Growth curves are an essential tool in
pediatric practice. Their value resides in helping to determine the degree
to which
physiological needs for growth and development are being met during the
important childhood period. However, their usefulness goes far beyond
assessing children’s nutritional status. Many governmental and United
Nations agencies rely on growth charts for measuring the general
well-being of populations, formulating health and related policies, and
planning interventions and monitoring their effectiveness.
There is now broad international consensus on the
utility of the WHO Child Growth Standards (
for assessing the growth of children 0 to 5 years of age. The standards
are derived from children who were raised in environments that minimized
constraints to growth such as poor diets and infection. In addition, their
mothers followed healthy practices such as breastfeeding, and not smoking
during and after pregnancy(1). Because the standards depict physiological
human growth under optimal environmental conditions, they provide an
improved tool for assessing growth.
The WHO standards have been well received worldwide and
are being adopted faster than expected. Thus far, over 100 countries are
at different stages of their implementation. The standards provide an
opportunity to:
• redefine and revitalize actions to promote optimal
child growth;
• foster the adoption of "best practices", such as
incorporating height and BMI to assess the dual burden of under- and
over-nutrition (stunting and overweight);
• provide coherence between national and
international infant feeding guidelines that recommend breastfeeding as
the optimal source of nutrition during infancy and the charts
recommended for assessing the pattern of infant growth; and
• harmonize growth assessment systems within and
between countries.
Much less is known about the growth and nutritional
status of school-age children and adolescents in both developed and
developing countries. Reasons for this lack of knowledge include the rapid
changes in somatic growth, problems of dealing with variations in
maturation, and difficulties in separating normal variations from those
associated with health risks. Another key source of this knowledge gap is
the lack of an internationally agreed method for assessing growth and
nutritional status during this period of life.
The release of the WHO standards for preschool children
and increasing public health concern over childhood obesity have stirred
interest in developing appropriate growth curves for school-age children
and adolescents(2). For this purpose, some authors emphasize using
contemporary convenient (i.e. recent and logistically feasible) samples,
while others feel it would be better to follow an approach analogous to
the one WHO used in developing standards for preschool children based on a
prescriptive design(3).
A significant inherent problem of updating growth
curves using contemporary samples such as the one based on affluent Indian
children published in this issue(4) is that the resulting weight-based
curves, such as the BMI, will be markedly skewed to the right, thereby
redefining overweight and obesity as ‘normal’(5). This biological drawback
of several contemporary growth curves results in a substantial
underestimation of the prevalence of childhood obesity(5). Moreover, it
overestimates the prevalence of thinness (e.g. children below the 3
percentile) prompting overfeeding of children who are healthy and
constitutionally small, and thus potentially promoting increasingly
overweight populations.
In the present Indian study published in this issue of
Indian Pediatrics(4), the 85th and 95th percentiles for BMI at 18
years are above 25 and 30, respectively, suggesting that "as the authors
acknowledge "if they use the 85th and 95th percentiles as cut-offs for
defining overweight and obesity, they will be accepting higher BMI
(overweight children) as "normal" at all ages. To overcome this flaw the
authors propose using the 75th percentile on the current BMI curves as a
cut-off for screening for overweight boys and girls. The recommendation of
the IAP National Task Force for Childhood Prevention of Adult Diseases is
that Indian children >10 years of age are to be considered overweight if
their BMI is >85th percentile for age(6).
A key question is whether recommending a lower
percentile, such as the 75th percentile, as the cut-off for defining
overweight is the appropriate way forward. A central purpose of growth
charts is to provide sensible cut-offs for screening for growth problems.
Lowering the proposed cut-offs for defining childhood overweight as
updated growth curves become increasingly skewed upwards cannot be the
solution. A better approach would be to construct growth curves using
samples that have achieved expected linear growth while still not being
affected by excessive weight gain relative to linear growth.
The case made for using a national reference has
traditionally been that it is more representative of a nation’s children
than any other reference could be. But with the child obesity epidemic
this no longer holds for weight or BMI. As soon as a new reference is
produced, it is out of date.
The need to harmonize growth assessment tools
conceptually and pragmatically prompted the convening of an expert group
meeting in January 2006 to evaluate the feasibility of developing a single
international growth reference for school-age children and adolescents(3).
The group recognized the limitations of existing reference curves for
assessing childhood obesity (e.g. the NCHS/WHO growth reference,
the CDC 2000 growth charts, and the IOTF cut-offs) and recommended that
appropriate growth curves for these age groups be developed for clinical
and public health applications.
Following the expert group meeting, WHO proceeded to
reconstruct the 1977 NCHS/WHO growth reference from 5-19 years. It used
the original sample (a non-obese sample with expected heights),
supplemented with data from the WHO Child Growth Standards (to facilitate
a smooth transition at 5 years), and applied state-of-the-art statistical
methods(7). The new curves are closely aligned with the WHO Child Growth
Standards at 5 years, and the recommended adult cut-offs for overweight
and obesity at 19 years (BMI of 25 and 30, respectively). The full set of
tables and charts for height, weight and BMI is available at, including application tools such as software
for clinicians and public health specialists(8). The WHO reference 2007
for school-age children and adolescents provides a suitable reference for
the 5 to 19 years age group to be used in conjunction with the WHO Child
Growth Standards from 0 to 5 years.
Childhood obesity is a significant public health
problem that causes a wide range of serious complications and increases
the risk of premature illness and death later in life. The interpretation
of weight-based indices such as BMI needs to be based on prescriptive
standards or, if these are not available, on reference data that do not
underestimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Using appropriate
growth curves is crucial since the accurate evaluation of child growth
trajectories and the choice of interventions to improve child health are
highly dependent on the growth charts used. Similarly, there is a need to
use the same reference data for assessing both individuals (clinical use)
and populations (health planning use) to ensure coherence between what
paediatricians see in the clinic and the population-based data health
planners use in designing treatment and preventive services.
Funding: None
Competing interests: None declared.
1. WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. WHO
Child Growth Standards based on length/height, weight and age. Acta
Paediatr 2006; 95(Suppl 450): 76-85.
2. Butte NF, Garza C, de Onis M. Evaluation of the
feasibility of international growth standards for school-aged children and
adolescents. J Nutr 2007; 137: 153-157.
3. Butte NF, Garza C. Development of an international
growth standard for preadolescent and adolescent children. Food Nutr Bull
2006; 27(suppl): S169-S326.
4. Khadilkar VV, Khadilkar AV, Cole TJ, Sayyad MG.
Cross sectional growth curves for height, weight and body mass index for
affluent Indian children, 2007. Indian Pediatr 2009; 46: 477-489.
5. de Onis M. The use of anthropometry in the
prevention of childhood overweight and obesity. Int J Obesity 2004; 28:
6. Bhatia V. IAP National Task Force for Childhood
Prevention of Adult Diseases. IAP National Task Force for Childhood
Prevention of Adult Diseases: insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes
mellitus in childhood. Indian Pediatr 2004; 41: 443-457.
7. de Onis M, Onyango AW, Borghi E, Siyam A, Nishida C,
Siekmann J. Development of a WHO growth reference for school-aged children
and adolescents. Bull WHO 2007; 85: 660-667.
8. WHO AnthroPlus for personal computers Manual:
Software for assessing growth of the world’s children and adolescents.
Geneva: WHO, 2009. Available from:
Accessed 20 May, 2009.