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Indian Pediatr 2009;46: 540

Punishment for Refusing OPV

Yash Paul

A-D-7, Devi Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302 016, India.
E-mail: [email protected]

Can the parents or caretakers of the children upto 5 years of age be penalised by the local authority or prosecuted in the court of law if they refuse administration of OPV during Pluse Polio Immunization campaign? The Hindustan Times dated 14th August 2007 had published a news item: "Refuse polio drops, lose power and ration cards". It was reported from Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh and stated: "In what appears to a first in Uttar Pradesh the polio drive is sending a clear message to the people: refusing polio drops will cost them dear." On the orders of the Sub-divisional magistrate punishment was meted out to two families whose ration cards were cancelled and power supply disconnected for refusing OPV for the children in their families.

Can such punitive action be taken against a doctor who does not administer OPV to those children who have received IPV to avoid any risk of VAPP in close immunocompromised contacts?


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