Our institute receives patients from in and around Sangli district. We
report sharp rise of incidence of mumps meningoencephalitis at our
institute during December 2005 to January 2006. Total of 10 cases of
mumps meningoencephalitis were admitted. The earliest case was seen in
the first week of December and last case was seen in the 3rd week of
January. The age group involved was 3-13 yrs. (mean being 6.65). It
included 9 boys and 1 girl clearly showing male predominance(1). All
the 10 patients were vaccinated according to the National Immunization
Schedule and 9 patients were additionally vaccinated with MMR vaccine
at 15-18 months. Information regarding vaccine strain, batch no. could
not be obtained as the patients were vaccinated at different places.
The clinical features included fever greater than or equal to 39ēC
(90%), vomiting (90%), headache (70%), unilateral parotitis (50%),
bilateral parotitis (50%), maculopapular rash (20%), generalized
tonic-clonic convulsions (10%). The investigations included raised
serum amylase (30%), USG abdomen showing hepatomegaly (30%), fissural
enhancement on CT scan (20%). There was no case below 1yr; 4 cases
between 1 to 5 yrs; 5 cases between 6-10 yrs; and one case between 11
to 14 yrs. Initial CSF examination showed lymphocytic predominance
with cell count range between (per cubic mm): 70-100 in 1 case,
100-150 in 2 cases, 150-200 in 2 cases, 200-300 in 2 cases, 300-500 in
1 case and 500-700 in 3 cases, mean being 314.2. Subsequent CSF
examination showed a progressive decrease in the total cell count.
Initial protein ranged between 28 to 180 mg% (mean being 66.1 mg% with
range 28-49 mg% 4 no. of cases, 50-99 mg% 4 no. of cases,100-200
mg% 2 no. of cases). Initial sugar ranged between 40-93 mg% (mean
being 59.2 mg%) with CSF / blood glucose ratio being 0.64%. There was
no death. The patients are being followed up and did not develop any
neurological deficit till date.
The epidemiology of mumps in India and the
magnitude of the problem are not fully appreciated(2). Outbreaks occur
at interval of 5-10yrs(2). Mumps continue to occur in epidemic
proportions despite the availability of an effective vaccine. Finland
became the first documented country to be free of indigenous mumps and
rubella with the use of national 2 dose trivalent MMR vaccination
program, free of charge and on a voluntary basis, which was launched
in 1982(3). We are reporting this case study because, though 9 out of
10 of our patients were vaccinated with MMR vaccine they developed
serious complication of mumps like meningoencephalitis.
The national program does not use MMR, but only
measles vaccine. The IAP has recommended inclusion of MMR vaccine in
the immunization schedule(4).
Funding: This study was being partially funded
by Shri Tatyasaheb Ghatage Charitable Trust, Sangli.
Competing interests: None stated.
S.T. Ghatage,
Girish M. Kakade,
Ghatage Pediatric Hospital & PG Institute,
230, 4D, Madhavnagar Road,
Sangli 416 416,
Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: [email protected]