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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2001; 38: 1202  


British Nutrition Foundation - www.nutri tion.org.uk This is a comprehensive source of information on nutrition for all ages. The website provides detailed information on nutrition facts, nutrition education for teachers, paramedical and medical personnel. Nutrition information on various foods is also provided. A few of their briefing papers and task force reports pertaining to nutrition in children are available online including food allergy, food additives and role of n-3 fatty acids. Their publication, the nutiriton news is also online.

AIDS Treatment Information Service - www.hivatis.org This website, maintained by the AIDS treatment network, a U.S. Depart-ment of Health project managed by the National Library of Medicine provides the latest guidelines of management of HIV and AIDS including pediatric HIV infection. The guidelines also include those for preventing perinatal transmission of HIV infection. It also has sections for post-exposure prophy-laxis and HIV and tuberculosis. All documents are in pdf format and require adobe acrobat reader which can be downloaded free from www.adobe.com

Pediatric Cardiology Links - www.cardio-info.com/linkpeds.htm This website is a part of the cardio-info, a cardiology website that provides an exhaustive collection of links on pediatric cardiology. The links include those on X-ray image databases, cardiac catheter-ization images, echo image links and teaching files. This can be good starting point for navigating pediatric cardiology on the web.

Images from History of Medicine-http://www.ihm,nlm,nih.gov/ Images from the history of medicine from the National Library of Medicine, provides online a collection of over 6000 images many of which will be of interest of pediatricians. These images are fast to download and can be searched using keywords. The images can be accessed and downloaded and can be searched using keywords. The images can be accessed and downloaded free for non-commercial use.

PALS Simulator - www.mdchoice.com/cyberpt/pals/pals.asp This website provides an online interactive Pediatric Advanced Life Support simulator that provides a clinical problem, calls for answers online and pro-vides immediate assessment. Two cases are presently listed. This is a part of the Mdchoice website, a medical portal, that, in addition to PALS also has interactive features like the Advanced Cardiac Life Support simulator, ECG rounds, photo rounds, radiology rounds and a pediatric radiology section. Clinical calculators, health news, drug information and a ‘reading room’ with links to full text journals and online text books are among the other features.

C. Vidyashankar,
Military Hospital, Namkum,

Ranchi, Jharkhand 834 010, India,
E-mail: [email protected]



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