Personal Practice Indian Pediatrics 2001; 38: 1116-1128 |
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis in Clinical Practice |
D. Vijaya Sekaran, L. Subramanyam, A. Balachandran
Knowledge of arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) is important for every physician who is interested in treating critically ill patients. Many serious acid-base disturbances can co-exist without significant clinical manifesta-tions. In children with acute disorders of respiratory system, circulatory system, gastrointestinal system and renal system, underlying acid-base disturbances are inevitable. These should be identified at the earliest and attempts made to maintain normal homeostasis till the organ function recovers. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals oxygenation status, adequacy of ventilation and acid-base balance. It plays a significant role in documenting and monitoring respi-ratory failure, especially during ventilator and oxygen therapy. Normal Metabolism and its Dysfunction Cellular function is ultimately dependent on regular supply of glucose, oxygen and water. Consequently, volatile acids like carbonic acid (from tissue oxidation) and fixed acids like sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, lactic acid, keto acid (products of intermediary metabolism) are constantly poured into the general circulation. Respi-ratory system plays an important role in eliminating volatile acids while renal mecha-nisms eliminate fixed acids in the form of hydrogen ions. In pathological states, this homeostasis gets disturbed causing accu-mulation of the above acids and resulting in acid-base disturbance. Though renal and respiratory system take the brunt to mitigate the acid-base disturbance, the other important mechanism for immediate rescue is the buffer base system which includes intra cellular and extra cellular buffers(1). Clinical Significance of ABG If the acid base disturbances are mild, the pH variation is also within adjustable limits (7.3 - 7.5) and the clinical manifestations are not overt. In severe acidosis when pH falls below 7.20 (H+ ion concentration >63 nEq/L), grave features like poor myocardial performance, arrhythmias, hypotension, pulmonary edema and hyperkalemia occur. Similarly in severe alkalosis when the pH exceeds 7.5 (H+ ion concentration <28 nEq/L) features like mental confusion, muscular irritability, seizures, arrhythmias, generalized tissue hypoxia and hypokalemia occur(1). Identification of these clinical features is difficult in a sick child presenting pre-dominantly with the features of primary disease. Before discussing ABG inter-pretation, a pertinent review of the normal body homeostasis would be useful. Hydrogen Ion Homoeostasis Normal hydrogen ion concentration in our body is 40 nEq/l 000 (0.000 000000 40) and the acceptable range is 36-44 nEq/L. Deviation from this range may impair vital organ functions. Excessive accumulation of hydrogen ions (occurs in pathological condi-tions like shock, asphyxia, and keto-acidosis) has to be eliminated immediately to prevent organ damage. Body buffer and the respi-ratory system mitigate the harmful effects immediately (within hours) and the renal compensation plays a major role to normalize the disturbance though it is a delayed process. Water plays an important role by transporting hydrogen ions in non-toxic form. Carbonic anyhydrase converts excess of hydrogen ions to carbon dioxide by its unique action and eliminates the same through the lungs. Similarly, the excessive accumulation of CO2 (occurs in ventilatory failure) is removed by kidney as hydrogen ion. Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Carbon-dioxide When organic compounds are oxidized during intermediary metabolism, the released CO2 is constantly removed by alveolar ventilation. Normal PaCO2 value is 40 mm Hg (5.3K Pa) and the acceptable range is 36-44 mm Hg. When PaCO2 is above the normal value (>44 mm Hg) respiratory acidemia results which is designated as ventilatory failure and a decrease of PCO2 (<36 mm Hg) results in respiratory alkalosis. PaCO2 is a sensitive index of alveolar ventilation to which it is inversely related and is controlled by chemoreceptors in the hypothalamus. Ninety five per cent of CO2 produced is transported by the RBC and 5% by plasma in which 99.9% is present as physically dissolved (dCO2) and 0.1% as chemically dissolved (carbonic acid). The pressure exerted by the dCO2 is measured as PaCO2. So the total CO2 (TCO2 ) includes dCO2 and H2CO3. In respiratory disturbances, PaCO2 is not affected initially as the diffusion capacity of CO2 is 20 times more than that of oxygen. For every 20 mm of Hg increase of