Indian Pediatr 2019;56:551-555 |
Daily Iron Requirements
in Healthy Indian Children and Adolescents
Santu Ghosh 1, Srishti Sinha3,
Nirupama Shivakumar2, Tinku
Thomas1, Harshpal Singh
and Anura V Kurpad2
From Departments of 1Biostatistics, and 2Physiology, St. John’s
Medical College, 3Division of Nutrition, St. John’s Research Institute,
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka;
4Department of Pediatrics, Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and
Research, New Delhi; India.
Correspondence to: Dr Anura V Kurpad, Department of Physiology, St.
John’s Medical College,
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore 560 034,
Email: [email protected]
Received: December 22, 2018;
Initial review: February 25, 2019;
Accepted: May 20, 2019.
Objective: This study aimed to define the estimated average
requirement and the recommended dietary allowance of iron for Indian
children and adolescents. Methods: The Estimated average
requirement was derived for children aged 1-17y, from the mean
bioavailability-adjusted daily physiological iron requirement, which in
turn was estimated using a factorial method. This consisted of mean
daily iron losses from the body and additional iron required for tissue
growth and storage, while also defining the variance of each factor to
derive the Recommended dietary allowance. Results: The estimated
average requirement of iron for children ranged from 5.6 to 11.0 mg/d in
children aged 1-9y. For adolescents aged 10-17y, these ranged from 10.8
to 18.4 mg/d and 15.4 to 18.5 mg/d for adolescent boys and girls,
respectively. Conclusion: New estimates of estimated average
requirement for iron in Indian children are presented, and same may be
used to inform iron supplementation and food fortification policies.
Keywords: Anemia, Deficiency, Estimated
Average Requirement, Recommended Dietary Allowance.
I ron is an essential micronutrient for children
and adolescents and the current Indian Council of Medical Research
(ICMR) Recommended dietary allowances (RDA, 2010) report a daily iron
requirement as high as 32 mg/d for adolescent boys [1]. Since the iron
density from Indian diet is 9 mg/1000 kCal [1], it would require an
extraordinary energy intake of more than 3000 kCal/d to meet the
requirement. This has led to the iron fortification of staple foods,
anchored to the daily iron requirement of adolescent girls. The
combination of a high daily iron-requirement and persisting high anemia
prevalence in children and adolescents has led to the launch of both
supplementation [2] and multiple staple food fortification programs [3]
to overcome the apparent dietary iron deficit. The metric that is used
to define the risk of population level nutrient deficiency is the
Estimated average requirement (EAR). The RDA is another requirement
metric that is defined from the variance of the iron requirement and is
the 97.5th percentile of the
distribution. The RDA is only applied to individuals and never for
populations [4]. The current Indian recommendation [1] provides a single
value for the requirement, called RDA. This paper sets out a factorial
determination of the EAR and RDA of iron in Indian children and
Iron requirements during childhood and adolescence
were estimated using a factorial method, based on replacing the iron
lost from the body (basal and menstrual) and providing additional iron
required for growth and storage. This was then adjusted for the dietary
iron bioavailability to derive a mean value (EAR). The RDA was defined
as the 97.5 th percentile of
the distribution of requirements based on the summed variance.
The body weight of the children or adolescents at
each year was used to estimate basal iron loss. For children below 9y,
the body weight provided by WHO Child Growth Standards (2006) were used
[5]. For children from 10-17y, the mean body weight and its distribution
was calculated from the WHO reference BMI for age at WHO reference
median height for age [5]. This was validated, since the BMI, using the
WHO reference weight and the 95 th
percentile of height at 17y of age from the NNMB data [1], was 21.8 and
22.4 kg/m2 for girls and
boys, which is in the middle of the normal adult BMI range. Since the
current ICMR RDA [1] used the 95th
percentile of body weights from the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau
(NNMB), a comparison was made with the WHO body weight values (Fig.
1). Further, the EAR was also calculated using NNMB body weights
for comparison with the EAR calculated from the WHO data. For daily
increments in body weight, the 50th
percentiles of weight were regressed on age to derive the mean weight

NNMB P50 - 50th percentile of NNMB data [1];
NNMP P95 - 95th percentile of NNMB data [1]; WHO P50 - 50th
percentile of WHO data [5].
Fig. 1 Comparison of body weights
derived from 50 th percentile of WHO
values with NNMB 50th and 95th percentile, between ages of 1-17y.
