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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 2003; 40:280

Standardization of Mantoux Text

I seek a clarification on the recent article(1) on this topic. My Laboratory staff informs me that the only Mantoux preparation available on the market is one which contains 10 TU/0.1 ml of PPD-RT 23 (Span Diag-nostics, Surat). Yet the company literature states that an induration of 10 mm or more is a positive test. How do I interpret the Mantoux test if I use this 10 TU preparation? Is the Mantoux preparation of Guindy Lab Chennai made available to the private sector too?

Newton Luiz,
Dhanya Mission Hospital,
Potta PO, Thrissur,
Kerala-680 722, India.
E-mail: [email protected]


1. Aggarwal A, Guglani L, Faridi MMA. Standardization of Mantoux test. Indian Pediatr 2000; 39: 404-406.



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