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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 2005; 42:964

Avoidance of Food Allergens in Asthmatics

This refers to a study by Agarkhedkar, et al.(1) where the authors had studied the role of food allergens in asthmatics. According to this study many fruits including apple, banana, mosambi and lemon and many vegetables including carrots appear to be responsible for persistent asthma in the studied population. The study also suggests that curd, cheese and other milk products which are beneficial for the intestine may be harmful for the asthmatics, endorsing anecdotal saying that curd, rice and banana should not be given to asthmatics.

Out of 24 children under study, 20 had raised IgE against rice, 12 had raised IgE against wheat and 9 against maida. Amongst the pulses, except for masoor dal (17%) and soyabean (21%), high IgE against other pulses varied from 64% to 96%.

Amongst fruits except for tomato (8%) and orange (17%) raised IgE for fruits varied from 29% to 96%. It would be very informative to know how the parents managed food for these children and still met the dietary requirements. Amongst spices 12.5% children had high IgE against red chilly and 23% against green chilly, but IgE against other spices, specially black pepper (92%) coriander (83%) jira (83%), turmeric (50%) must have made cooking a great challenge.

As it would not be practical and feasible to evaluate IgE levels for so many food items in every asthmatic child, so 84 food items from this list will have to be excluded from the diet of every asthmatic child. In nutshell conclusions of this study would turn topsy turvy many of the presently followed recommendations regarding nutritious food for these children. Curiously seven children (30%) did not get any benefit by avoiding these food allergens.

Yash Paul,
A-D-7, Devi Marg, Bani Park,
Jaipur 302 016, India.
E-mail: [email protected]

Editor’s note:

No reply received from Agarkhedkar, et al. despite several reminders.



1. Agarkhedkar SR, Bapat HB, Bapat BN. Avoidance of food allergens in childhood asthma. Indian Pediatr 2005; 42: 362-366.


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