.
Sensitization of the general public, health care providers at various
levels and other stakeholders is vital in this regard. Existing centers
can be considered for upgrading into established contact points for
these patients.
Contributors: PS: conceptualized the study,
coordinated the data retrieval, made analysis plan, conducted a review
of the literature, prepared and reviewed all the drafts and will stand
guarantor; KKT: collected the data, supported the literature search,
verified and corrected the results, provided inputs on all drafts and
helped in preparing the final draft for submission; MMR: planning the
study, retrieval and analysis of the data, conducting search and
compilation of literature, editing and proof reading of all the drafts,
and approval of the final draft.
Funding: None; Competing Interest: None stated.
What This Study Adds?
Clinical profile of cleft lip
and cleft palate in children, and the common surgical
procedures performed.
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