PaCO2, pH falls by 0.1 unit and for every 10 mm of Hg fall of PaCO2, pH increases by 0.1. Thus the value of pH also depends upon CO2 level(2). Hydrogen Ion Concentration and Bicarbonate At normal H+ ion concentration of 40 nEq/L (pH 7.4), HCO3– level is 24 mEq/L and the normal range is 22-26. When HCO3– level falls below 22 mEq/L (in conditions like acute watery diarrhea, renal tubular acidosis, addition of lactic acid and ketoacids) metabolic acidosis results. When the HCO3– levels exceeds 26 mEq/L (in conditions like persistent vomiting, increased renin-angio-tensin activity, loop diuretics) it is termed as metabolic alkalosis. Kidney regulates HCO3– homeostasis by reabsorbing or regenerating HCO3– of which the latter mechanism is the desired one to correct metabolic problems(3). Hydrogen Ion Concentration and pH Since the amount of H+ in our body is too small to express easily, the pH notation was put forward by Henderson. pH is the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration which gives more meaningful numbers for easy understanding. pH denotes either acidity or alkalinity and it has no units. Lower the pH, higher the hydrogen ion concentration and vice versa. Normal pH is 7.4 which is equivalent to H+ concentration of 40 nEq/L and permissible range is 7.36-7.44. Relationship of pH with CO2 and Bicarbonate The pH of our body ultimately depends upon the levels of PaCO2 and HCO3 derived by Henderson-Hasselbalch equation as follows(4): pH = HCO3/PaCO2 = Rental compensation / Pulmonary compensation Looking at the equation, it is the ratio of PCO2 to HCO3 that really decides the pH (hydrogen ion concentration) more than the absolute value. Acid-Base Disorders Disturbance of the relationship of HCO3– with H2CO3 results in four (simple) acid-base disorders namely metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis (Table I). In simple disorders both PCO2 and HCO3– change in the same direction. Among the four simple disorders metabolic acidosis is common. In some clinical conditions, these simple disorders may co-exist resulting in a mixed disorder, when both PCO2 and HCO3– are either reduced or increased resulting in near normal pH, though the clinical situa- tion is actually ominous. (for example, coexistence of metabolic acidosis with respiratory alkalosis in salicylate poisoning). Metabolic alkalosis is the most important one to be managed judiciously as a rise of pH above 7.5 may cause arrhythmias.
Buffers and Physiological Compensation The ultimate aim of the body is to maintain the pH within near normal limits. Chemical buffers and physiological compensation work together to achieve this. Chemical buffers are built in stabilizers that mitigate the sudden changes of body pH and include extra-cellular and intra-cellular buffers. Extracellular buffers are the first line defense (act within minutes) and include bicarbonate and serum proteins. Intracellular buffers act at a slower rate (within hours) and include intra-cellular proteins, phosphates and hemoglobin(4). When chemical buffer-ing is not enough, physiological compensa-tion starts. When HCO3– loss occurs from the body (primary event) the respiratory system comes to rescue by eliminating CO2 (compensatory) from the body quickly (12-24 h) till the pH approaches normal value along with body buffers. Similarly, when CO2 accumulates in the body (primary event), kidneys retain HCO3– (compensatory) and along with buffers normalize the pH in 3 to 5 days. Thus depending upon the stage of compensa-tion, the given acid base disorder may be either acute (uncompensated), subacute (partially compensated) or chronic (fully compensated). So the clinical picture of acid base disturbances may show either one of three stages (Table I): (a) Acute stage (where either HCO3– or PaCO2 is altered with altered pH); (b) Partially compensated stage (where both HCO3– and PaCO2 are altered with altered pH); and (c) Fully compensated (where both HCO3– and PaCO2 are altered with near normal pH). Metabolic Acidosis It is commonest acid base disorder which results due to loss of HCO3 from the body (gastro-intestinal tract or kidney) or due to addition of acids (lactic acid, keto acids) or due to administration of fluid devoid of bicarbonate (total parenteral nutrition, massive transfusion). Many acute pediatric problems may result in metabolic acidosis and their individual management differs. Effective management of metabolic acidosis needs anion gap calculation(5). Anion gap helps to categorize metabolic acidosis into two broad groups, i.e., metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap and metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap (Table II).
