Indian Pediatr 2016;53: 399-402 |
Outbreaks of Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy in
Muzaffarpur, India: Are These Caused by Toxins in Litchi Fruit?
The Point
In his President’s page write-up, Yewale [1] lamented
that the annual outbreaks of acute encephalitis syndrome in Muzaffarpur
remained a mystery in spite of investigations by experts from National
Centre for Disease Control, New Delhi and Centers for Disease Control,
Atlanta (USA).
While they had failed to solve the mystery, we showed
clearly that the disease is an encephalopathy, associated with
hypoglycemia, hence metabolic, and not infectious [2]. We found strong
epidemiological association of the disease with litchi fruit [2].
The manifestations are similar to hypoglycemic encephalo-pathy caused by
methylene cyclopropylalanine (MCPA) present in ackee fruit; ackee and
litchi belong to the same family, Sapindacae [2]. Litchi seed
contains the analogue methylene cyclopropyl-glycine (MCPG) [2]. Both
MCPA and MCPG induce hypoglycemic encephalopathy in experimental animals
[2]. The striking spatial and temporal association with litchi
harvesting indicated high probability that encephalopathy was triggered
by MCPG. Yewale cited our paper but remained unconvinced that the
diagnosis was metabolic encephalopathy, without stating the reason, and
continued to call it a mystery [1,2].
Vashishtha [3] called the disease ‘encephalitis’ in
the very title of his paper. He wrote: "Already, a few IAP members are
involved in the investigations of the ongoing recurring outbreaks in
Muzaffarpur, in their own personal capacity" [3]. He was probably
referring to our studies in which encephalitis was categorically
rejected as the diagnosis [2,4]. Vashsishtha did point out that we had
"hinted towards a toxin contained in the litchi, a locally grown
fruit" [3]. However, his skepticism was expressed as: "the current
scenario is a bit murky and resembles like five blind people describing
an elephant" [3].
Thus, two IAP stalwarts had rejected our findings –
even though well supported with clear evidence and logical arguments –
without stating the reasons. They wrote that the disease remained
undiagnosed even after we had conclusively proved the diagnosis [1,3].
This situation illustrates the need to teach how to read evidence in
publications. Opinion is subjective and need not be supported with
evidence. Evidence is objective and if one feels that it is weak, the
deficiency has to be identified before rejecting it. It is important to
learn to discriminate between well-argued conclusions and ill-supported
opinions [1-4]. Members of IAP must learn how to evaluate evidence in
papers and presentations.
We have now detected MCPG in Muzaffarpur-grown litchi
– in seeds, semi-ripe fruit pulp, and ripe fruit pulp [5]. Since the
part of the fruit consumed by humans contains MCPG, and experimentally
it has been shown to cause hypoglycemia in starved animals, the
biological plausibility of causality by MCPG is thus confirmed [2,4,5].
It stands to the credit of Indian scientists that we solved a
long-standing mystery that killed hundreds of children every year, and
had continued to baffle national and international disease control
experts [1,2,4,5].
*T Jacob John and #Mukul
*439 Civil Supplies Godown Lane,
Kamalakshipuram, Vellore, TN; and
#Food, Drug and Chemical Toxicology Group,
CSIR- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research,
MG Marg, Lucknow, UP; India.
[email protected]
1. Yewale V. Misery of mystery of Muzaffarpur. Indian
Pediatr. 2014;51:605-6.
2. John TJ, Das M. Acute encephalitis syndrome in
children in Muzaffarpur: hypothesis of toxic origin. Curr Sci.
3. Vashishtha VM. Encephalitis outbreaks in
Muzaffarpur: Five blind men describing an elephant! Indian Pediatr.
4. Shah A, John TJ. Recurrent outbreaks of
hypoglycemic encephalopathy in Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Curr Sci.
5. Das M, Asthana S, Singh SP, Dixit S, Tripathi A,
John TJ. Litchi fruit contains methylene cyclopropyl-glycine. Curr Sci.
Dr T Jacob John has criticized the views expressed in
two communications published in Indian Pediatrics on the recurrent
outbreaks of a mystery disease in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar [1,2].
In one of these communications, the approach adopted by different
experts to investigate these outbreaks is compared to five blind men
describing an elephant [2]. Dr John claims that he and his team have
conclusively solved the mystery behind these outbreaks and the IAP
experts have failed to read and interpret the evidence.
