Manual of Pediatric Therapeutics
Graef JW, Wolfsdorf JI, Greenes DS
7 th Edition. New Delhi: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins: 2008.
Pages: 716.
Price: Rs. 495/-. |
This is a very useful book for all categories of
pediatricians, be it a naïve medical student stepping into a realm of
pediatrics, practicing pediatrician or a pediatric consultant dealing
with complex child health issues. It can rightly be termed a ready
reckoner for management of not so familiar diseases. Lucid and crisp
presentation, the updates and the precise format are its endearing
features. 14 years wait for the new edition, though long has resulted in
a prized book. A highlight is the emergency medication and their dosage
details, provided in the cover pages. A neat and complete drug formulary
of commonly used drugs is an added benefit. Brief and well written
covering neonatology makes the book complete. Little more care in the
quality of paper and the lay out of the pages particularly margins,
could have meant more comfort for the readers. Beauty of the book is
that most of the topics are written in 2-3 pages and can be read and
clearly understood within 10 minutes. Format of the book is very much
readable, because the material is in salient words and not in full
sentences. This is a manual worthy of possession by every pediatrician.
A Balachandran,
F/177, Plot 235, Annanagar,
Chennai 600 102, Tamil Nadu, India.
[email protected]
Principles of Thesis Writing |
Principles of Thesis Writing
Tejinder Singh, Dheeraj Shah and Piyush Gupta
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers; 2008.
Pages: 92.
Price: Rs. 150/-. |
This is a very useful book for all categories of
pediatricians, be it a naïve medical student stepping into a realm
of pediatrics, practicing pediatrician or a pediatric consultant
dealing with complex child health issues. It can rightly be termed a
ready reckoner for management of not so familiar diseases. Lucid and
crisp presentation, the updates and the precise format are its
endearing features. 14 years wait for the new edition, though long
has resulted in a prized book. A highlight is the emergency
medication and their dosage details, provided in the cover pages. A
neat and complete drug formulary of commonly used drugs is an added
benefit. Brief and well written covering neonatology makes the book
complete. Little more care in the quality of paper and the lay out
of the pages particularly margins, could have meant more comfort for
the readers. Beauty of the book is that most of the topics are
written in 2-3 pages and can be read and clearly understood within
10 minutes. Format of the book is very much readable, because the
material is in salient words and not in full sentences. This is a
manual worthy of possession by every pediatrician.
A Balachandran,
F/177, Plot 235, Annanagar,
Chennai 600 102, Tamil Nadu, India.
[email protected]
Basic Methods of Medical Research, 2nd edition |
Basic Methods of Medical Research, 2nd
Abhaya Indrayan
New Delhi: AITBS Publishers;
Pages: 400.
Price: Rs. 299/-. |
Epidemiology, biostatistics and research
methodology are generally considered to be mundane subjects by
medical students and mainstream pediatricians. However, one has to
be aware of their basic aspects to write thesis and also to
comprehend research for practical application. Prof. Indrayan, an
accomplished biostatistician with an exceptional gift of teaching,
integrates the basics of all three subjects in an easy to read text,
which is devoid of polemics and equations. This second edition
represents an improved and slightly expanded version while retaining
its charm of simplicity and readability.
The monograph provides step-by-step approach to
all aspects of empirical research, beginning with selecting and
writing a protocol, to framing an appropriate design of study,
method of collection of valid data, their collation, analysis and
interpretation, and preparing an evidence-based report. Due emphasis
is given to practical aspects and the text has a liberal sprinkling
of real-life examples for easy comprehension.
Each chapter begins with a list of key terms and
concepts and ends with a summary. The shaded boxes in the text
summarize important information. A comprehensive glossary of terms
at the end of the book represents a unique value addition.
The book is recommended for pediatricians
interested in research methodology, and post-graduate students.
Established researchers would also find it to be a handy adjunct.
HPS Sachdev,
Senior Consultant,
Pediatrics and Clinical Epidemiology,
Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research,
B-16, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110 016, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
CD-Rom on HIV –
Nutrition: A Teaching Learning Module |
CD-Rom on HIV – Nutrition: A Teaching
Learning Module
Tejinder Singh and Monika Sharma
Ludhiana 2008. |
Media for imparting education has changed over a
period of time. With more people having access to computers and with
its inherent attractiveness, they are becoming the logical choice as
educational media. This CD on Nutrition and HIV is a good attempt to
impart the knowledge on the concerned subject as a self learning
The module has been developed as part of a
project ‘Information technology (IT) with human face- a
collaborative research project to improve nutritional training’ and
also gives useful websites which can be accessed on the internet.
The material is locally relevant, interactive and suitable for self
study. It takes about 1 hour of self study to complete all the
modules. There are case studies and quizzes at the end of each
module to facilitate learning.
This CD has 7 modules: introduction to HIV/AIDS;
counseling of the patients; nutrition and infection complex;
nutrition and HIV/AIDS; nutritional status assessment of people
living with HIV/AIDS using ABCD (anthropometry, biochemical,
clinical and dietary) parameters; nutritional care and management
and caring for HIV/AIDS in pregnancy, infants, adults, elderly and
contacts. The users do not need to install anything new on their
computer. All the necessary files are included with the module. For
ease of navigation, a user manual on VTS is also included.
The module provides relevant information in a
simple language. It could be made more user friendly with less of
text and more of flow charts and pictures. On the whole the module
gives detailed information on all aspects of HIV with particular
emphasis on nutritional requirements and will be useful for
undergraduate, postgraduate students of nutrition and dieticians
involved in the care of HIV/AIDS patients.
Daljit Singh,
Professor of Pediatrics, and Principal,
Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana,
E-mail: [email protected]