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Indian Pediatr 2014;51: 586

Management of Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Althaf Ansary

Department of Paediatrics and Neonatology, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley, UK. PA2 9PN
Email: [email protected]


I read the recent review article [1] on management of patent ductus arteriosis (PDA) in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants with interest. I wish to seek clarifications regarding authors’ conclusion about birth weight <800 g (without any reference to gestational age) being a deciding factor for treatment when babies with PDA are symptomatic or require positive pressure ventilator support. The reference quoted [2] reports significant effect on mortality and morbidity in the presence of persistent PDA only with gestational age <25 weeks. Moreover, there is evidence that the rate of spontaneous closure in babies weighing >1000g at birth is significantly high [3], and hence interventions for ductal closure may be relevant only in those having birth weight £1000g. Furthermore, neither individual randomized controlled trials nor meta-analyses of those trials have been able to demonstrate any long term benefits of interventions for ductal closure in babies with PDA, irrespective of the gestational age and birth weight [4,5]. In this context, should management of these infants be guided only by clinical judgement on an individual basis, irrespective of gestational age or birth weight?


1. Ibrahim TK, Haium AAA, Chandran S, Rajadurai VS. Current controversies in the management of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. Indian Pediatr. 2014;51:289-94.

2. Tauzin L, Joubert C, Noel AC, Bouissou A, Moulies ME. Effect of persistent patent ductus arteriosus on mortality and morbidity in very low-birth weight infants. Acta Pediatr. 2012;101:419-23.

3. Nemerofsky SL, Parravicini E, Bateman D, Kleinman C, Polin RA, Lorenz JM. The ductus arteriosus rarely requires treatment in infants >1000 grams. Am J Perinatol. 2008;25:661-6.

4. Benitz WE. Patent ductus arteriosus: to treat or not to treat? Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2012;97:F80-2.

5. Smith CL, Kissack CM. Patent ductus arteriosus: time to grasp the nettle? Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2013;98:F269-71.


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