Indian Pediatr 2020;57:1033-1036 |
Screen Time in Indian
Children by 15-18 Months of Age
Pinky Meena, Piyush Gupta and Dheeraj Shah
From the Department of Pediatrics, University College of Medical
Sciences & Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi, India.
Correspondence to: Prof. Piyush Gupta, Professor and Head,
Department of Pediatrics, UCMS and GTB hospital, Delhi 110 095, India.
[email protected]
Received: June 25, 2020;
Initial review: July 18, 2020;
Accepted: July 25, 2020.
Published online: August 09, 2020;
PII: S097475591600223
Objective: To determine the prevalence and practices of exposure to
screen-based media in children by 15-18 months of age. Methods:
This observational descriptive study was conducted from March to August,
2019. Mothers of 370 healthy developmentally normal children (15–18
months of age) were enrolled during their visit to immunization clinic
of a medical college affiliated hospital. Parental response to a
semi-structured questionnaire was recorded to assess the initiation,
frequency and duration of screen exposure, and related parental
perceptions. Results: 369 (99.7%) children were exposed to
screen-based media till 18 months of age, starting from median (IQR) age
of 10 (8, 12) months. Smartphone and television were being viewed by 354
(96%) and 328 (89%) children, respectively. Screen time was >1 hour/day
in 328 (88.7%) and >2 hours/day in 209 (56.5%) children (median (IQR):
120 (80, 180) minutes/d). Most (72%) parents were not concerned with
their child’s screen time. Conclusions: Almost all young
children seem to be exposed to screen-based media by 18 months of age in
the urban setting. Extensive use of screen-based media by young children
calls for formulation of guidelines on toddlers’ screen use and their
dissemination to parents.
Keywords: Computers, Smart phone, Television, Toddler, Video
S creen exposure
includes both traditional (like watching television) and new
digital or social media (using smart phones/tablets, use of
videos and computers for recreational activities, video and
computer gaming, social media, mobile phone applications,
internet use etc.) [1]. The prevalence of screen exposure
in children less than 2 years of age range from 31-44% in China
and Korea [2,3], and varies from 10-75% in other countries
[4-6]. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests avoidance
of any type of screen-based media other than video-chatting for
children less than 18 months [1]. Screen exposure leads to
impaired quality of life of children and may have adverse
outcomes markedly during early phase of development [7].
Increased screen exposure has been linked to language delay,
depreciated motor skill development and delayed cognitive
development [8,9].
Exposure of young children to screen-based
media is a global concern, but the gravity of this situation has
not been studied adequately in young children in the Indian
setting. We conducted this study to determine the prevalence and
practices of exposure to screen-based media in children 15-18
months of age and parental perceptions of the same.
This descriptive study was conducted from
March to August, 2019 in the Department of Pediatrics at a
public hospital in Delhi, after obtaining approval from the
institutional ethics committee. Sample size was based on an
Australian study that showed 40% prevalence of smartphone use
before 24 months of age [6]. Taking alpha error of 5%, absolute
precision of 5%, and confidence level 95%, we planned to enroll
370 parent-child pairs.
Apparently developmentally normal healthy
children between 15-18 months of age, born at term, were
enrolled from the immunization clinic of our hospital. Children
with severe acute malnutrition, sensory/motor impairment, acute
or chronic illness, and those with restricted mobility were
excluded. Enrolled mothers were administered a semi-structured
questionnaire on one-to-one basis, after obtaining informed
consent. Baseline information was obtained about the
sociodemographic characteristics of the family. Screen-based
media included (i) smartphone, (ii) television
(TV) and (iii) other devices (desktops, laptops, tablet,
video consoles, and portable video game device). Respondents
were asked about household ownership of these devices, and
number of family members owning smartphone devices. Mothers
provided information on approximate age of initiation of screen
viewing. Parents were also asked about what they used to offer
to their child most commonly when they demanded
attention/consolation. Frequency of use of screen-based media
(minutes/day, and days/week) were also recorded separately for
each device. Screen time of last 24 hours was asked separately
and recorded. Questions were also asked regarding the use of
screen by the family. Frequency of screen viewing at dinner, for
entertainment and academic activities (days/week), of the main
caretaker was asked. Family accessibility to outside
screen-based gadgets outside the home for gaming and
entertainment was asked.
