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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2007; 44:795


The Future of Children– www.futureofchildren.org 

The Future of Children is a publication that "seeks to promote effective policies and programs for children". The Future of Children is a publication of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution, USA. The website includes the free Future of Children journal, the news- letter and details of research conducted by the organization.

First Consult www.firstconsult.com  

First Consult is an evidence-based clinical information resource for healthcare professionals. The website is regularly updated and provides latest information on clinical management, patient education and videos on medical procedures. First Consult has the following sections–Differential diagnosis based on key symptoms; a large collection of Medical topics organized A to Z; Patient education handouts and systematic guidance using videos and animation on performing various invasive procedures. Subscribers can download the resource to their PDA’s. The First Consult can also be integrated with the electronic health records and clinical decision support systems.

C. Vidyashankar,
Apollo Clinic, Qatar.
E-mail: [email protected]


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