Recurrent abdominal pain is a symptom, not a diagnosis.
The seminal work of Apley and Naish, who studied 1000 school children in
Bristol, England, used a pragmatic definition of 3 episodes over 3 months,
severe enough to affect daily activity to define recurrent abdominal pain
(RAP)(1). In previous clinical practice, RAP was adopted as a diagnostic
label in children that presented with longstanding abdominal pain in whom
no pathology to explain the symptoms was found. This reflected a previous
lack of well defined diagnostic labels for functional gut disorders. The
Rome Foundation addressed this in their Rome II consensus statements on
the criteria for functional gut disorders, which included definitions for
pediatric disorders(7). The updated statement, Rome III, has two pediatric
categories divided by age, and includes abdominal pain of greater than 8
weeks duration as part of the definition of several of the functional gut
European and American community based epidemiological
studies have found prevalence rates of RAP varying between 0.5% and
19%(3-8). Apley and Naish found that the incidence of detectable pathology
in RAP was only 8%(1). This reflected the era in which the study was done,
when endoscopy and many other current investigations were not available.
More recent studies, with analysis of the results of investigations in
selected cohorts, have found rates of pathology in up to 30% in a tertiary
referral setting(2-4). In the present day Western setting, irritable bowel
syndrome is the commonest cause of functional RAP in children, accounting
for 52% of cases(3,4).
The diagnosis of RAP may differ in developing countries
compared to Western Nations, as infective causes are more prevalent and
inflammatory bowel disease is less common(9-13). Cohort studies from India
and Pakistan suggest that RAP is most likely to have an organic cause (up
to 82% of cases), with giardiasis being the most common underlying
condition(14,15). However, another Indian cohort and a Sri Lankan cohort
showed that non-organic RAP is more prevalent (74% and 76%,
respectively)(16,17). In Malaysia, both urban and rural population-based
cohorts had a similar prevalence of RAP at 9.6% and 11%, respectively
In adults, functional bowel disorders have been subject
to many studies examining underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.
Familial clustering in IBS may reflect genetic rather than social
factors(20). Recent interest has focussed on immune, neuronal and genetic
factors underlying the development of IBS. Evidence of subtle immune
dysregulation includes abnormal pro-inflammatory (Th1-type) cytokine
profiles in peripheral lymphocytes, and quantitative differences in the
T-lymphocytes within the mucosa(21,22). The neuro-transmitter serotonin,
predominantly found in the enterochromaffin cells, and its receptor is
depleted in the rectal mucosa in IBS(23). Recent data has implicated
genetic variants affecting the serotonin receptor gene expression in
The evaluation of the child with abdominal pain is
directed primarily to determine the likelihood of serious pathology and to
direct investigations appropriately. The key to this is a thorough
multisystem review of symptoms and examination. There are several "red
flag" symptoms and signs to alert the clinician to those at potentially
higher risk of significant pathology(25). These include presence of
involuntary weight loss, reduced growth, significant vomiting, chronic
severe diarrhea, bleeding per-rectum, hemetemasis, unexplained fever and a
family history of IBD.
The American Academy of Pediatrics technical report
concluded that there is insufficient evidence to evaluate the predictive
value of blood investigations for organic pathology, even in the presence
of alarm signals(25). Also, ultrasonography, pH probe studies and
endoscopy have little diagnostic yield in absence of alarm signals.
Interestingly, the presence of a detectable gastrointestinal disorder does
not always determine the cause of RAP, for example Helicobacter pylori
infection is as common in children with RAP as those without it(26). Thus,
the history and examination should determine the appropriate level of
investigation. It is the practice of most hospital pediatricians to at
least undertake a set of basic blood investigations including: full blood
count with differential, inflammatory markers (eg. C-reactive
protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate) urea and electrolytes, liver
function tests and, serological screening for celiac disease. Urinary
tract infection should be considered. Further investigations depend on
the possible differential diagnosis. In a tertiary hospital setting, the
commonest organic causes include gastro-esophageal reflux disease (8.7%),
Crohn’s disease (7%), Celiac disease (4%), duodenal ulcer (1%), food
allergy (1%) and Helicobacter pylori gastritis (8%). If celiac
screen (anti-endomysial antibodies) is positive, then a small bowel biopsy
is indicated for definitive diagnosis; if inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
is suspected, then upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy is
The role of disordered gut motility in RAP is not clear
and at present motility studies are appropriate only in a research
Most cases of RAP do not require any treatment other
than reassurance that there is no evidence of underlying organic
pathology. In those that have significant persistent symptoms , finding an
effective treatment can be difficult and may need multi-disciplinary
approach and involve the family.
