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Indian Pediatrics 2008; 45:934

Lichen Nitidus

A 1 month-old baby presented with whitish pinhead sized papular lesions below the lower lip for 7 days. The baby had no other complaints. On examination it was found to be a case of lichen nitidus (Fig. 1). Lichen nitidus is a common, benign skin condition. It consists of small, white to skin colored papules on the skin that tends to appear in clusters. It can be seen in any age group but mostly affects children. It is a usually self limiting with no complications. It needs to be differentiated from milia, lichen scrofulosorum and keratatosis pilaris. A biopsy usually clarifies the diagnosis.

Fig. 1 Lichen nitidus lesions over chin.

It usually appears on trunk, legs and forearms but may also be seen on palms, soles and rarely on the face as was the case with this patient. Apart from occasional itching it does not cause any other problem but may give rise to cosmetic problems. Therapy may be given because of cosmetic reasons in the form of topical steroids (fluorinated group of steroids), antihistaminics and topical retinoids. Oral prednisolone and methylprednisolone have been used in generalized disease.

Ruchi Rai,
DK Singh,

Department of Pediatrics,
SN Children Hospital,
MLN Medical College, Church Lane,
Allahabad 211 002, India.
E-mail: [email protected]


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