Details on the values and calculations used for the
mean and variance of the basal iron loss, as well as additional iron
requirements due to growth related increase in hemoglobin mass,
non-storage tissue iron, and storage iron are given in the
Appendix I. For adolescent girls, additional iron required to
replace that lost during menstruation was based on studies reporting
blood and iron loss during menstruation among women (15-50y), as
menstrual blood loss during adolescence does not differ from that of
women in reproductive age [6]. Iron loss was calculated as the product
of the daily blood loss over a 28d cycle, the hemoglobin concentration
and the iron content of hemoglobin [7].
The values for each factor were summed to arrive at
the distribution of the physiological requirement. For adolescent girls,
where the menstrual iron loss was positively skewed, a convolution of
normal and log-normal was obtained as the probability distribution of
the physiological requirement [7]. As there is no close form available
for this convolution, a Monte-Carlo simulation technique was applied to
obtain the distribution of the total physiological iron requirement.
Finally, estimates for the EAR in young children and
adolescent boys were obtained by adjusting this value for a
bioavailability from cereal-based meals, of 6% for children aged 1-9y
[8], and 8% for adolescent children aged 10-17y [9]. The iron
bioavailability studies were based on the assumption that 80% or 90% of
the absorbed iron was incorporated into hemoglobin. The RDA (97.5th
percentile) was estimated from the pooled variance of the factors,
assuming a normal distribution. Sensitivity analyses were also performed
to evaluate differences in the estimate of the physiological iron
requirement and the EAR, when the assumptions used varied by 10%.
An additional calculation to estimate an extra
allowance of iron required to replenish low body iron stores was done as
For normal iron store size calculation, a value of 5
mg/kg body weight (using the body weights that were taken in the
calculations above) was used for healthy children and adolescents [10].
Although the size of the iron store increases more in adolescent boys
after 10y, the value of 5 mg/kg was retained for these children as well,
as the stores approximated 6 mg/kg in healthy children [10].
This was adjusted for a bioavailability of 6% and 8%
for 1-9y and 10-17y, respectively. It is likely that absorption will be
up-regulated in iron depleted individuals [11], and therefore, this
final estimate of the allowance is conservative.
The basal loss of iron was taken as 14 ± 4.1 µg/kg/d.
The annual body weight, obtained from WHO, are presented in Table
I; Fig. 1 shows these body weights in comparison to those
from the NNMB at the 50 th
and 95th percentile. Up to
the age of 10y, the 50th
percentile weight from WHO correspond closely to the NNMB 95th
percentile. From 10-17y, the 50th
percentile weight from WHO was substantially higher, increasing with
each year of age, until a maximum difference of about 10 and 3 kg for
boys and girls, respectively. The co-efficient of variation (CV) of
weight ranged from 12.3 to 18.5% for different ages.
TABLE I Estimated EAR and RDA for Children (1 to 9 years) and Adolescents (10 to17 years) and
Comparison to ICMR 2010 Recommendation
Age (y) |
Sex |
Weight |
Physiological iron |
Physiological ‘“ |
(kg) |
requirement* |
(mg/d)# |
(mg/d)$ |
iron requirement |
