Global Update Indian Pediatrics 2006; 43:926 |
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A listing of some of the popular websites on CFS, a condition that is increasingly reported in children, is given below. Association of Young people with ME - The association website provides with patients with CFS/ME and their families. The website provides information in FAQ format for patients and their families as well as latest news about the disease. Latest guidelines on management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be downloaded form this site. CFS news - The CFS news is a collection of links to various websites on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The links have been classified into ‘news groups’, ‘information files’ and discussion groups. Latest news from various countries can also be accessed from this website. Center for Disease Control, USA(CDC) website on CFS - The CDC website has sections on latest news, basic facts, symptoms, treatment and details about the CDC research group on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This website also has sections for patients and health care professionals. C. Vidyashankar, |