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case report

Indian Pediatr 2017;54: 495-497

Kyphoscolitic Type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with Prenatal Stroke

Meriem Zahed-Cheikh, *Barthélémy Tosello, #Stéphanie Coze and Catherine Gire

From *Department of Neonatologie and #Medical Imaging Service, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille, Hospital Nord, 13015 Marseille, France.

Correspondence to: Dr Barthelemy Tosello, Department of Neonatology, Hospital Nord, Chemin des Bourelly, 13015 Marseille, France.
Email: [email protected]

Received: April 15, 2016;
Initial review: August 03, 2016;
Accepted: March 11, 2017.


The kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS type VIA) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by connective tissue dysplasia. Case characteristics: We report two children with perinatal stroke; accompanied by neonatal joint hypermobility, hypotonia; and early development of kyphoscoliosis. Outcome: Molecular analysis revealed a PLOD1 gene mutation. Our definitive diagnosis was a EDS VIA. Message: Prenatal brain stroke is a rare clinical feature of EDSVIA.

Keywords: Diagnosis, Neonatal hypotonia, PLOD1 gene, Scoliosis.

he kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS type VIA) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by connective tissue dysplasia [1], and is due to a mutation in the PLOD1 gene [1]. The syndrome’s clinical characteristics are hypotonia associated with malignant kyphoscoliosis, hyperlaxity, hyper-elasticity, and skin fragility. Presence of vascular disorder during the neonatal period does not immediately lend itself to this diagnosis [2].

We, herein, report two cases of EDS type VIA with neonatal hypotonia, and prenatal brain stroke.

Case Report

Two siblings born to third degree consanguineous parents are reported. When Case 1 was 4½ years old, her sister (Case 2) was born. Table I reports the description of the two cases. An EDS diagnosis was suspected when Case 1 was two years old. The diagnosis was based on joint hypermobility; delayed motor development (walking at 24 months, level 2 on Bimanual Fine Function; and on Gross Motor Function Classification System scales at 24 months). Suggestive facial dysmorphology, such as blepharochalasis, drooping cheeks, bluish sclera, tallness with a Marfanoid habitus, and arachnodactyly also contributed to this diagnosis. Her skin was hyperelastic with multiple bruises and a lassis venular. Furthermore she had a ligament laxity at 8/9.

TABLE I  Description of Two Cases  of Kyphoscolitic Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome  
Case 1 Case 2
Antenatal data Without any complications USG: Foot varus and suspected immobility at 24 wks gestation.`
Mode of delivery Spontaneous vaginal delivery Induced vaginal delivery due to immobility and oligohydramnios
Gestational age 370/6 weeks of gestation 37 4/6 weeks of gestation
Apgar score, M1, M5, M10 10/10/10 10/10/10
Measures Birth weight 2900 g (-1SD), 52 cm Birth weight 298 g (-1SD), 54 cm (+3SD) length, head
(+2SD) length, head circumference circumference of 37 cm (+2SD)
of 36 cm (+2SD)
Physical examination Joint hyperlaxity, hip dislocation, Major generalized neonatal hypotonia, along with 
at birth arthrogryposis with talus feet and arthrogryposis. Her hands were locked in flexion and 
club hands, and poor gesticulation dislocated. The tegument appearance, joint
that was contrasted with good visual hypomobility, and dysmorphology all resembled
contact  that of her sister’s
Brain ultrasonography Day 2 of life: IVH Grade IV Day 3 of life: IVH grade IV
Brain MRI (Fig.1) Day 3 of life: Parenchymental Day 3 of life: Parenchymental extension (ischemic 
 extension semiovale) of (the right lesions of the anterior limb of the left internal capsule  
centrum germinative layer haemorrhage and right caudate nucleus) of germinative layer haemorrhage
Evolution 5 mo of age:  kyphosis, followed by Developed kyphoscoliosis, required corset at 1 yr age. 
a rapidly progressive kyphoscoliosis At age of 5 yr she presented with progressive multiple
which required a brace, and then a disabilities such as late walking at 24 months and   
corset, Age 3 yr: surgical  diffused neuromotor disorders based on the
intervention Touwen’s neurodevelopmental examination.
No anomalies were found on ophthalmological examination, imaging studies or muscle biopsy. Karyotype was 46 XX for both. Thrombophilic workup normal.