2010 (mg/d)^ |
1 |
Both |
9.3 |
0.34 |
5.6 |
7.3 |
0.45 |
9 |
2 |
Both |
11.8 |
0.39 |
6.5 |
8.5 |
0.45 |
9 |
3 |
Both |
14.1 |
0.43 |
7.1 |
9.5 |
0.45 |
9 |
4 |
Both |
16.2 |
0.46 |
7.6 |
10.4 |
0.63 |
13 |
5 |
Both |
18.3 |
0.49 |
8.2 |
11.3 |
0.63 |
13 |
6 |
Both |
20.3 |
0.48 |
8.9 |
12.4 |
0.63 |
13 |
7 |
Both |
22.6 |
0.51 |
9.5 |
13.4 |
0.77 |
16 |
8 |
Both |
25.2 |
0.54 |
10.2 |
14.6 |
0.77 |
16 |
9 |
Both |
28.2 |
0.56 |
11.0 |
16.0 |
0.77 |
16 |
10 |
Boys |
31.2 |
0.77 |
10.8 |
14.6 |
1.05 |
21 |
11 |
Boys |
34.7 |
0.79 |
11.5 |
15.7 |
1.05 |
21 |
12 |
Boys |
39.0 |
0.84 |
12.6 |
17.3 |
1.05 |
21 |
13 |
Boys |
44.4 |
0.90 |
13.8 |
19.2 |
1.60 |
32 |
14 |
Boys |
50.6 |
1.00 |
15.5 |
21.8 |
1.60 |
32 |
15 |
Boys |
56.5 |
1.08 |
16.8 |
23.8 |
1.60 |
32 |
16 |
Boys |
61.3 |
1.15 |
17.8 |
25.3 |
1.37 |
28 |
17 |
Boys |
64.9 |
1.22 |
18.4 |
26.4 |
1.37 |
28 |
10 |
Girls |
31.9 |
1.13 |
15.4 |
32.3 |
1.33 |
27 |
11 |
Girls |
36.3 |
1.17 |
15.9 |
33.0 |
1.33 |
27 |
12 |
Girls |
41.2 |
1.21 |
16.4 |
33.8 |
1.33 |
27 |
13 |
Girls |
46.0 |
1.24 |
16.9 |
34.5 |
1.36 |
27 |
14 |
Girls |
50.0 |
1.27 |
17.4 |
35.3 |
1.36 |
27 |
15 |
Girls |
52.8 |
1.29 |
17.9 |
35.9 |
1.36 |
27 |
16 |
Girls |
54.7 |
1.30 |
18.2 |
36.5 |
1.30 |
26 |
17 |
Girls |
55.8 |
1.32 |
18.5 |
36.9 |
1.30 |
26 |
ICMR: Indian Clinical of Medical Research; EAR: Estimate
average requirement; RDA: Recommended dietary allowance.
*Physiological iron requirements before adjusting for diet iron
bioavailability- present study; #EAR obtained after adjusting
for a bioavailability of 6% for children 1-9y of age, and 8% for
older children; $97.5th percentile of the distribution of
requirements; ‘“Physiological iron requirements before adjusting
for diet iron bioavailability- ICMR 2010 [1]; ^The ICMR 2010 RDA
of iron [1]. |
The mean (SD) menstrual iron loss in adolescent girls
was 0.52 (0.69) mg/d [7]. The mean blood volume expansion, along with
mean tissue mass expansion (and their respective SD) for ranges of age
(1-9y for both sexes and 10-17y separately for boys and girls) are
reported in Web Table I.
The EAR ranged from 5.6 to 11.0 mg/d in children aged
1-9y (Table I), with RDA ranging from 7.3 to 16.0 mg/d.
The physiological iron requirement is also presented in Table
I. The EAR in boys aged 10-17y ranged from 10.8 to 18.4 mg/d, due to
a higher weight. The EAR of girls between the ages of 10-17y was higher
at earlier ages because of additional menstrual losses and ranged from
15.4 to 18.5 mg/d. In both sexes, the RDA was higher (Table I),
and for adolescent boys, ranged from 14.6 to 26.4 mg/d, while for
adolescent girls it ranged from 32.3 to 36.9 mg/d. The latter was
because of the high variance in menstrual blood losses. Sensitivity
analyses, using changes of 10% in the values used in the factorial
analysis showed that the major contributing factor to the EAR was the
bioavailability term.
Since the present Indian RDA used the 95th
percentile weight from NNMB, a comparison of the EAR and RDA values
using the WHO and the NNMB weight reference is provided in
Table II. The daily allowance that would be required for
replenishing iron stores over 1year, for each age, assuming that the
iron stores of the children were depleted to 50% of the normal value, is
provided in Table II. The allowance ranged from 1.1 to 3.2
mg/d in children aged 1-9y, from 3.6 to 5.6 mg/d and 2.7 to 4.8 mg/d in
adolescent boys and girls aged 10-17y, respectively.
