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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 2002; 39:881


Thank you for your comments on our paper. Regarding the cut off point for Tuberculin test; as already given in the paper the cut-off point was taken from the reference mentioned(1). This document clearly states: "For epidemiological purposes or tuberculin surveys in community there exists a standard criteria for every country when to read test result as positive. For our country it is as follows:

Size of induration with 1 TU PPD

< 10 mm : Negative

10mm : Borderline

>10 mm : Positive.

We agree to the point raised by you that Tuberculin testing may not be a good way of assessing vaccine response.

K. Anand,

Assistant Professor,

Comprehensive Rural Health Services Project,

Centre for Community Medicine,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences,

New Delhi 110 029, India.




1. Seth V. Tuberculin test. In: Essentials of tuberculosis in children. Ed. Seth V., New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers, 1997 pp 48-57.



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