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Case Reports

Indian Pediatrics 2000;37: 296-307

Anticonvulsant Induced Osteomalacia

Jatinder S. Goraya
P.N. Gupta*
Ravi K. Gupta*
Raj Bahadur*
V.R. Parmar

From the Departments of Pediatrics and Orthopedics*, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh 160 047, India.
Reprint requests: Jatinder S. Goraya, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh 160 047, India.

Manuscript Received: March 22, 1999;
Initial review completed: May 12, 1999;
Revision Accepted: August 19, 1999

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder of childhood frequently requiring prolonged use of anticonvulsants. Most of the commonly used anticonvulsants particularly phenytoin, pheno-barbitone, and carbamazepine have the propensity to interfere with vitamin D meta-bolism. Though biochemical changes are frequent, clinically overt rickets or osteomalacia is rare(1-6). Since the signs and symptoms of osteomalacia are non-specific, the diagnosis is frequently delayed resulting in considerable morbidity(1,2). We report three cases with anticonvulsant induced osteomalacia.

Case Reports

Case 1: A 15-year-old adolescent girl presented with pain above the left knee and limp of 1½-month duration. She had received various analgesic drugs without any relief. She was a known epileptic, having recurrent seizures despite being on carbamazepine (26 mg/kg/day) and phenobarbitone (3 mg/kg/day) for the last 2½ and 1 year, respectively. Because of poor seizure control, she was spending most of her time indoors. About one year prior to presenta-tion, she was diagnosed to have pulmonary tuberculosis and had received anti-tuberculous drugs (2 HRZE + 4HR) for 6 months. She had been complaining of non-specific body aches and pains with generalized weakness for the last 6 months. No complaints indicative of malabsorption, liver, or renal disease were present.

Examination revealed tenderness over left distal femoral shaft and an antalgic gait. Rest of the examination was unremarkable. X-ray left knee revealed a fracture line in the distal femoral diaphysis (Fig. 1). The patient was suspected to have anticonvulsants induced osteomalacia. A skeletal survey was perofrmed which showed Looser’s zones affecting ribs, and pubic ramus (Fig. 2) and generalized decrease in bone density. In addition, radiological evidence of rickets was present in the form of metaphyseal fraying and widening of epiphyseal plates. Serum biochemistry revealed serum calcium of 7.8 mg/dL (normal 8.2-11.5 mg/dL), phosporus 3.5 mg/dL (normal 2.7-4.8 mg/dL) and a raised alkaline phosphatase of 1491 U/L (normal 66-279.0 U/L). She was treated with single oral dose of 6,00,000 units of vitamin D and plaster immobilization for 6 weeks. Patient showed significant subjective improvement in her symptoms. By 8 weeks of treatment she was fully ambulatory and had minimal limp and normal serum calcium.

Fig. 1. Radiograph showing fracture line in the distal femoral diaphysis.


Case 2: A 17-year-old adolescent female presented with backache and limp of 6 months duration following a seizure related fall. X-rays done outside revealed insufficiency fractures of both femoral necks. She was treated with traction, analgesics and calcium supplements without any relief; rather her symptoms worsened and she was unable to walk. Examination revealed tenderness and limitation of movements at both hips. Serum biochemistry revealed low serum calcium of 8.1 mg/dL, phosphorus 3.5 mg/dL and raised alkaline phosphatase of 1020 U/L. X-ray pelvis revealed insufficiency fracture in both femoral necks. She was treated with an oral dose of 6,00,000 units of vitamin D and immobilization for 6 weeks with skin traction. She was a known epileptic receiving phenobarbitone (2 mg/kg/day) and carbamazepine (14 mg/kg/day) for the last 5 and 3 years, respectively. Serum calcium normalized by 6 weeks of treatment and alkaline phos-phatase started decreasing (773 U/L). The insufficiency fracture in both femoral necks healed and she became ambulatory.

Fig. 2. Radiograph showing Looser’s zone in the pubic ramus


Case 3: A 7-month-old boy was noticed to have widening of wrists, costochondral beading, and frontal bossing. 


X-ray of the left wrist revealed rachitic changes (Fig. 3). He was receiving phenobarbitone (4 mg/kg/day) since 3 months of age for seizures, which he had developed in association with pyogenic menin-gitis. He was on formula feeds since birth and was weaned at the age of 6 months. There was no history to suggest chronic diarrhea or lack of exposure to sunlight. He weighed 7.5 kg and had a head circumference of 43 cm. Systemic examination was unremarkable. Serum bioc-hemistry revealed calcium 10.0 mg/dL, phos-phorous 3.8 mg/dL, and a raised alkaline phosphatase of 1293 U/L. Patient was treated with a single dose of 600,000 units of vitamin D. Repeat X-ray left wrist done after 3 weeks showed evidence of healing rickets.

