The IAP guidelines are a consequence of the Medical
Council of India (MCI) decision in 1997 that Pediatrics will be a
separate subject for examination of undergraduate (MBBS) Medical
Training. It was felt that having access to National Guidelines for
Pediatrics, based on the new MCI curriculum would benefit Departments
of Pediatrics across the country, and help ensure high standards of
pediatric education at different institutions. The guidelines have
emerged after a series of Workshops attended by pediatric teachers
representing 35-40 medical colleges – Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Education Center (IAP-EC) Workshop on Under-graduate (UG) Pediatric
Education (Delhi, 1998); WHO sponsored National Trainer’s Workshop
on Principles of Medical Education (Delhi, 2000) and WHO sponsored
Regional Workshops on Teaching Methodology and Assessment (Pondicherry,
Kolkata and Lucknow, 2000).
1. MCI Guidelines for UG Medical Curriculum
The MCI recommended restructuring of the
professional examinations based on semester teaching. The new
recommendations are outlined in Table I. It also recommended
integrated teaching at all professional levels and suggested a
timetable for distribution of teaching hours. The teaching hours as
applicable to Pediatrics are outlined in Table II.
1st, 2nd
1st Professional
* Anatomy,
Physiology, Biochemistry
3rd, 4th,
2nd Professional
* Pathology,
Microbiology, Forensic
Medicine and
6th, 7th
Pre-Final Professional
8th, 9th
Final Professional
* Medicine,
Pediatrics, Surgery,
Obstetrics and
Didactic lectures +
Seminars +
Clinical demonstrations
100 hours
(including neonatology)
10 weeks
3rd /
6th /
4 (or
2 +2)
8th /
Note: These are minimum
recommendations and can be increased depending on college curriculum
1.1. MCI objectives for Pediatric Graduate
Medical Education
The course includes systematic instructions in
growth and development, nutritional needs of a child, immunization
schedules, management of common diseases of infancy and childhood,
scope of Social Pediatrics and Counselling.
1.1.1. Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall be able
1. Describe the normal growth and development
during fetal life, neonatal period, childhood and adolescence and
outline deviations thereof;
2. Describe the common pediatric disorders and
emergencies in terms of epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, clinical
manifestations, diagnosis, rational therapy and rehabilitation;
3. State age related requirements of calories,
nutrients, fluids, drugs, etc. in health and disease;
4. Describe preventive strategies for common
infectious disorders, malnutrition, genetic and metabolic disorders,
poisonings, accidents and child abuse;
5. Outline national programs relating to child
health including immunization programs.
1.1.2. Skills
At the end of the course, the student shall be able
1. Take a detailed pediatric history, conduct an
appropriate physical examination of children including neonates,
make clinical diagnosis, conduct common bedside investigative
procedures, interpret common laboratory investigations and plan and
institute therapy;
2. Take anthropometric measurements, resuscitate
newborn infants with bag and mask at birth, prepare oral rehydration
solu- tion, perform tuberculin test, administer vaccines available
under current national programs, start an intravenous line and
provide nasogastric feeding, observe vene-section and intraosseous
infusion, if possible;
3. Conduct diagnostic procedures such as lumbar
puncture, bone marrow aspiration, pleural tap and ascitic tap;
observe liver and kidney biopsy;
4. Distinguish between normal newborn babies and
those requiring special care and institute early care to all new
born babies including care of preterm and low birth weight babies,
provide correct guidance and counseling in breastfeeding;
5. Provide ambulatory care to sick children,
identify indications for specialized/in- patient care and ensure
timely referral of those who require hospitalization.
1.1.3. Integration
The training in Pediatrics should be done in an
integrated manner with other disciplines, such as Anatomy, Physiology,
Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, Obstetrics and Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, to prepare the student to deliver
preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services for care
of children both in the community and at hospital as part of a team.
