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Readers Forum

Indian Pediatrics 2005; 42:1007

Study of Drugs in Indian Children

Regarding the use of probiotics in acute diarrhea in children, the National Task Force had stated: "Almost all the studies till now were done in developed countries except for one very small study from Pakistan. It may not be possible to extrapolate the findings of these studies to our setting where the breast feeding rates are high and the microbial colonization of the gut is different"(1). It is a logical argument. Which drugs have been introduced in the Indian market during the last five years only after evaluation on Indian children?

Yash Paul,
A-D-7, Devi Marg,
Bani Park,
Jaipur 302 016, India.
E-mail: [email protected]


1. Bhatnagar S, Bhandari N, Mouli, UC, Bhan MK. Cunsensus Statement of IAP National Task Force: Status Report on Management of Acute Diarrhea. Indian Pediatr 2004; 41: 335-348.



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