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Indian Pediatr 2016;53: 442-443

Year of Mnemonics and Acronyms


RN Srivastava

Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist, Apollo Indraprastha Hospitals,
New Delhi, India.
Email: [email protected]


The President of Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Dr Pramod Jog, in his Presidential Address [1], conveys a plethora of messages and advice. His inimitable style, employing mnemonics and coining acronyms, is attractive and amusing, but the messages (like many others in the past) may soon be forgotten. As examples, I refer to "comprehensive child care" (CCC) from 1996, which regularly appeared on IAP’s paper mail, and "Avoid Antibiotic Abuse" (AAA), suggested more recently. The former (CCC) was adopted to emphasize that the practice of Pediatrics should not be confined just to treating sick children and carrying out preventive measures, but also addressing various problems of the underprivileged children in the community. The IAP CANCL (Child Abuse & Neglect & Child Labor) Group was eventually established. Its members have worked and advocated on behalf of needy children. Unfortunately, the CANCL group has received very little support from the IAP. A plea to IAP Branches and even a group of members to adopt a village, for a number of activities, would be a most valuable contribution. Individual members can surely devote two hours or more per week to work for the society. Pediatricians are the largest antibiotic abusers, prescribing these drugs for diarrhea and upper respiratory infections. AAA must be vigorously advanced.

The President rightly observes that practitioners are very busy with clinical care and have very little energy left for research work. However, his advice to them to write case-reports is likely to prove very difficult to follow. Even if one is able to write a case-report, hopefully not in the style of the publication being cited [1], it would have a slim chance of being accepted by Indian Pediatrics or any other Journal. A group of practicing pediatricians could, however, participate in well-designed, relevant studies. The IAP should identify its priorities and define short as well as long term objectives, which must be vigorously pursued.

Incidentally, I cannot think of any message from RNS, except perhaps Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome !


1. Jog P. Presidential address. 53rd National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, 21-24 January 2016, Hyderabad. Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:107-9.


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