2. IAP Guidelines on Pediatric Teaching Schedule
2.1. Training schedule
A suggested model timetable is given in Table
2.2. Training During 3rd and 4th Semester
2.2.1. Learning Objective
· Cognitive:
Normal child, growth, development, feeding, immunization, normal
new born.
· Specific
Learning Objective (Skills)
1. Take a detailed Pediatric history.
2. Understand normal growth and development.
3. Conduct physical examination of children.
4. Perform anthropometry and interpret growth.
5. Developmental assessment of a child.
6. Medical conduct during patient examination.
Model Timetable
4th and
8- 9 am
9-12 am
Lectures (8)
Clinical posting (2
6th and
8- 9 am
9-12 am
Lectures (20)
Clinical posting (4
8th and
8- 9 am
9-12 am
12-1 pm
2-4 pm
Lectures (40)
Clinical posting (4
Demonstration/training tutorial
Practical demonstration
*Additional 8-16 hours of Integrated Seminars
2.2.2. Lectures
1. Introduction to Pediatrics.
2. Normal growth.
3. Normal development.
4. Immunization.
5. Introduction to newborn and normal newborn
6. Temperature regulation in newborn.
7. Breastfeeding and lactation management.
8. Infant and child feeding (include
complementary feeding).
2.2.3. Clinical Training (9.00 a.m.-12.00 noon)
Subjects for demonstration:
1. Scope of Pediatrics, learning objectives and
teaching schedule.
2. History taking — I (Present, past and
3. History taking — II (Antenatal, development,
immunization, feeding).
4. General physical examination.
5. Anthropometry.
6. Normal development.
discussion in wards with emphasis on history, general physical
and systemic examination and demonstration of anthro-pometric
techniques, during next one week.
Assessment (End of
Posting): Examination skills especially recording of special
features of Pediatric history and anthro-pometry.
2.3. Training During 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
2.3.1. Learning Objectives
2.3.2. Lectures 6th/7th/8th/9th Semester
1. Birth asphyxia
2. Normal fluid and electrolyte balance in
3. Low birth weight babies.
4. Neonatal respiratory distress.
5. Jaundice in newborn.
6. Neonatal infections.
7. Neonatal convulsions.
8. PEM and its management.
9. Vitamin deficiencies.
10. Nutritional anemia in infancy and childhood.
11. Acute diarrhea.
12. Hypothyroidism in children.
13. Congestive heart failure — diagnosis and
14. Congenital heart disease.
15. Rheumatic heart disease.
16. Hypertension in children, including
hypertensive emergencies.
17. Acute respiratory infections.
18. Bronchial asthma including status asthmaticus.
19. Nephrotic syndrome.
20. Acute glomerulonephritis and hematuria.
21. Chronic liver disease.
22. Hemolytic anemia including thalassemia.
23. Leukemia.
24. Bleeding and coagulation disorders.
25. Seizure disorders including status epilepticus.
26. Cerebral palsy.
27. Common exanthematous illnesses.
28. Childhood tuberculosis.
29. Fluid and electrolyte balance: pathophysiology
and principles of management, acid-base balance.
30. Shock and anaphylaxis.
31. Adolescent growth and normal puberty.
32. Other childhood malignancies (neuro-blastoma,
Wilms tumor, lymphoma).
33. Coagulation disorders–hemophilia.
34. Mental retardation.
35. Behavioral disorders.
36. Meningitis.
37. Diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus.
38. Enteric fever.
39. Immunization.
40. Common childhood poisonings.
41. Down’s syndrome
42. Medical ethics.
43. Pediatric prescription and rational drug
(i) Some of the topics may require more than one
(ii) 8-16 hours of integrated seminars (i.e. 4-8
seminars of 2 hours each) should be incorporated in the syllabus with
other departments (i.e., Medicine, Obstetrics and Community Medicine).
Individual departments can choose depending on local requirements or
facility. Adjustments may be made in the lecture schedule accordingly
to prevent overlap of topics. A list of suggested topics is provided
in Annexure-I.