After the second child’s birth, our work-up used DNA blood sampling as well as a skin biopsy taken from the Case 1 to investigate classic (II) and vascular (IV) types of EDS. The COL3A1, TGFBR1, and TGBR2 genes exhibited no sequence abnormality. By using DNA blood samples from sisters, all coding exons and the neighboring intronic regions of the PLOD1 gene were amplified from the DNA by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). These were then sequenced directly with flanking primers and PLOD1 gene dosage analysis was performed by quantitative Real Time PCR including 19 amplicons in exon 1-19. We then took a blood sample from the parents. By qPCR a duplication of exons 10 and 16 was detected in the PLOD1 gene, confirming the diagnosis of EDS type VIA in both sisters. This duplication was found present on both alleles.

                             (a)                                                             (b)

Fig. 1 Brain MRI of cases: (a) patient 1. Axial T2 sequence showing an cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage (arrow head) in T2 hypointensity, a subependymal hemorrhage (white arrow) and hemorrhagic infarction of the right centrum semiovale with diffusion restriction on axial DWI MRI images. (b) patient 2. Axial T2 sequences showing ischemic lesions of the anterior limb of the left internal capsule and right caudate nucleus, hypoT2 linear images may result of the periventricular and lenticulostriate vessels hemorraghic infarction (thin black arrow).


Our report illustrates a rare phenotype of EDS type VIA with a prenatal brain stroke. When a combination of prenatal brain stroke and neonatal hypotonia is noted, the possibility of EDS should always be contemplated. Finding the cause of this hypotonia requires a rigorous diagnostic approach using the Dubowitz algorithm [3]. Neonatal hypotonia consistently appeared as a clinical symptom in a review of 12 cases with variations of kyphoscoliotic EDS phenotype [1].

The presence of prenatal brain stroke and the absence of kyphoscoliosis noted in the neonatal period evoke an EDS type IV. This disease, often found in young adults, is linked to mutations in COL3A1 gene and has a different phenotype [4]. An autosomal recessive mode of inheritance is most probable, especially with consanguineous parents, and we carried out COL3A1 genetic screening by molecular analysis of skin biopsies. These proved to be negative, and we therefore discarded a diagnosis of EDS type IV [5].

The key diagnostic criteria were severe hypotonia, tendon laxity, scoliosis and scleral fragility. Assaying the enzymatic activity of PLOD from a skin biopsy showed 10-16 exon gene duplication. Neither strokes nor hip dislocation are typical of this syndrome with hip dislocation being found in only 25% of EDS type VI cases [1]. Similarly, in EDS type VI there is a possibility of vascular rupture. A prenatal case is described in a recent review of 15 patients and in an index case reported by Yis, et al. [6]. Tosun, et al. [2] suggest that although one of their patient’s subdural and intraparenchymal hemorrhage could be attributed to a breech delivery or difficult birth, the patient’s abnormal collagen structure may be a facilitating factor. Finally vascular ruptures are probably underestimated in this syndrome. In particular, 15% of mutant mouse PLOD -/- die of aortic dissections due to smooth muscle and collagen degeneration in the vessel wall [7]. Thus, a prenatal vascular event without any etiology with hypotonia and kyphosis ought to prompt a search for EDS type VI besides, COL4A1/A2 mutations without EDS were already evaluated in the etiology of intraventricular hemorrhage detected in utero [4].

Contributors: MZC: participated in the interpretation and writing of the manuscript; BT, CG, SC: participated in the patient management, and interpretation and writing of the manuscript. All the authors approved the final manuscript.

Funding: None; Competing interest: None stated.


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6. Yiº U, Dirik E, Chambaz C, Steinmann B, Giunta C. Differential diagnosis of muscular hypotonia in infants: The kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS VI). Neuromus Disord. 2008;18:210-4.

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