Parental perceptions of their child’s screen
time were also recorded. The responses for their concern on
themselves or their child having excessive screen time were
graded on a 5-point Likert scale. Parental awareness of any
recommendations on screen viewing was also enquired. Their
opinion on screen viewing and its impact on child health was
also asked. They were asked for the various reasons of
giving/showing screen-based devices to the children, and whether
they restricted screen time for their children.
We interviewed 370 mothers-baby pairs (61%
boys) with median (IQR) age 17 (16,18) months. Primary caretaker
of toddlers in most families (99%) was mother; and only 8 (2.2%)
kids were being sent to day care center. More than 90% mothers
were homemakers (93%), and most (90.5%) families belonged to
middle socioeconomic strata.
Most households had one television, and in
224 (68%) families television was placed in the room where child
was sleeping. Of 361 families having smartphone, both parents
owned separate smartphone in half of them (180, 49.9%). The use
of other screen-based devices, including computer/desktop/laptop
was low in this population and their access to outside
screen-based gadgets for gaming and entertainment was negligible
(Table I).
Table I Household Availability of Electronic Gadgets With Screen (N=370)
Number of gadgets |
Television |
Smartphone |
Others* |
None |
40 (10.8) |
9 (2.4) |
327 (88.4) |
1 |
255 (68.9) |
139 (37.6) |
43 (11.6) |
2 |
60 (16.3) |
103 (27.9) |
0 |
>2 |
15 (4.1) |
119 (32.2) |
0 |
Values in n (%);
*computer/laptop/tablet/video game etc. |
All except one toddler (369, 99.7%) had been
exposed to screen-based media till 18 months of age, starting
from as early as 2 months of age (median (IQR) age at first
exposure: 10 (8, 12) months) (Table II). Overall,
48 (14.6%), and 39 (11%) toddlers were exposed to TV and
smartphone, respectively, before 6 months of age. Presently, 328
(88.7%) were viewing screen for >1 hour/day, and 209 (56.5%) for
>2 hours/day. Median (IQR) duration of screen exposure was 120
(80, 180) minutes/day. TV viewing and smartphone screen viewing
contributed to median (IQR) of 60 (60, 120) and 45 (35, 90)
minutes/day, respectively. Most screen viewing for toddlers was
supervised by parents (275, 74.3%). In most families (214,
65.2%), dinner time was associated with screen viewing.
Table II Characteristics of Screen Exposure in Children Aged 15-18 Months (N=370)
Screen exposure in children |
Television |
Smartphone |
Others* |
Exposed to screen |
328 (88.6) |
354 (95.7) |
8 (2.2) |
Age (mo) at first screen exposure,
median (IQR) |
10 (8-12) |
12 (8-12) |
12 (8.5-14) |
Daily screen exposure |
302 (81.6) |
312 (84.3) |
- |
Screen time >1 h/d# |
266 (71.9) |
175 (47.3) |
- |
Values in no. (%) or as
stated; *Computer/laptop/tablet/video game etc; #No. of
children with screen time >1 h/d was 328. |
Assessment of parental concern regarding
screen exposure showed 266 (72%) parents responding as ‘not
concerned’, 71 (19%) ‘a little concerned’, and 19 (5%) ‘quite a
bit concerned’. Only 10 (2.7%) were ‘very much’ concerned with
excess screen time of their child. Only 73 (20%) parents were
‘very much’ concerned and another 15 (4%) were ‘quite a bit’
concerned for their own screen time, while 153 (41.4%) were ‘not
at all’ concerned. Except two parents, none had any knowledge of
recommendations on screen time in infants. More than half of the
parents (196, 53%) opined screen activities were beneficial for
the toddler as it helps in stimulating learning behavior and
helps parents manage their chores while the child plays, 116
(31%) felt it has no benefits, and 57 (15.5 %) were not aware of
any benefits. When asked to report any harmful effects of screen
exposure, 257 (69%) parents considered screen exposure causes
harm mainly in form of effect on vision and tendency of child to
be involved in play rather than academic activities. The most
common reason to handover screen-based device to toddlers was to
engage them in play activities while the caretaker was busy
and/or to console the child (366, 95%).