Anion Gap According to electrochemical law, equal number of anions balance equal number of cations giving electrical neutrality. A small amount of anion that cannot be measured by biochemical investigations is named as anion gap: (Na+ + K+) = (Cl– + HCO3–) + (Unmeasured anions) (Anion gap) (135 + 04) = (100 + 24) + 8 to 16 In some type of metabolic acidosis, addition of acids results in fall of HCO3 . In this condition to maintain the anionic charge, unmeasured anions increase without any alterations of chloride level, known as metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap also known as "normochloremic acidosis". In metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap, basic pathology is loss of bicarbonate ions where chloride level is increased, this is designated as "hyperchloremic acidosis" (Table II). Since the management of each type of metabolic acidosis grossly differs, anion gap calculation may be useful apart from the detailed clinical history and evaluation. These children should be subjected to investigations like serum electrolytes, urea, creatinine, sugar, ketone bodies, etc. If increased anion gap acidosis (normochloremic acidosis) is evident, the etiology should be identified and corrected, where administration of HCO3– may be hazardous. In children with normal anion gap acidosis (hyperchloremic acidosis) bicarbo-nate correction should be done judiciously. Since acidosis is beneficial to the body homeostasis, correction should be attempted only when HCO3– goes below 15 mEq/L (pH 7.2 or base deficit reaches 10 mmol/L). Overzealous correction of acidosis with HCO3 (hypertonic solution) leads to many adverse effects like shifting of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left resulting in poor release of O2 at tissue level, precipitation of hypokalemia, intraventricular hemorrhage, hypernatremia and hypocal-cemic tetany. So the correction of acidosis is advised only when HCO3– falls below 15 mEq/L. (15 – measured HCO3–) × 0.6 × Body weight (in kg) Half of the HCO3– correction can be done immediately by slow intravenous administra-tion after diluting with 5% dextrose, the rest can be added in the maintenance fluid over 24 hours. Metabolic Alkalosis Metabolic alkalosis results due to loss of acids (H+ ions) from the gastrointestinal tract, through renal mechanisms, due to alkali gain or due to disproportionate loss of extracellular fluid. (Table III).
In metabolic alkalosis the child may present with shallow respiration (hypo-ventilation) in an attempt to conserve CO2 . However the compensation cannot extend beyond physiological limits (PaCO2 may not rise above 55 mm of Hg). When the alkalosis increases, altered sensorium, muscle cramps, dysarrhythmias and features of tetany due to low ionized calcium and acetyl choline release, may occur. Many children with metabolic alkalosis may present with volume loss and or associated hypokalemia. The correction of these derangements will automatically restore functional derangements. When glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is maintained with adequate ECF volume, the normally functioning kidney will eliminate excessive HCO3– (alkali loss), reduce the production of NH3 (acid gain) thereby normalizing the basic pathology. Contrary to this, if ECF volume is not adequately maintained, low GFR results in HCO3– retention (alkali gain) and increased aldosterone production resulting in further loss of H+ ion (acid loss) in exchange of Na+ at the distal convoluted tubule. However, in hypokalemic state, body loses H+ in exchange offer while retaining sodium resulting in paradoxical aciduria. Thus, the presence of associated hypokalemia aggravates the basic pathology. The best way to manage metabolic alkalosis (saline responsive) is to maintain adequate ECF volume and serum potassium. Metabolic alkalosis resulting from in-creased aldosterone activity (saline resistant) will respond to aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone), ACE inhibitors, or at times to amiloride and indomethacin. Estimation of urinary chloride may help to differentiate saline responsive (urine chloride-level <10 mEq/L) from saline resistant (urine chloride >10 mEq/L) type of metabolic alkalosis(6). Respiratory Alkalosis Mild respiratory disorders causes hypoxemia (oxygenation failure or Type I respiratory failure) resulting in respiratory alkalosis as the hypoxic drive causes hyperventilation and wasting out of carbon-di-oxide. Other than lung diseases, heart disease, sepsis, central nervous system infection, and hysterical overbreathing may result in respiratory alkalosis (Table IV). Children with respiratory alkalosis need prompt oxygen supplementation apart from correcting the basic pathological condition. Oxygen is a drug, which should be used judiciously. Since the PaO2 of 60 mm of Hg saturates 90% of the hemoglobin (SaO2) majority of children with mild lung condi-tions may not require supplemental oxygen therapy. However, when PaO2 falls below 60 mm of Hg, SaO2 falls steeply hence oxygen supplementation should be done imme-diately. Majority of the clinical situations can be managed with nasal catheter or face mask alone with oxygen flow rate of 6-8 litres /minute. Respiratory alkalosis induced by hysterical breathing is common in adolescent girls and is best managed by rebreathing in paper bag.
Respiratory Acidosis Ventilation is a process, which needs the co-ordinated activity of central nervous system and thoracic cage (pump) and lungs. Advanced respiratory disease, thoracic cage and neuromuscular dysfunction leads to carbon-di-oxide retention (PaCO2 >45 mm of Hg) resulting in respiratory acidosis also known as ventilatory (Type II) failure (Table V). In ventilatory failure CO2 should be eliminated from the body at the earliest, which can be done by mechanical ventilatory support. Oxygen supplementation is essential, as oxygenation failure is invariably present. When respiratory support is not feasible, bag and mask ventilation should be continued till adequate ventilatory support is made available to eliminate CO2.