TABLE II Additional Iron Requirement to Replenish Body Iron Stores Over One Year
Age (y) |
Sex |
Iron |
50% deficit |
Additional iron |
(mg)* |
storage |
(mg)# |
(mg/d)$ |
1 |
Both |
47 |
23 |
1.1 |
2 |
Both |
59 |
30 |
1.3 |
3 |
Both |
71 |
35 |
1.6 |
4 |
Both |
81 |
41 |
1.9 |
5 |
Both |
91 |
46 |
2.1 |
6 |
Both |
102 |
51 |
2.3 |
7 |
Both |
113 |
57 |
2.6 |
8 |
Both |
126 |
63 |
2.9 |
9 |
Both |
141 |
70 |
3.2 |
10 |
Boys |
156 |
78 |
3.6 |
11 |
Boys |
173 |
87 |
3.0 |
12 |
Boys |
195 |
97 |
3.3 |
13 |
Boys |
222 |
111 |
3.8 |
14 |
Boys |
253 |
127 |
4.3 |
15 |
Boys |
282 |
141 |
4.8 |
16 |
Boys |
306 |
153 |
5.2 |
17 |
Boys |
324 |
162 |
5.6 |
10 |
Girls |
160 |
80 |
2.7 |
11 |
Girls |
181 |
91 |
3.1 |
12 |
Girls |
206 |
103 |
3.5 |
13 |
Girls |
230 |
115 |
3.9 |
14 |
Girls |
250 |
125 |
4.3 |
15 |
Girls |
264 |
132 |
4.5 |
16 |
Girls |
273 |
137 |
4.7 |
17 |
Girls |
279 |
139 |
4.8 |
*Iron storage was calculated using a value of 5 mg/kg body
weight [10]. For each year of age body weight was taken from
Table II; #This is the 50% deficiency from normal
iron stores; $The additional iron required to meet the
deficiency in iron stores in a period of one year. |
This study presents newly calculated EAR and RDA
values of iron in Indian children. The EAR should be used in assessing
population level estimates of the adequacy or inadequacy of the diet,
while the RDA should be used with caution for individuals. The present
study EAR estimation is also higher than other international estimates
such as the Institute of Medicine [12], which used an iron
bioavailability of 18%, largely from heme sources, lower values for
tissue iron stores, and no requirement for iron storage after nine year
of age.
To validate the present study EAR value, the
estimated risk of dietary inadequacy was estimated from the NNMB [13]
data of daily iron intake of children aged 1-3 year from rural UP, and
the present study EAR for same age (average of 6.4 mg/d). In the same
survey, the risk of dietary iron inadequacy was determined to be 49%. In
another recent study on under - 5 children in 25 districts of UP [14],
the prevalence of iron deficiency was 62%, which is reasonably close to
the calculated prevalence of risk of dietary inadequacy (49%) in a
similar population. Similarly, the prevalence of risk of dietary iron
inadequacy was 54% for adolescent girls from UP [1], while the
prevalence of iron deficiency based on serum ferritin was 41% (in UP and
Bihar girls residing in the slums of Delhi) [15]. This kind of
validation needs to be repeated with more studies.
There are several explanations for the differences in
the present study and the current Indian RDA [1] estimates. First, the
current Indian RDA used a value of 5% for the dietary bioavailability of
iron in children and adolescents [1], in contrast to the present
estimate, which used values of 6% and 8%, respectively [8,9]. Second, in
adolescent girls, the Indian RDA used a single mean estimate for
menstrual iron loss in the factorial calculation; however, as this
distribution is positively skewed, the mean value could have
overestimated this factor. Third, for adolescent boys, the Indian
recommendation [1] considered that they would need to build an iron
store of 810 mg over the age period of 13-17y. This resulted in an
additional iron allowance of 8 mg/d (after adjusting for a
bioavailability of 5%), which was added to the current Indian RDA
estimate [1]. This assumes that the healthy adolescent boys had zero
stores when entering this age range, and a high value for the iron store
at this age, compared to similar estimates in other healthy populations
[10]. Similarly, for adolescent girls, an additional allowance of 3 mg
iron/d was added to the current Indian RDA estimate [1]. In the present
study, the requirement was explicitly meant for healthy (not deficient)
children. However, the present study did consider an extra allowance for
replenishing iron stores over a year.
The present EAR has an important bearing on the
regulatory recommendations for the fortification of iron in staple
foods, which is anchored to the requirement of adolescent girls (27
mg/d) [1]. If the present EAR of 18.5 mg/day in adolescent girls were
used, it would mean a lower fortification level. However, there are
knowledge gaps of limited studies on menstrual iron loss and a wider
estimation of iron absorption with different meals in different age
groups. The EAR should be used in evaluations of dietary iron
inadequacy, and of iron supplementation and food fortification.
Contributors: SG, SS: data compilation and
literature review. SG, TT: statistical analysis used in the manuscript;
NS, HPS, AVK: physiological aspects of the analysis. All authors
contributed equally to analyzing the data and drafting the manuscript.
AVK: approved the final draft of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the
Margdarshi Fellowship of the India Alliance to AVK, Fellowship no:
Competing Interest: None stated.
What This Study Adds?
• An estimate of the Estimated average
requirement (EAR) and Recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
of iron for Indian children and adolescents is provided, which
informs policies of fortification and supplementation.
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