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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2005; 42:302


ePediatric News - http://www2.epediatricnews.com

This is monthly electronic newspaper for pediatricians from the Elsevier group.

The features include latest news, clinical rounds, sections on infectious diseases, behavioral pediatrics etc., practice trends and clinical rounds.

The best part is, it is free!

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice: https://www.empractice.net/

This is a website on evidence-based approach to pediatric emergency care. It contains articles, clinical pathways, legal issues, ways for cost-effective pediatric emergency care and CME programs. This is a must-visit for those dealing critical care pediatrics, especially in the private sector.

C. Vidyashankar,
PO Box 3168,
Post Code 112,
Sultanate of Oman,
E-mail: [email protected]




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