2.3.3. Clinical Training in 6th and 7th Semesters
I. Specific Learning Objectives (Skills)
1. Take a detailed Pediatric history.
2. Conduct physical examination of children.
3. Perform anthropometry and interpret growth of
the child.
4. Developmental assessment of a child.
5. Distinguish between normal newborn babies and
those requiring special care (including low birth weight and preterms).
6. Care of newborn at birth and lying in ward.
7. Counseling for breastfeeding/infant feeding.
II. Clinical Posting (9.00 am to 12.00 noon)
1. Neonatal history taking
2. Newborn — nomenclature and assessment of
gestational age.
3. Care of normal newborn at birth.
4. Examination of newborn.
5. Breastfeeding.
6. Identification of sick newborn (common danger
7. Low birth weight including temperature
regulation and asepsis.
* One day of the posting should be for immunization
related services
Pediatrics Case discussion — History taking and examination
for 3 weeks in wards.
(End of Posting): Emphasis on detailed history, physical
examination, interpretation and correlation of abnormal physical
findings and normal newborn.
2.3.4. Clinical Training in 8th and 9th Semesters
I. Specific Learning Objectives (Skills)
1. Take detailed pediatric history, conduct an
appropriate physical and developmental examination of children
including neonates, make clinical diagnosis, conduct common bedside
procedures (peripheral smear, hemoglobin, urine and stool examination,
CSF examination by microscope), interpret common laboratory
investigations and plan and institute therapy.
2. Recognize emergencies including neonatal
resuscitation and CPR and care to be instituted and relevant
procedures performed.
3. Prepare oral rehydration solution, perform
tuberculin test and administer vaccines.
4. Observation of diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures such as intravenous access, nasogastric feeding,
venesection, pleural tap, ascitic tap, bone marrow aspiration, lumbar
puncture, liver and kidney biopsy.
II. Clinical Posting (9.00 am to 4.00
pm) (8 weeks)
Case discussion : 20 hours.
(Suggested list of Clinical cases to be discussed
is provided in Annexure II).
III. Clinical Posting (2.00-4.00 pm) ( 8
weeks) (20 hours)
Immunization clinic posting.
Emergency room posting.
Diarrhea treatment unit posting.
Nutrition tray and visit to kitchen.
Demonstration of Instruments, X-ray films and other items
(Annexure IV).
IV. Assessment (End of Posting)
discussion - 50%.
Viva on
and X-ray/OSCE - 25%.
- 25%.
3. Course Content
3.1. Vital statistics
Must know
Definition and overview of Pediatrics with special reference to
age-related disorders. Population structure, pattern of morbidity and
mortality in children.
Maternal, perinatal, neonatal, infant and preschool mortality rates.
Definition, causes, present status and measures for attainment of
Current National programs such as ICDS, RCH, Vitamin A prophylaxis,
UIP, Pulse polio, ARI, Diarrhea Control Program, etc.
Desirable to know
3.2. Growth and Development
Must know
Normal growth from conception to maturity.
Anthropometery — measurement and interpretation of weight,
length/height, head circumference, mid-arm circum-ference. Use of
weighing machines, infantometer.
Interpretation of Growth Charts: Road to Health card and percentile
growth curves
Abnormal growth patterns-failure to thrive, short stature.
Growth patterns of different organ systems such as lymphoid, brain and
sex organs.
Normal pattern of teeth eruption.
Principles of normal development.
Important milestones in infancy and early childhood in the areas of
gross motor, fine motor, language and personal-social development. 3-4
milestones in each of the developmental fields, age of normal
appearance and the upper age of normal.
Preventable causes and assessment of developmental retardation.
Psychological and behavioral problems.
Desirable to know
Measurement and interpretation of sitting height, US:LS ratio and arm
Age-independent anthropometric measurement-principles and application.
