Indian Pediatr 2009;46: 211-212 |
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Retinopathy of Prematurity – A Giant in the
Developing World |
Rajvardhan Azad
Chief, VitreoRetina and ROP Unit, Dr RP Centre for
Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, India.
[email protected]
R etinopathy of
Prematurity (ROP) is increasingly being recognized as an important cause
of childhood blindness in industrialized and developing countries. This
fact is further strengthened from the preventable nature of the disease as
also the inherent economic burden it carries on any country’s GDP. The
cost of screening and managing an infant is much lower than the lost
productivity cost on the state exchequer. A simple arithmetic indicates
that a child having gone blind because of retinopathy of prematurity will
remain so for 60 years (considering the average life expectancy in India).
A moderate calculation will be Rs.2000 as maintenance cost and Rs.2000 as
lost productivity cost, coming to Rs.4000 per month. The calculation for
sixty years will be Rs.28,80,000 or 57600 US $. The average cost of
treatment of treatable ROP in our country would be around Rs.15,000 i.e.
300 US$ (treatment charges and consumable items). Similar cost calculation
and its implications are mentioned in a recent article(1).
Retinopathy of prematurity is a consequence of
unmonitored oxygen therapy at ill equipped centers; another reason is the
increasing survival of extremely low birthweight infants <800 g. In India,
even heavier babies (>1600 g) and older gestational age babies (>32 weeks)
also fall prey to development of ROP and sometimes to severe ROP(2).
Additional risk factors contributing to this are septicemia, repeated
blood transfusion, prolonged ventilation and chronic lung diseases(3),
commonly ascribed to as the third factor. Most of the reports in
literature from India point towards this 3rd factor, the first one being
the gestational age and second is birthweight. The shadow of 3rd factor is
also evident in screening criteria or screening guidelines which are quite
different than in the West. The cut off point for ROP screening in South
Asian Countries is therefore considered as birthweight
and gestational age £32
weeks and is enough to include all children at risk to develop blindness
due to ROP.
An important fallout of the extension of these
guidelines means increasing the facility by way of opening more ROP
centers in the country. Currently ROP is detected and managed in very few
centers, that too in tertiary care hospitals; and accessibility of infants
at risk is very difficult. Increasing manpower also means training the
ophthalmologists in a highly specialized work and will need many logistics
and also consume time. A quicker way to detect and refer these treatable
or those babies at risk is to train general ophthalmologists,
pediatricians and neonatal nurses to detect plus disease at posterior
pole(4). Changes at posterior pole, especially plus disease is a very good
indicator and correlates well with the occurrence of severe/treatable ROP.
At this juncture, most of the tertiary care centers are
loaded with treatable ROP and majority of these are from out bound
hospital or nurseries, since the understanding of disease and management
is limited to larger metropolitan hospitals. This is a result of large
scale referral from the unserved areas with physicians having low
awareness of ROP as a disease and its progression to blindness.
Laser has emerged as a savior for preventing retinal
blindness in premature infants, although longer follow ups of these
infants has shown myopia, and astigmatism of varying grades(5). Despite a
good laser and clinically good looking macula, the visual acuity remains
subnormal in some cases. A longer followup of these children is therefore
needed to assess the structural and functional outcome of these eyes in
both treated and untreated ROP. Late referrals, inadequate laser and
progression of ROP despite laser further complicate this situation.
Surgery though achieves ambulatory vision; early intervention, viable
retina and optic nerve, and previous laser elsewhere offers better
structural and functional outcome.
ROP today needs recognition, understanding and
awareness among ophthalmologists, pediatricians, neonatologists, neonatal
and ophthalmic nurses, and obstetricians to tackle this giant in the
developing world.
Competing interests: None stated.
Funding: None.
1. Kamholz KL, Cole CH, Gray JE, Zupancic JA.
Cost-effectiveness of early treatment for retinopathy of prematurity.
Pediatrics 2009; 123: 262-269.
2. Vinekar A, Dogra MR, Sangtam T, Narang A, Gupta A.
Retinopathy of prematurity in Asian Indian babies weighing greater than
1250 grams at birth: ten year data from a tertiary care center in a
developing country. Indian J Ophthalmol 2007; 55: 331-336.
3. Azad RV, Chandra P, Patwardhan S, Gupta A.
Importance of "Third Criteria" for ROP screening in developing countries.
J Ped Opth Strabismus (in press).
4. Azad RV, Manjunatha NP, Pal N, Deorari AK.
Retinopathy of prematurity screening by non-retinologists. Indian J
Pediatr 2006; 73: 515-518.
5. Quinn GE, Dobson V, Davitt BV, Hardy RJ, Tung B,
Pedroza C, et al. Progression of myopia and high myopia in the
early treatment for retinopathy of prematurity study: findings to 3 years
of age. Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 1058-1064. |
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