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Indian Pediatr 2021;58: 1103

Cutaneous Pili Migrans

Hong-Bo Jiang,* Wei-Min Shen

Department of Dermatology, Qingdao Women and Children’s Hospital, Qingdao University, Qingdao, China
Email: [email protected]

A 2-year-old girl presented with a black linear elevation of the skin on the sole of the left foot. The child had no pain, itching discomfort, and had no history of trauma. On examination, a thin black line of about 1.8 cm was observed on the sole of the left foot without erythema or papules on the periphery (Fig. 1). After local skin disinfection, we used a sterile needle in combination with forceps to extract it. It was observed under a microscope as a hair structure with no hair follicles at either end. A diagnosis of cutaneous pili migrans was made. There was no recurrence on follow-up.

Fig. 1 A distinct, S-shaped black line on the sole of the left foot with no signs of inflammation in the surrounding skin.

Cutaneous pili migrans is a rare skin condition characterized by a fragment of hair embedded in the epidermis or dermis layers of the skin. Differential diagnosis includes cutaneous larva migrans. If there is a hair follicle at one end of the hair, it may be necessary to destroy the hair follicle completely to prevent recurrence.


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