In this study, a majority was mild to moderately anemic and none of the
girls was severely anemic. Further, in this article we have looked at the
mean change in the cognitive scores of initially anemic girls. These girls
were not compared with their non-anemic counterparts as very few girls
were non-anemic on whom cognition test scores were available both before
and after the intervention in each experimental group.
Secondly, on a program basis, once-weekly IFA (and not
daily) in the same adult dose as that given to women (100 mg elemental
iron and 0.5 mg folate) is recommended for the adolescent girls nationally
in India, provided it is supervised supplementation, which is possible in
school settings. For pregnant women, daily IFA is recommended. Various
studies have shown significant impact of even weekly IFA on hemoglobin
levels of adolescent girls especially the anemic ones(1). Thus, the
Government of Gujarat initiated weekly IFA supplementation throughout the
state among secondary school girls for anemia control(2). Besides, our
study aimed at comparing functional benefits of once-weekly vs. twice
weekly IFA since our earlier experience was that for other functional
benefits other than anemia control, once-weekly may not suffice.
1. Beard JL. Weekly iron intervention: The case from
intermittent iron supplementation. Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 68: 209-212.
2. Kotecha PV, Patel RZ, Karkar PD, Nirupam S. Impact
evaluation of adolescent girls’ anemia reduction program, vadodara
district. Department of Preventive and Social Medicine. Gujarat:
Government Medical College, Government of Gujarat and Unicef; 2002.