Sexual maturity rating.
3.3. Nutrition
Must know
Normal requirements of protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals and
vitamins for newborn, children and pregnant and lactating mother.
Common food sources.
Breastfeeding–physiology of lactation, composition of breast milk,
colostrum, initiation and technique of feeding. Exclusive
breastfeeding - Definition and benefits. Characteristics and
advantages of breast milk. Hazards and demerits of prelacteal feed,
top milk and bottle feeding. Feeding of LBW babies.
Infant feeding/weaning foods, method of weaning.
Assessment of nutritional status of a child based on history and
physical examination.
Protein energy malnutrition - Definition, classification according to
IAP/Wellcome Trust, acute versus chronic malnutrition. Clinical
features of marasmus and kwashiorkar. Causes and management of PEM
including that of complications. Planning a diet for PEM.
Vitamins-Recognition of vitamin deficiencies (A, D, K, C, B-Complex).
Etiopatho-genesis, clinical features, biochemical and radiological
findings, differential diagnosis and management of nutritional rickets
and scurvy. Hypervitaminosis A and D.
Desirable to know
Characteristics of transitional and mature milk (foremilk and hind
milk). Prevention and management of lactation failure and feeding
Definition, causes and management of obesity.
3.4. Immunization
Must know
National Immunization Programme.
Principles of Immunization. Vaccine preservation and cold-chain.
Types, contents, efficacy storage, dose, site, route,
contra-indications and adverse reactions of vaccines — BCG, DPT, OPV,
Measles, MMR, and Typhoid: Rationale and methodology of Pulse Polio
Investigation and reporting of vaccine preventable diseases. AFP
(Acute Flaccid Paralysis) surveillance.
Desirable to know
Special vaccines like Hepatitis B, H. influenzae b,
Pneumococcal, Hepatitis A, Chicken pox, Meningococcal, Rabies.
3.5. Infectious Diseases
Must know
Epidemiology, basic pathology, natural history, symptoms, signs,
complica-tions, investigations, differential diagnosis, management and
prevention of common bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in the
region, with special reference to vaccine-preventable diseases:
Tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus
including neonatal tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid, viral
hepatitis, cholera, chickenpox, giardiasis, amebiasis, intestinal
helminthiasis, malaria, dengue fever, AIDS.
Desirable to know
3.6. Hematology
Must know
Causes of anemia in childhood. Classification based on etiology and
Epidemiology, recognition, diagnosis, management and prevention of
nutritional anemia-iron deficiency, megaloblastic.
Clinical approach to a child with anemia with lymphadenopathy and/or
Epidemiology, clinical features, investi-gations and management of
Approach to a bleeding child.
Diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and principles of treatment
Clinical features and management of hemophilia, purpura.
Diagnosis and principles of management of lymphomas.
Desirable to know
Types, clinical features and management of acute hemolytic anemia.
3.7. Respiratory system
Must know
Clinical approach to a child with cyanosis, respiratory distress,
wheezing. Signi-ficance of recession, retraction.
Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications, investigations,
differential diagnosis and management of acute upper respiratory
infections, pneumonia with emphasis on bronchopneumonia,
bronchio-litis, bronchitis. Acute and chronic otitis media.
Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, classification and
management of bronchial asthma. Treatment of acute severe asthma.
Pulmonary tuberculosis- infection versus disease, difference between
primary and post-primary tuberculosis. Etiopatho-genesis, diagnostic
criteria in children versus adults. Diagnostic aids - technique and
interpretation of Mantoux test and BCG test. Radiological patterns,
chemo-prophylaxis and treatment.
Diagnosis and management of foreign body aspiration. Differential
diagnosis of stridor.
Pathogenesis, clinical features and management of pneumothorax,
pleural effusion and empyema.
Desirable to know
3.8. Gastrointestinal tract
Must know
Clinical approach to a child with jaundice, vomiting, abdominal pain,
bleeding, hepatosplenomegaly.
