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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 2002; 39:893

Iron Polysaccharide Complex

Stanley Zlotkin, in his editorial on iron deficiency anemia(1), lucidly discussed the various approaches towards prevention and treatment. We all admit that the use of iron containing syrups is fraught with difficulties such as staining of the teeth, metallic taste and abdominal symptoms sometimes even with low doses. However the author completely ignores the iron polysaccharide complex controversy. Initially touted by medical companies as a good safe alternative to the gold standard, ferrous sulphate, it does not seem to stand the test of time. Though the complex does not stain the teeth and causes lesser gastrointestinal symptoms, the rise in hemoglobin is clearly far slower. In fact, even several months of therapy may not be sufficient to normalize the hemoglobin levels, let alone replenishing the iron stores. The author’s comments on this complex would be worthwhile and informative.

M.U. Sanklecha,

9c, 1st floor, Sindh Chambers, Strand,

Colaba, Mumbai 400 005,

E-mail: [email protected]



1. Zlotkin S. Current Issue for the Prevention and Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia. Indian Pediatr 2002; 39: 125-129.



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