There are few well-designed clinical trials examining
drug efficacy in functional bowel disorders in children(28). Symptoms of
functional dyspepsia responded poorly to acid reduction therapy with a
H2-blocker, famotidine 0.5mg/kg twice daily, for at least 2
weeks(29). Anti-spasmodics are often prescribed for pain relief in IBS, on
short term trial basis. Of these, only peppermint oil (one or two capsules
three times daily) has been found to be effective in reducing symptom
severity in children with IBS in a single small randomised-controlled
trial(30). Abdominal migraine can be prevented or attacks ameliorated by
using a serotonin 2A receptor antagonist, pizotifen 0.25mg twice or three
times daily(31).
Dietary management
Food allergy and intolerance is common in small
children, and dietary manipulation is often attempted by families prior to
seeking advice from health professionals. In practice, however, this is
rarely effective, and puts children at risk of nutrient deficiency (eg
dairy food exclusion resulting in suboptimal calcium intake). Careful
history-taking will usually identify those with food allergies or
intolerances. Lactose intolerance is relatively rare in Caucasian
populations, but is more common in African and South East Asians in whom
levels of lactase in small intestinal mucosa decline after infancy.
However, there is little conclusive evidence that RAP is ameliorated by a
lactose free diet in either lactase-deficient or lactase-sufficient
Dietary fiber is often low in the Western diet.
Supplementing this has been evaluated in a small randomized, double-blind
placebo-controlled trial of 52 children in a primary care setting. More
children in fibre-supplemented group (13/26) had fewer episodes of pain
than those with placebo (7/26), an effect that reached statistical
In recent years, probiotics (foods that include live
health-promoting bacteria) and prebiotics (food that encourage growth of
endogenous health-promoting bacteria) have gained popularity. The concept
that "healthy bacteria" can redress an imbalance within the gut that
causes RAP is an attractive one. However, the small randomized-controlled
trials using Lactobacillus GG for IBS have shown conflicting
Psychological management
In the biopsychosocial model of functional disorders,
non-organic abdominal pain is multi-factorial, with contributions from
learned-behaviour in response to environmental and social stimuli that
interact with the child’s experience of physical illness. This hypothesis
is supported by psycho-logical studies showing altered subminimal
responsiveness to pain- and stress-related cues(36). Epidemiological
studies suggest that maternal anxiety is an important predictor of
health-seeking in young children with RAP and it is also associated with
RAP and anxiety disorder later in child-hood(37). Adolescents with RAP
often have maladaptive coping strategies(38,39). Psychological
interventions including family therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy
are effective in reducing the severity and duration of symptoms and
improving school attendance(40,41).
Personal Practice
The key to managing RAP is a detailed history including
psychological, family and school history, a thorough physical evaluation,
appropriate investigations and building an effective therapeutic
relationship with the patient and carers. The likelihood of a functional
disorder as the cause should be openly discussed at the first
consultation. The concept of "visceral hyperalgesia" is useful to explain
pain in the absence of disease(42). This phenomenon can be compared to
functional tension headaches, something most adults have experienced.
Normal results from initial investigations reinforce that the pain has not
arisen from a harmful process. Invasive tests such as endoscopy and pH
probe studies are reserved for those with "red flag" symptoms. Trials of
medical therapy are best time-limited and with specific measurable outcome
criteria to assess their efficacy. Laxatives or anti-motility drugs can be
helpful to improve symptoms when there is associated constipation or
diarrhea, respectively. There is no evidence to support blind H. pylori
eradication therapy(43). Reassurance is central to management, with the
caveat that if symptoms change, reassessment is required.
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