Acute diarrhea disease - Etiopathogenesis, clinical differentiation of
watery and invasive diarrhea, complications of diarr-heal illness.
Assessment of dehydration, treatment at home and in hospital. Fluid
and electrolyte management. Oral rehydra-tion, composition of ORS.
Clinical features and management of acute viral hepatitis, causes and
diagnosis of chronic liver disease.
Common causes of constipation.
Abdominal tuberculosis
Desirable to know
3.9. Central Nervous System
Must know
Clinical approach to a child with coma, convulsions, mental
Clinical diagnosis, investigations and treatment of acute pyogenic
meningitis, encephalitis and tubercular meningitis.
Seizure disorders - Causes and types of convulsions at different ages.
Diagnosis, categorization and management of epi-lepsy (broad outline).
Febrile convulsions - definition, types, management.
Causes, diagnosis and management of cerebral palsy.
Acute flaccid paralysis - Differentiation between Polio and
Gullain-Barre syndrome.
Microcephaly, hydrocephalus, chorea
Desirable to know
3.10. Cardiovascular system
Must know
Clinical features, diagnosis, investigation, treatment and prevention
of acute rheumatic fever. Common forms of rheumatic heart disease in
childhood. Differentiation between rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis.
Recognition of congenital acyanotic and cyanotic heart disease.
Hemodynamics, clinical features and management of VSD, PDA, ASD and
Fallot’s tetralogy.
Recognition of congestive cardiac failure in infants and children.
Hypertension in children-recognition, etiology, referral.
Desirable to know
3.11. Genitourinary system
Must know
Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, complications and
management of acute post-streptococcal glomeruloneph-ritis and
nephrotic syndrome.
Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of urinary tract
infection - related problems.
Etiology, diagnosis and principles of management of acute renal
Causes and diagnosis of obstructive uropathy in children.
Diagnosis and principles of management of chronic renal failure.
Causes and diagnosis of hematuria.
Desirable to know
3.12. Endocrinology
Must know
Etiology clinical features and diagnosis of diabetes and
hypothyroidism, hyper-thyroidism and goiter in children.
Desirable to know
Delayed and precocious puberty
3.13. Neonatology
Must know
Definition - live birth, neonatal period, cla-ssification according to
weight and gestation, mortality rates.
Delivery room management including neonatal resuscitation and
temperature control
Etiology, clinical features, principles of management and prevention
of birth asphyxia.
Birth injuries - causes and their recognition.
Care of the normal newborn in the first week of life. Normal
variations and clinical signs in the neonate.
Breastfeeding - physiology and its clinical management
Identification of congenital anomalies at birth with special reference
to anorectal anomalies, tracheo-esophageal fistula, diaphragmatic
hernia, neural tube defects.
Neonatal jaundice: causes, diagnosis and principles of management.
Neonatal infection - etiology, diagnosis, principles of management.
Superficial infections, sepsis.
Low birth weight babies - causes of prematurity and small-for-date
baby, clinical features and differentiation. Principles of feeding and
temperature regulation. Problems of low birth weight babies.
Identification of sick newborn (i.e., detection of abnormal
signs - cyanosis, jaundice, respiratory distress, bleeding, seizures,
refusal to feed, abdominal distension, failure to pass meconium and
Desirable to know
Recognition and management of specific neonatal problems-hypoglycemia,
hypo-calcemia, anemia, seizures, necrotizing enterocolitis,
Common intra-uterine infections.
Transportation of a sick neonate.
3.14. Pediatric Emergencies
Must know
Status epilepticus.
Status asthmaticus / Acute severe asthma.
Shock and anaphylaxis.
Hypertensive emergencies.
Gastrointestinal bleeding.
Comatose child.
Congestive cardiac failure.
Acute renal failure.
