Indian Pediatr 2021;58: 415-416 |
Magnitude and Trends of Childhood Cancer in
Satya Prakash Yadav
Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Bone Marrow
Transplant Unit, Cancer Institute, Medanta The Medicity Hospital,
Gurgaon, Haryana, 122001.
Email: [email protected]
I ndia is a big country with a young
population. Children and adolescents are nearly 40% of the
population. Cancer in children and adolescents is
highly curable. But barriers to cure remain in a country like
India and first hurdle is diagnosing all children with cancer
[1]. Reasons for no diagnosis or delayed diagnosis and referral
are – a) insufficient political priority and funding from
government, b) incorrect diagnosis and risk
stratification, c) lack of diagnostic labs and centres
for pediatric oncology, d) lack of trained manpower and
training courses in pediatric oncology, and e)
socio-economic and cultural factors [1]. New cases of childhood
cancer in India have been quoted to be around 50,000 annually
but on what basis this number was reached in not known. Is this
number right? In this issue, Arora, et al. [2]. give us a fresh
perspective and new numbers of around 52,366 annually, much
higher than from previously predicted number of 28,712 annually.
If we include adolescents also then annual number is expected to
reach 76,805 [2]. There is a huge gap (>50%) in perceived or
agreed number and previously predicted number, leading to
suggestions that childhood cancer diagnosis is being missed.
Reaching the unreached is the new mantra to improve outcomes of
childhood cancer. Lack of integrated national health service and
referral system is the main reason why childhood cancer patients
are being missed. Training of primary care doctors and nurses in
suspecting cancer is needed and improving diagnostics and
reducing cost of tests can improve this.From certain
geographical areas of India (mountains, north east, islands,
desert etc); its difficult to collect data. More males are
diagnosed with childhood cancer than females- a stark finding in
India [2]. Gender gap >10% is possibly explained by gender bias
in the Indian society.
Knowing the full burden of cancer is a must
for government to allocate resources. Making cancer a notifiable
disease can help in capturing the exact numbers. Few states like
Punjab, have already done this [1].There is a need for national
cancer registry for the same [3]. Linking all medical colleges
and post graduate training institutes and cancer centers in a
national grid/registry can help collect this data. Cancers like
leukemia, which are easier to diagnose by simple blood tests or
bone marrow tests, are picked up more easily and brain tumors
are either not diagnosed or diagnosed late because it needs
imaging like CT scan or MRI, which are not easily available [2].
However, progress has been made on all fronts in the last few
decades to improve outcomes of childhood cancer in India,
especially acute lymphoblastic leukemia [4].
To know the trends of childhood cancer we
need long-term data. Delhi is big city and quite representative
of India with mixed rural and urban population. In this issue,
Malhotra, et al. [5] describe patterns and trends of childhood
cancer in Delhi. Over 25 years, on an average 500 cases/year
were diagnosed, which is in agreement with numbers predicted by
Arora, et al. [2] for Delhi. Childhood cancer has increased by
nearly 100% over these last 25 years in Delhi [5]. Pesticides
and pollution may have a link and studies are needed to prove
it. Does religion have connection? Does diet have an impact?
Does education have an impact? A study reported incidence of
cancer in children of different religions is similar to that of
proportions of population of different religions in Delhi except
for Jain religion where incidence of cancer is 6 times higher
despite lesser number children in 0-6 year in this population as
compared to other religions. Major difference is the dietary
practices, but another reason could be increased literacy levels
in Jain community improving chances of better access to care
[6]. Data regarding comprehensive childhood cancer burden in
country is lacking due to low and urban predominant coverage of
population-based cancer registry programs. The childhood cancer
services in India are predominantly restricted to few tertiary
care centres in major cities [7]. Certain specialized treatments
like eye enucleation, radiotherapy or limb salvage surgery are
not available at all the centers. This may be the reason for
higher reporting of retinoblastoma and bone tumors from Delhi
registry [5,7]. In a survey of 20 pediatric cancer units across
the country; approximately 3500 childhood cancer cases were
diagnosed annually. Top five cancers reported were leukemia-34%,
brain tumors-10%, lymphoma-10%, bone tumors-9% and
retino-blastoma-5% [8]. These findings are similar to Delhi
registry [5] but again highlight that brain tumors are
To improve the cure of childhood cancer in
India; the very first step is establishing a national cancer
registry and improving diagnosis and referral of children with
cancer. Both professionals and the government need to step up
for this onerous task.
Funding: None; Competing interest:
None stated.
1. Yadav SP, Rastogi N, Kharya G, et al.
Barriers to cure for children with cancer in India and
strategies to improve outcomes: a report by the Indian Pediatric
Hematology Oncology Group. Pediatr Hematol Oncol.
2. Arora RS, Bagai P, Bhakta N. Estimated
national and state level incidence of childhood and adolescent
cancer in India. Indian Pediatrics. 2021;58:417-23.
3. Marwaha RK, Kulkarni KP. Childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia: Need of a national population-based
registry. Indian Pediatr. 2011;48:821.
4. Yadav SP, Ramzan M, Lall M, Sachdeva A.
Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia outcome in India:
Progress on all fronts. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2012;34:324.
5. Malhotra RK, Manoharan N, Nair O, Deo SVS,
Bakshi S, Rath GK. Patterns and trends of childhood cancer
incidence (0-14 years) in Delhi, India: 1990-2014. Indian
Pediatr. 2021;58:430-5.
6. Yadav SP, Sachdeva A. Linking diet,
religion and cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2007; 25:18 suppl:21172.
7. Ganguly S, Kinsey S, Bakhshi S. Childhood
cancer in India. Cancer Epidemiol. 2021;71(Pt B):101679.
8. Yadav SP, Sachdeva A, Katewa S, et
al. Survey of pediatric oncology services in India. Pediatr
Blood Cancer. 2009;53:849 (abstract PP.018).