Base Excess/Deficit In metabolic dysfunction the body buffers take an important role to normalize the pH. In metabolic acidosis, the buffer base becomes negative which is referred to as "base deficit" or negative base excess. Buffer base will remain unaffected in respiratory problem. Since there is a constant relationship between PaCO2 and pH the respiratory pH can be predicted. By finding the difference between respiratory pH (predicted) and measured pH (laboratory value), base excess and base deficit can be calculated. Though the calculation of base excess and deficit is not mandatory in all the cases, such calculation is important in the management of metabolic problems to quantify the contribution of the body buffer base system especially when administration of HCO3– is desired. Oxygen Homeostasis The most important interpretation in ABG is to look for the adequacy of oxygenation status. The normal partial pressure of O2 in the artrial blood (PaO2 ) is 80-100 mm of Hg in adults on breathing at atmospheric oxygen (which contains 21% of oxygen = FiO2 21%). When fraction of the inspired O2 (FiO2) concentration increases, the arterial PaO2 increases by five times (PaO2 = FiO2 × 5). When PaO2 falls below 80 mm of Hg, hypoxemia results which can be classified as either mild (PaO2 of 60-80 mm), moderate (PaO2 of 40-60 mm) or severe (PaO2 <40 mm). The tolerance of hypoxemia is better at extremes of ages. Thus in newborn baby, the normal PaO2 is 40-70 mm of Hg and in older age (> 60 years) PaO2 falls by 1 mm of Hg frm the lower limit of normal PaO2 (80 mm Hg) for every year increase of age (e.g., at 90 years of age, PaO2 of 60 mm Hg is normal). Arterial oxygen tension (PaO2 ) depends upon atmospheric oxygen content and adequacy of ventilation. Though PaO2 reflects oxygen level in arterial blood, the adequacy of tissue oxygenation ultimately decides cellular metabolism. Reduction of oxygen at tissue level is called hypoxia. In addition to PaO2, other parameters like hemoglobin content, circulatory efficiency and mitochondrial function (cytochrome oxidase) decide ultimate delivery of oxygen to tissues. In ahypoxic child maintenance of the above parameters are important to ensure normal aerobic metabolism. Further, the delivery of oxygen at the tissue level is decided by the shift of Oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve. Shift to the right is advantageous to the body as the liberation of oxygen at the tissue level is more. This occurs in acidosis, pyrexia, hypercarbia and increased DPG level. Oxygen Tension and Oxygen Saturation (SaO2) Though estimation of PaO2 through ABG is the best investigation to identify oxygena-tion status and acid base disturbances, it requires arterial puncture every time. Since a constant relationship exists between PaO2 and oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (PaO2 40 mm of Hg = SaO2 70%; PaO2 50 mm of Hg = SaO2 80%; PaO2 60 mm of Hg = SaO2 90%) real time monitoring of oxygen status by estimating SaO2 with pulse oximetry is (a non-invasive technique) popularly practiced though it has its own limitations. By placing the sensor in the arterial catheter, continuous arterial gas monitoring is possible(8). Pulse oxymetry is useful to assess the oxygenation status in minor cardiopulmonary diseases and procedures; however, at higher oxygen tension, poor perfusion status and in meth-haemoglobinemia, pulse oximetry fails. Practical Workup of ABG Memorizing the normal values of arterial blood gas analysis is an important pre-liminary exercise before going for actual ABG interpretation (Table VI). ABG Specimen Collection The radial artery at the wrist is the most preferred site of ABG specimen collection as it has adequate collaterals where inadvertent puncture of veins is unlikely. When this is not feasible, popliteal, brachial or femoral arteries can be chosen. The injection site is cleansed with iodine or alcohol. The index and middle finger of the other hand can be used to palplate the artery. Heparinized syringe with 22 gauge needle should be held like a pen with 45º angle (with beveled edge of the tip facing downwards) and the artery should be punctured just 2 cm above the wrist crease. ABG syringes are the most advantageous where the arterial blood gets filled on its own without any application of suction force and ensure anaerobic collection. Presence of air bubbles may increase oxygen values and lower CO2 values. If ordinary syringes are used, the nozzle should be stoppered immediately and transported to the laboratory by placing on an ice slush or refrigerated to reduce metabolism of red blood cells(9). Estimation should be done immediately otherwise values of oxygen and CO2 may be altered due to cellular metabolism. Though 0.05 ml of heparin is enough for 1 ml of blood, upto 0.1 ml of heparin may not interfere with blood gas values. Excess of heparin should be avoided as it may increase the acidity because of its high hydrogen ion concentration. After arterial puncture, the site should be compressed tightly for 3 to 5 minutes to prevent hematoma formation.