We found that exposure to screen was almost
universal in this group of urban Indian children by the age of
15-18 months, starting as early as 2 months. Television and
smartphone were the main screen-based media devices with nearly
90% viewing the screen for more than an hour a day.
These findings corroborate those reported in
studies from high-income countries like Australia, where 40% of
children below 18 months of age had a screen time greater than 2
hours daily [6]. In a study from UK, 75% of children younger
than 1 year had screen exposure, which increased rapidly at 1
year of age to >1 hour/day at 14 months and >2 hour/day by 30
months [5]. In India, an earlier study reported screen time in
preschoolers (2 to 6 years) to be mean (SD) of 2.7 (1.7) hours,
with average (SD) daily TV screen time of 1.6 (1.1) hours [10].
Similar to our findings, television and smartphone were major
contributors to screen time in this study [10].
Among low socioeconomic strata population of
Europe, around 50% toddlers had screen time of 0.5 hour and 1.5
hour in <11 months and 12-23 months, respec-tively [4]. The
proportion of toddlers meeting the AAP recommendations ranged
from 2.3% to 83% and average screentime ranged from 36.6 to
330.9 min/day in a US population [11]. Two-thirds (68%) of
Canadian children <3 years were reported to use screen media
[12]; whereas, another review estimated only 25% adherence to
AAP guidelines by toddlers in Canada [13]. A study from Japan
reported 29.4% children at 18 months, and 24.5% at 30 months are
engaged in TV viewing for >4 hours/day [14]. In a study from
China, average TV viewing was reported to be 67.4 minutes/day in
those younger than two years, and >2 hours/day in children older
than 2 years [8]. A Korean study reported that children at 2
years of age spend 1.2 hours/day viewing TV, and about 44.1%
children spend 1-2 hours [3].
Digital boom in India has led to the
availability of portable smartphone devices in large number of
house-holds. This socio-environmental milieu has changed
the type of screen exposure in toddlers, as 96% were exposed to
smartphones as compared to 86% to traditional media. Mobile
touch screen devices can be easily used by infants as they
require lower fine motor coordination. These devices are now
most favored tools for providing source of entertainment and
educational applications, replacing traditional toys to a great
Limitations of this study include descriptive
nature and recall-based data collection, which did not allow us
to analyze factors responsible for increased screen viewing.
Published literature has implicated maternal education,
occupation, number of siblings, and day care attendance
affecting the screen time [15]. Further, we did not collect
information on the content being viewed, and analyze possible
adverse influence it might have had on young children.
There is an urgent need to guide parents
regarding the screen exposure practices of their children. In
view of high proportion of young children having screen
expo-sure for substantial duration, guidelines specific to
Indian context need to be framed and disseminated.
Ethics clearance: Institutional ethics
committee of University College of Medical Sciences; No.
IEC-HR/2019/38/2 dated March 21, 2019.
Contributors: PG: conceptualized the
study; PG, DS, PM: devised the methodology and wrote the
protocol; PM: collected data and reviewed the literature. PG,
PM: analyzed the data. Final manuscript was edited by PG and DS.
All authors have approved the final manuscript.
Funding: None; Competing interest:
None stated.
What This Study Adds?
Exposure to screen-based
media is almost universal in urban Indian toddlers 15-18
months of age, starting as early as by 2 months of age.
Majority of the parents were not concerned about the
screen time of their children.
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