3.15. Fluid-Electrolyte
Must know
3.16. Genetics
Must know
3.17. Behavioral Problems
Must know
3.18. Pediatric Surgical Problems
Must know
and timing of surgery of cleft lip/palate, hypospadias, undescended
testis, tracheo-esophageal fistula, hydro-cephalus, CTEV, umbilical
and inguinal hernia, anorectal malformations, hypertrophic pyloric
3.19. Therapeutics
Must know
doses, drug combinations, drug interactions, age specific choice of
antibiotics, etc.
4. Assessment
4.1. MCI Guidelines for University Exami- nation
Marks Allotted : 100
Theory : 50
One paper : 40
Internal Assessment : 10
Note: In Theory, Short Answer/Objective Type
questions should form at least 25% of total marks
: 50
Cases : 30
: 10
Internal Assessment
: 10
Note: 2 cases of 15 marks each.
4.2. Internal Assessment (Suggested model)
TABLE IV–Suggested
Model for Internal Assessment
for internal
(End of
posting assessment)
Weightage for internal assessment
Short answer
Short case
+ Viva/Spots
Short case
+ OSCE/Spots |
Short essay
MCQ/Short answer
2 cases
+ OSCE/Spots
5. Internship in Pediatrics: MCI Guidelines
5.1. Objectives
The intern at the end of his/her tenure in the
Department of Pediatrics should be able to:
1. Diagnose and manage common childhood disorders
including neonatal disorders and acute emergencies (enquiry from
parents of sick children), examining a sick child and making a
record of information.
2. Carry out activities related to patient care
such as laboratory work, investigative procedures and use of special
equipments. The details are given as under.
Diagnostic techniques:
Blood sampling (including from femoral vein and umbilical cord),
abscess drainage, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, pleural and peritoneal
fluid and common tissue biopsy techniques.
Techniques related to
patient care: Immunization,
perfusion techniques, feeding procedures, tuberculin testing and
breastfeeding counseling.
Use of equipment:
Vital monitoring, temperature monitoring, resuscitation at birth and
care of children receiving intensive care.
3. Screening of newborn babies and those with
objective risk factors for any anomalies and steps for prevention in
4. Plan in collaboration with parents and
individually, collective surveillance of growth and development of
new born babies, infants and children so that he/she is able to:
Recognize growth
Recognize anomalies of
psychomotor development;
Detect congenital
5. Assess nutritional and dietary status of
infants and children and organize prevention, detection and follow
up of deficiency disorders both at individual and community level
such as:
Deficiencies of
vitamins specially A, B, C and D.
Iron deficiency.
6. Institute early management of common childhood
diseases with special reference to pediatric dosage and oral
rehydration therapy.
7. Participate actively in public health programs
oriented towards children in the community.
5.2. Duration
The duration of the internship training in
Pediatrics would be for a period of 4 weeks. The intern will
maintain a logbook on the basis of which the assessment will be
5.3. Assessment
Satisfactory completion shall be determined on
the basis of the following criteria (each item scored 0-5):
1. Proficiency of knowledge required for
management of patients.
2. Competency in skills expected to manage each
3. Responsibility, punctuality, work up of
case, involvement in treatment, follow-up care.
4. Capacity to work in a team (interaction with
colleagues, nursing staff and relationship with paramedical
5. Initiative, participation in discussions,
research aptitude.