Probably he has misunderstood the objective of these
publications which was primarily to draw attention to the malaise
afflicting the process of outbreak investigations in India. For example,
in the second letter, it is pointed out that there is no coordination
and cohesion amongst the experts involved in the investigations of the
Muzaffarpur outbreaks [2]. Just to elaborate, the Muzaffarpur outbreaks
are investigated by different researchers and investigating agencies in
recent times with altogether different findings and conclusions. Sahni,
et al. [3] termed these outbreaks caused by heat stroke; Dinesh
et al. [4] suspected role of some ‘bat viruses’, Samuel, et al.
[5] suspected some non-JE viruses as the probable etiology, the CDC team
called the outbreaks as ‘unexplained neurological illness caused
probably by a toxin contained in litchi. [6], and John, et al.
[7-9] concluded the these as ‘hypoglycemic encephalopathy’ caused by a
toxin called ‘methylene cyclopropyl-glycine (MCPG)’ [9]. The special
Task Force constituted by Bihar Government to manage these outbreaks in
Muzaffarpur is following a syndromic approach of management without
establishing an exact diagnosis. In fact, Dr John had himself
acknowledged this in the opening paragraph of his first correspondence
published in the journal Current Science [7]. Different players are
playing their own tunes without any coordination and cohesion.
Both the groups, the CDC team and the investigators
led by Dr John, have described the illness as acute hypoglycemic
encephalopathy (AHE) and pointed to the toxin, MCPG contained in litchi
as the putative agent responsible for the genesis of these recurring
outbreaks [6,7-9]. Whereas, the CDC team has stated their investigations
incomplete and acknowledged some doubt on the exact etiology, Dr John is
quite convinced about the role of MCPG and has claimed that he had
adequate evidence to confirm its role [8,9]. However, on a dispassionate
analysis, it would be obvious that the MCPG theory as put by John, et
al. [8,9] is still just a hypothesis. He has so far published his
findings in a science magazine in form of scientific letters to editor
which usually are exempted from peer review.
There is now good amount of data supporting the
notion that these outbreaks are caused probably by a toxin involved with
litchi cultivation. However, before the scientific community accepts
MCPG theory, it needs solid evidence. Dr John wants us to believe that
his hypothesis is infallible and should be accepted as such without even
undergoing any scientific validation. Much of the evidence linking MCPG
to these outbreaks has been largely circumstantial. There are several
missing links/issues that need to be sorted out first.
MCPG Versus MCPA as Toxins
Dr John claims that his team’s finding of MCPG in the
pulp of litchi fruit and a 3-fold higher concentration in the semi-ripe
litchi pulp [9] are the clinching evidence of toxin-mediated acute
hypoglycemic encephalopathy (AHE). He postulates that poor children eat
these semi-ripe litchis, fallen on the ground during early morning, and
develop features of encephalopathy [9]. However, no epidemiological
study is done to demonstrate higher risk of the disease to children who
had consumed the fruit.
It is known that hypoglycin-A (methylene
cyclopropyl-alanine, MCPA), a higher analogue of MCPG incriminated in
ackee-fruit poisoning in Africa and West Indies, causes hypogycemic
encephalopathy in a dose-dependent manner [10]. In ackee fruit, the
concentration of Hypoglycin A is 300-10,000 folds higher in unripe than
in ripe ackee [11]. The minimum lethal-dose (LD50) of hypoglycin A was
found to be 98 mg/kg for the rat following oral administration [12]. On
the other hand, the LD 50 of the MCPG is not known. Only seeds are
considered toxic so far, which have around 3 to 10 folds higher
concentration of the toxin than a semi-ripe and ripe fruit, respectively
[9]. Hypoglycin A is present in the unripe arilli at levels of over 1000
ppm (=1000 µg/g) [11] whereas in semi-ripe litchi as per the
study of Das. et al. [9], MCPG is 0.57 µg/g in a fresh fruit [9].
Is the amount of MCPG present in semi-ripe and ripe litchi sufficient to
cause toxicity and deaths of children who consume it? The fatality rates
of the illness caused by hypoglycin A (MCPA) in Africa and West Indies
(80%) [13] were much higher than the reported figures in Muzaffarpur
(26%-44%) [4,6,8]. It denotes that probably the hypoglycin A (MCPA) is a
much more potent toxin than MCPG. Even if it is assumed that MCPG is as
toxic as MCPA and has the same LD50, a child weighing 10 kg would need
to consume at least 1.72 kg (approx 120 litchis) pulp of semi-ripe
litchi or 5.4 kg pulp (approx 360 litchis) of ripe litchi to develop
full blown toxicity! Is it feasible for an undernourished child to binge
on such a huge amount of fruit pulp?
