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Indian Pediatrics 2008; 45:727-729

Acellular Pertussis Vaccines: Pertinent Issues


Joseph L Mathew

Advanced Pediatrics Center, PGIMER, Chandigarh 160 012, India.
Email: [email protected]

The recent aggressive marketing of acellular pertussis vaccines and consequent queries from pediatricians prompt the following considerations.

Factors Affecting Efficacy of Pertussis Vaccines

Efficacy of whole cell pertussis vaccines (wP) in humans correlates with (and hence is measured by) the ‘mouse protection test’, wherein vaccinated mice are challenged with live B. pertussis. This test does not work similarly with acellular pertussis vaccines (aP); hence antibody levels to various antigens are measured as a surrogate marker of efficacy. This difference between the direct as compared to indirect demonstration of efficacy of wP and aP respectively should be recognized, especially as there is considerable debate on whether antibody levels closely correlate with protective efficacy against pertussis.

The protective efficacy of wP has been proven by observing (i) reduction in disease burden with inception of vaccination program, (ii) resurgence of disease with decline in vaccination coverage, (iii) an almost reciprocal relationship between the attack rate during outbreaks and proportion of immunized children, and (iv) evidence that suggests herd immunity.

Maternally transmitted antibodies interfere with the immune response of infants to wP; this limits the age at which vaccination can be initiated. Maternal antibodies appear to have less impact on the immune response to aP. As for many other vaccines, the gap between doses (schedule of immunization) can also have an impact on efficacy.


Although it is impractical to calculate efficacy of pertussis vaccines across various studies, the range usually quoted is 85-95% for wP and 75-90% for aP(1). It should be recognized that one or more products of both types would be outliers to this range; reiterating that all wP and all aP are not equivalent to each other.

Differences in efficacy among various aP depend on the overall impact of the number of antigenic components, quantity of each antigen and the manufacturing process. Thus the mere presence of more (or less) components cannot be used to assume efficacy (or otherwise); currently available aP are all deemed efficacious. Since data on head to head comparison between various aP are limited, it is difficult to determine which (if any) among the currently available products is superior.


wP often cause minor (but troublesome) side effects and rarely more serious adverse events. However, the relatively high incidence of the former is sometimes unacceptable to care-givers and care-providers; this is what prompted the development of aP. The incidence of frequent side effects (fever, erythema, swelling, fretfulness, drowsiness) is reported to be significantly less with aP as compared to wP. However, there is a very wide range among various aP (Table I); with varying frequencies for individual side effects. Therefore it is impossible to identify an aP with the most (or least) favourable adverse event profile. Meta-analysis of data from large randomized controlled trials(2-6), on serious adverse events shows that although the relative risk for some events is less with aP, the absolute risk difference is comparable to wP (Table II) because such events are very rare with both.


Frequency of Side Effects with Pertussis Vaccines 
Event Whole cell
pertussis vaccine
pertussis vaccine
  Average Average Range
Fever < 38.3°C 44.5% 20.8% 16-29.2%
Fever > 38.3°C 15.9% 3.7% 1.6-5.9%
Erythema 56.3% 31.4% 15-44%
  > 2.0 cm 16.4% 3.3% 1.4-5.9%
Swelling 38.5% 20.1% 7.5-24.2%
Drowsiness 62.0% 42.7% 29.4-52.2%
Table II

Meta-analysis of Serious Adverse Events with Pertussis vaccines 
Event Frequency
with aP
with wP
Pooled RR
(95% CI)
Pooled Risk
difference (95% CI)
High fever 227/99323 996/96879 0.18 0.02 RR is about
(>40°C)  (0.23%) (1.03%) (0.08-0.44) (0.03-0.01) 80% less with aP than
with wP, but the absolute
difference is 2%.  
Seizures 58/106204 224/103474 0.28 0.00 RR is about 
(within 48 h)  (0.05%) (0.22%) (0.13-0.61) (0.00-0.00) 72% less with aP than
with wP, but the absolute
difference is negligible.
Hypotensive- 20/106204 491/103474 0.04 0.00 RR is about 
(0.02%) (0.47%) (0.01-0.19) (0.00-0.00) 96% less with aP than
with wP, but the absolute
difference is negligible.
aP: acellular pertussis vaccine; wP: whole cell pertussis vaccine; RR: relative risk.

Combination With Other Antigens

Combining wP or aP with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids does not adversely affect the efficacy of the three components. Combination of DwPT with conjugated Hib vaccine results in statistically significant, but clinically insignificant reduction in antibodies to Hib antigen. However DaPT-Hib combination results in much greater reduction in antibodies to Hib polysaccharide; to the extent that many such combinations are not used in North America, although most European countries do not regard this as clinically significant.

Making a Rational Choice

Based on the above, there are no strong scientific grounds to urge either the Government of India or individual pediatricians to switch from wP to aP. The edge in terms of reduction in minor side effects must be balanced against slightly lower efficacy, equivalent frequency of serious adverse events and far greater cost.


1. Edwards KM, Decker MD. Pertussis vaccines. In: Plotkin SA, Orenstein WA, eds. Vaccines, 4th Edition. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2004. p. 471- 528.

2. Greco D, Salmaso S, Mastrantonio P, Giuliano M, Tozzi AE, Anemona A, et al. A controlled trial of two acellular vaccines and one whole-cell vaccine against pertussis. Progetto Pertosse Working Group. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 341-348.

3. Gustafsson L, Hallander HO, Olin P, Reizenstein E, Storsaeter J. A controlled trial of a two-component acellular, a five-component acellular, and a whole-cell pertussis vaccine. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 349-355.

4. Simondon F, Preziosi MP, Yam A, Kane CT, Chabirand L, Iteman I, et al. A randomized double-blind trial comparing a two-component acellular to a whole-cell pertussis vaccine in Senegal. Vaccine 1997; 15: 1606-1612.

5. Olin P, Rasmussen F, Gustafsson L, Hallander HO, Heijbel H. Randomised controlled trial of two-component, three-component and five-component acellular pertussis vaccines compared with whole-cell pertussis vaccine. Ad Hoc Group for the Study of pertussis vaccines. Lancet 1997; 350: 1569-1577.

6. Stehr K, Cherry JD, Heininger U, Schmitt-Grohé S, Uberall M, Laussucq S, et al. A comparative efficacy trial in Germany in infants who received either the Lederle/ Takeda acellular pertussis component DTP (DTaP) vaccine, the Lederle whole-cell component DTP vaccine, or DT vaccine. Pediatrics 1998; 101: 1-11.


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