(Basis of scoring: Poor = 0,
Fail = 1, Below average = 2, average = 3, above
average = 4, excellent = 5. A score of less than 3
in any of above items will represent unsatisfactory completion of
5.4. Recommended skills
Must do
Injections (IM,
IV, S/C,
2 each
Vaccine administration
I/V canulae insertion
Blood ampling
Blood transfusion
and monitoring
Lumbar puncture
Nasogastric tube
Health and
nutrition education
Urine examination
4 each
Peripheral blood
Stool examination
to do
Pleural tap
Ascitic tap
Bone marrow
Observation of Procedures
Liver biopsy
Kidney biopsy
Peritoneal dialysis
Neonatal resuscitation
Intraosseous infusion
Exchange transfusion
Annexure I
Suggested Topics For Integrated seminars
1. Convulsions including status epilepticus
2. Coma
3. Pyrexia of unknown origin
4. Jaundice
5. Portal hypertension
6. Respiratory failure
7. Shock and anaphylaxis
8. Rheumatic heart disease
9. Hypertension
10. Diabetes mellitus
11. Hypothyroidism
12. Anemia
13. Bleeding
14. Renal failure
15. Tuberculosis
16. Malaria
17. HIV infection
18. Poliomyelitis and AFP surveillance
19. Perinatal asphyxia (with obstetrics)
20. Intrauterine growth retardation (with
Annexure II
List of Clinical Cases to be Discussed
1. Normal newborn
2. Normal development in a child
3. Low birth weight babies
4. Temperature regulation in newborn
5. Neonatal infections
6. Neonatal respiratory distress
7. Jaundice in newborn
8. Malaria and typhoid fever
9. Immunization
10. Adolescent growth and disorders of puberty
11. Common exanthematous illness
12. Infant feeding
13. Xerophthalmia and rickets
14. Protein energy malnutrition
15. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
16. Acute diarrhea
17. Persistent diarrhea
18. Chronic liver disease
19. Seizure disorders
20. Acute flaccid paralysis
21. Cerebral palsy and mental retardation
22. Leukemias
23. Hemolytic anemias and Thalassemia
24. Bleeding and coagulation disorders
25. Iron deficiency anemia
26. Acute glomerulonephritis and hematuria
27. Nephrotic syndrome
28. Rheumatic fever and heart disease
29. Acute respiratory infections
30. Congenital heart disease
31. Congestive heart failure
32. Meningitis
33. Bronchial asthma
34. Behavioral disorders
35. Childhood tuberculosis
Annexure III
List of Tutorials
Protein energy malnutrition
Acute diarrhea; fluid therapy
Persistent diarrhea
Hemolytic anemia; other anemias
Bleeding in children
Generalized lymphadenopathy
Congenital heart disease (cyanotic,
Rheumatic heart disease
Nephrotic syndrome; edema
Acute glomerulonephritis
Pleural effusion/consolidaton
Bronchial asthma; respiratory distress
Upper respiratory infections
Monoparesis including acute flaccid paralysis
Mental retardation (preventable and cerebral palsy)
Epilepsy and febrile convulsions
Normal newborn
Low birth weight babies
Preterm babies
Neonatal jaundice
Neonatal septicemia
Newborn resuscitation
Respiratory distress in newborn
Annexure IV
Suggested List of Instruments, X-ray films
and other items with which the student must be familiar
(i) List of Instruments
Lumbar puncture needle, liver biopsy needle, bone
marrow aspiration, intravenous cannula, Ryle’s tube, emergency
drugs, resuscitation bag and mask, tongue depressor, tuberculin
syringe, endotracheal tube, laryngoscope, vaccines.
(ii) X-ray films
Pneumonia, primary complex - hilar and parahilar
lymphadenopathy, miliary tuberculosis, obstructive emphysema, pleural
effusion, pneumothorax, normal thymus, primary complex, congenital
heart disease, increased and decreased pulmonary vascularity,
cardiomegaly, rickets, scurvy, hemolytic anemia, Skull: sutural
separation, enlarged sella and raised intracranial tension, intestinal
(ii) Miscellaneous
Emergency medications, intravenous fluids, oral
rehydrating preparations, vaccines, ECG tracings.
Compiled by:
R.N. Srivastava (Chairperson), S.K. Mittal, Vinod K. Paul (Convener),
S. Ramji on behalf of IAP Education Center.
Correspondence to: Dr. R.N. Srivastava, IAP
Education Center, 4222A Kala Kunj, 1 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi
110 002, India.
E-mail: [email protected]