The hypoglycin A usually leads to dysfunction of
mitochondria in many tissues and organs, but particularly in liver,
brain, and kidney [14]. Many illnesses that primarily affect
mitochondria like Reye’s syndrome, medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
deficiency, acute hepato-myo-encephalopathy syndrome due to cassia
toxicity, usually presents with profuse vomiting, hepatic derangement
and altered level of consciousness. However, in AHE cases encountered in
Muzaffarpur outbreaks, no evidence of hepatic dysfunction was found
[3,6,8]. Surprisingly, vomiting, the key symptom of hypoglycin A
poisoning, was also not reported as a major presenting feature in all
the reports published so far [3,6,8]. The hepatic transaminases were
normal and histopathological examination was not done to demonstrate
microscopic changes like fatty degeneration of hepatic parenchyma.
Even the seasonality of the disease also does not
favor the occurrence of children eating the semi-ripe litchi and falling
ill since the disease peaks during first two weeks of June, a time when
the entire crop is mature, and ready for plucking and harvesting. The
timing of ripening of litchi in Muzaffarpur is usually 3rd to 4th week
of May [15].
Finally, no attempt was made to confirm exposure to
MCPG by assessing specific metabolites of the putative toxin in the body
fluids of the cases. A recent study presents an analytical approach to
identify and quantify specific urine metabolite such as
methylenecyclopropylformyl-glycine (MCPF-Gly) for exposure to MCPG [16].
The investigators have to quantify the toxic dose of
the toxin, need to demonstrate morphological evidence of ill-effects of
the toxin, and in the last, need to confirm the presence of its
metabolite in any of the biological fluids of the cases before a
cause-and-effect theory is established. Mere presence of minute amount
of the toxin in the litchi, its similarity with a known toxin,
hypoglycin A, and biological plausibility are not enough to prove
Hypoglycemia as a Key Sign
Both the CDC report [6] and John, et al. [8,9]
have placed extraordinary emphasis on hypoglycemia as the key sign. They
have used serum glucose level of 70 mg/dL as cut-off for hypoglycemia.
However, in most of the illnesses presenting as Reye-like
encephalopathy, there is profound hypoglycemia and single digit serum
glucose levels are encountered. Even, CSF also has very low glucose
level. Some degree of hypoglycemia is commonly encountered in many
pediatric illnesses like acute encephalitis, sepsis, pneumonia.
The investigations done by CDC team found
hypoglycemia (blood glucose <70 mg/dL) in only 21% of 94 children
admitted in 2013, and in 2014 they reported hypoglycemia in 52% of 327
patients with the median blood glucose level was 48 mg/dL [6]. John,
et al. [8] reported moderate to severe hypoglycemia (serum glucose
<30 mg/dL) in 13 out of 26 children studied. Whereas others [3-5] did
not mention hypoglycemia at all in their reports! So, two out five
reports point toward mild to moderate hypoglycemia in the cases; whereas
the profound hypoglycemia [13] encountered usually with hypoglycin A-
induced ackee fruit poisoning is missing.
Both John, et al. [9] and CDC team [6] have
reported decline in the mortality following rapid correction of
hypoglycemia in affected children with intravenous dextrose to the ill
children [6,9]. However, it should be noted that in cases of hypoglycin
A toxicity, intravenous dextrose infusions have failed to prevent
deaths. Experiments have shown the action of hypoglycin is unlike that
of insulin [17].
In conclusion, from the study of published reports on
Muzaffarpur outbreaks, it is evident that the disease in question is not
acute viral encephalitis but a form of acute encephalopathy probably
mediated by a toxin related closely to the litchi cultivation in
the region. Much of the evidence linking MCPG to these outbreaks has
been largely circumstantial due to the lack of properly conducted
epidemiological studies, histopathological demonstration of toxic
effects of the toxin, and inability to perform analysis for any specific
metabolites in the body fluids of the ill children. The experts involved
in the investigations should urgently look into these aspects before
claiming success in conclusively diagnosing the illness.
Vipin M Vashishtha
Consultant Pediatrician,
Mangla Hospital and Research Center,
Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Email: [email protected]
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