Fig. 3. Radiograph of the wrist showing rachitic changes



Anticonvulsants induced osteomalacia is uncommonly recognized complication of long term anti-epileptic medication(1,2). The apparent association between long-term anticonvulsant therapy and biochemical and radiological changes of rickets was first described by Kruse in 1968 from Germany(7) and later by Dent et al. in 1970 from England(8).

The frequency of problem is related to the population of patients studied and the method of detection employed(1). Majority of the studies have been done in institutionalized, non-ambulatory patients receiving high dose multiple anticonvulsants for several years with sub-optimal dietary intake of vitamin D as well as limited exposure to sunlight(1-4,6-9). Biochemical evidence of osteomalacia, i.e., alteration in serum calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase has been seen in 20-70% of these pateints. Radiological changes of osteomalacia have been detected in upto 50% of cases(1-6). Clinically overt osteomalacia is, however rare compared to biochemical and radiological changes(1,2,4). Since the clinical features of osteomalacia, viz., musculoskeletal pains, weakness are nonspecific, the diagnosis is easily over-looked as happened in our patients(Cases I and II). Rarely, occurrence of fractures, both seizure and non-seizure related, lead to the correct diagnosis as happened in two of our patients (Cases I and II).

Anticonvulsants exert their deleterious effects on mineral and bone metabolism by inducing hepatic microsomal mixed function oxidase enzyme systems, resulting in increased catabolism and excretion of vitamin D and its biologically active products(1,2). In addition, drugs especially phenytoin may directly inhibit the intestinal calcium absorption(1).

Several factors enhance the risk of anticonvulsants induced bone disease(1,2). Patient related factors include decreased dietary vitamin D, limited exposure to sunlight, reduced physical activity(1,3,10-12). The latter two factors were present in one of our patient (Case I). In addition all our patients were in the age which corresponded to the period of rapid growth, i.e., adolescence (Cases I and II) and infancy (Case III). Rapid growth might have contributed to the depletion of already vulnerable vitamin D stores of the patients(3).

Though all commonly used anticonvulsants have the propensity to cause osteomalacia, phenytoin and phenobarbitone have the greatest potential(1-3). Most of the patients, who develop anticonvulsant induced osteomalacia, usually are on these drugs for several years though osteomalacia has also been described to set in within 3-6 months of therapy(13,14). Patients who receive more than one drug are at greater risk than those who are on mono-therapy(3,4,9). Apart from being on multiple durgs, i.e., carbamazepine and phenobarbitone, one of our patients (Case I) also had received rifampicin, which is another drug, which induces hepatic enzymes and interferes with vitamin D metabolism. It may be argued that Case III had nutritional rickets which are otherwise common in infancy. But in the presence of adequate nutritional status and lack of any other risk factors, phenobarbitone was thought to have contributed to a large extent in the development of rickets in this infant.

Diagnosis of anticonvulsant induced osteomalacia involves exclusion of other causes of osteomalacia particularly malabsorption, renal and hepatic disease(2) of which there was no evidence in our patients. The diagnosis should be considered in epileptic patients receiving anticonvulsant drugs, who develop bone pains, muscle weakness, fractures after minimal trauma or have worsening of seizure control. Since the worsening of seizure control may be due to hypocalcemia secondary to rickets or ostemomalacia(8), failure to recognize this fact may result in increase in the dose of anticonvulsants and/or addition of another anticonvulsant, thus initiating a vicious cycle.

Prevention of anticonvulsant induced osteomalacia lies in avoiding polytherapy, using minimum doses, ensuring adequate vitamin D intake and encouraging physical activity. Role of prophylactic vitamin D is controversial(1). Though beneficial effect of vitamin D supple-mentation on bone and mineral metabolism has been demonstrated in epileptic patients receiv-ing various anticonvulsant drugs(13-16), there are several limitations. While some authors recommend prophylactic vitamin D at the beginning of anticonvulsant therapy(13,14) others advise an interval of at least 6 months(1). There is a wide range of dose of vitamin D used for supplementation(3,14-16). Additional costs, risk of inadvertant over dosage, and need for frequent monitoring are other potential objec-tions to this approach(1). More importantly, most of the epileptics are out-patients while majority of the reports on anticonvulsant osteomalacia have concerned institutionalized patients with multiple risk factors.

In conclusion, epileptic children on long term anticonvulsants should be closely super-vised for the development of osteomalacia. In view of non-specific symptomatology, there is always a danger of the diagnosis beign over-looked. A high index of suspicion is required to make the diagnosis. Since the treatment is easy and effective, the need for early diagnosis cannot be over emphasized.



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