ABG Interpretation - Step by Step Approach(9) I. pH: Acidosis/alkalosis Step I: pH - Acidosis/Alkalosis By looking at the pH we will be able to differentiate normal pH from acidemia and alkalemia. Normal pH ranges between 7.36 to 7.44; pH less than 7.36 denotes acidemia and above 7.44 alkalemia. Step II: Respiratory/Metabolic Acidemia would be either due to increase of PaCO2 or fall of HCO3–. Alkalemia would be either due to decrease of PaCO2 or increase of HCO3–. In respiratory acidosis kidney regenerates HCO3– and increase the HCO3– level as a compensatory response in addition to hyper-ventilation. Similarly, in respiratory alkalosis loss of HCO3– occurs through kidney as a compensatory event. Metabolic acidosis is compensated by hyperventilation (Kussmaul’s breathing), when elimination of CO2 increases the pH to alkaline side. Metabolic alkalosis occurs when HCO3– level exceeds the normal limit, which is compensated by hypoventilation to increase CO2 level. Step III: Stages of Compensation During initial stage of acid-base disturbance there is no time for compensa-tion this phase is known as acute or uncompensated stage where pH and one of the parameters PaCO2 or HCO3– is abnormal. To normalize the pH, compensation occurs where body buffers come first (within minutes) followed by respiratory (within hours) and renal system buffering (within days). The initial compensation is not complete and is known as subacute or partially compensated stage where both the parameters (CO2 and HCO3–) change in the same direction. In fully compensated stage (chronic state), pH becomes near normal with abnormally altered PCO2 or HCO3–. Accord-ingly the ABG disorder may either be acute (uncompensated), subacute (partially com-pensated) or chronic (fully compen-sated). Step IV: Oxygenation Status While assessing the oxygentation status, knowledge regarding age of child and the inspired oxygen concentaration (FiO2) are very important. The normal value of PaO2 is 80-100 mm of Hg in children and adults whereas in a normal newborn it ranges from 40-70 mm of Hg. In older age, the normal PaO2 comes down from the adult level. In children with supplemental oxygen therapy the PaO2 will be high (PaO2 = FiO2 × 5). Irrespective of the oxygen status, if the child is critically ill with cardiopulmonary problem, the child should be benefited with 100% oxygen. It is advisable to keep the oxygen supplementation below 60% to avoid oxygen toxicity (bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retrolental fibroplasia). Another important factor that should be borne in mind is the hemoglobin status. Even if PaO2 and SaO2 is normal, where the hemoglobin is inadequate the final delivery of O2 to the tissues will be compromised. Step V: Simple or Mixed Disorder In simple acid base disorder, both PaCO2 and HCO3– change in the same direction. If they do not follow this trend, the possibility of mixed disorder is likely. The expected compensation for simple acid base disorder is predetermined and if they deviate from the norms there is the possibility of mixed disorder. If the difference between total carbon dioxide (TCO2) and HCO3– is more than 1.2 in addition to metabolic problem, the underlying respiratory disturbance should be thought of. When both actual bicarbonate and standard bicarbonate are not the same, in addition to respiratory added metabolic component should be thought off. Gross deviation of buffer base reflects the under-lying metabolic problem. Common problems leading on to mixed disturbance are acute severe asthma, shock, cardiopulmonary arrest, respiratory distress syndrome in newborn, diarrhea with vomit-ing, decompensated liver disease, diuretic therapy and salicylate poisoning (10). Step VI: Acute or Chronic By knowing the duration of illness, we can easily adjudge whether it is an acute or chronic problem. This knowledge is important because the compensation that occurs during acute and chronic stage especially in respiratory disorders grossly differs due to delayed renal compensation that occurs in addition to buffer base adjustment (Table VII). Step VII: Laboratory Error According to the Henderson Hasselbach equation, out of the three measured values (pH, PaCO2, HCO3–) if two are known, the third can be calculated provided the pH is presented as H+ ion concentration. If there is discrepancy between the measured value and calculated values one should suspect laboratory error by applying the following formula: H (nmol/L) = 24 ´ (PCO2 / HCO– ). ABG Report and Management Guidelines Application of ABG in day to day clinical practice on a sick child is the secret behind the proficiency of this complex subject. Examples may illustrate. Let us work out the ABG status in following clinical situations (Table VIII).
Contributors: All
the authors were involved in conceptualising and drafting the
manuscript. DVS will act as the guarantor.