Indian Pediatr 2020;57: 259 -260 |
Prophylactic Vitamin D Supplementation Practices for Infants:
A Survey of Pediatricians From Delhi
Nisha Sharma1*, Himanshu Negandhi1,
Swati Kalra2 and Piyush Gupta3
1Indian Institute of Public Health-Delhi, Public
Health Foundation of India; 2Dr BR Ambedkar Medical
College; 3Department of Pediatrics, University
College of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital;
Delhi. Email:
[email protected]
This survey was conducted among 125
pediatricians working in public and private child care
facilities of Delhi. Prescription rates of routine vitamin D
supplementation varied between 70-100% for various groups of
infants, despite non-availability of government guidelines.
Pediatricians in private practice more frequently prescribed
vitamin D supplementation to term healthy infants as
compared to government pediatrician (91.4% vs 71.6%;
Keywords: Guidelines,
Hypovitaminosis D, Prescription, Rickets.
The global pandemic of
Vitamin D deficiency is equally affecting Indian term-born, healthy and
exclusively breastfed infants [1,2-5]. Various global associations and
Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) recommend daily supplementation of
400 IU to all infants [6-8]. We conducted this study to document the
prescription practices of pediatricians in Delhi regarding prophylactic
vitamin D supplementation at birth.
This cross-sectional survey
was conducted among 125 pediatricians from selected public and private
healthcare facilities in Delhi between December, 2017 and February,
2018. A structured questionnaire was administered to a convenience
sample of all available pediatricians with either Doctor of Medicine
(MD) or Diploma (DCH) in pediatrics qualifications, and having more than
six months of experience, stationed in the out-patient department of
Medical colleges and associated hospitals, Delhi Government hospitals,
Corporate hospitals, Private hospital / Nursing Home / Trust or
Non-Government Organization - funded hospitals on the day of visit, and
Private clinics of Delhi.
From 67 healthcare facilities located
all over Delhi, we enrolled 125 pediatricians; 102 (81.6%) were working
in hospitals while rest were practicing in the clinics. Pediatricians
from public and private facilities were comparable for their gender,
postgraduate qualification, and awareness of IAP guidelines for vitamin
D supplementation. A higher number of participants from private sector
had been practicing for more than 10 years (P<0.001).
overall prescription rates for routine supplementation at birth were
80.8%, 94.4%, and 97.6% for term appropriate for gestational age (AGA),
term low birthweight (LBW), and preterm infants, respectively. Routine
supplementation to term healthy (AGA) infants was prescribed more often
by those working in private set-up (53/58, 91.4%) as compared to
pediatricians working in government facilities (48/67, 71.6%) (P=0.005).
All pediatricians in private practice were prescribing vitamin D to term
born LBW infants.
Primary source of information on prophylactic
vitamin D supplementation for the participants was IAP guidelines
(25.6%), followed by pediatric textbooks (23.2%) and American Academy of
Pediatrics guidelines (19.2%). One participant cited advertisement made
by pharmaceutical representative as his source of infor-mation; 7.2%
government pediatricians cited the non-availability of vitamin D drops
for infants in their hospital supplies, and one participant cited lack
of government guidelines on prophylactic vitamin D supplementation as
the reasons for non-supplementation.
Lower prescription rates in
government sector could be attributed to non-availability of the drug
and lack of a government/hospital policy. The Essential drug list of
Delhi (2013) or National list of essential medicines (2015) of India do
not have vitamin D formulations for infants. Further, there are no
government guidelines on vitamin D supplementation to infants in India.
Yet our study found 70-90% pediatricians in Delhi were prescribing
routine vitamin D supplements to infants. This is may be ascribed to
either professional society recommendations or marketing by
pharmaceuticals. This is in contrast to poor prescription practices for
zinc (recommended by IAP, UNICEF, and Government of India) for
supplementation during an episode of diarrhea. National Family Health
Survey 4 (2015-16) for Delhi reports that only 25.3% under-five children
receive zinc during a diarrheal illness, whereas another study reported
that only 61.1% of private practitioners in Gujarat were prescribing
zinc supplementation in an episode of diarrhea [9,10]. Could this be
because marketing revenues from zinc are not as lucrative as from
vitamin D?
This study, first of its kind from India, used a
sample of convenience, restricting its generalizability. Moreover,
physical verification of prescriptions was not performed, and compliance
to the prescriptions was also not examined. In a country like India,
where food fortification with vitamin D is limited and scope of sun
exposure for adequate endogenous formation of vitamin D has remained
unexplored, supplementation as a strategy needs to be clearly stated.
Contributors: PG,NS,HN: Conceived the study;. PG,SK,NS:
contributed to the study design; NS: data collection, supervised by HN
and PG; Statistical analysis NS and PG. literature search: HN, PG NS,
SK; initial draft: NS; edited by HN, PG. HN,SK,PG: provided critical
inputs to the draft manuscript. Final manuscript was approved by all
Funding: None; Competing Interests: None
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