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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2005; 42:714


Hemophilia Federation India - http://www.hemophiliaindia.net

The federation website contains inform-ation about living with the disease, the contact details of their chapters in India, costs of treatment, information on care of the patient, newsletter, links and information on fund raising events. This website is an excellent source for hemophilia patients and carers.

Makaton - http://www.makaton.org

This is the website of Makaton, an internationally recognised communication programme, used all over the world. Makaton makes use of signs and symbols as a method developing communication among child with difficulties in speech and language. The website contains information about the training for carers and children, family advice and user forums among others.

Indian Academy of Pediatrics - http://www.iapindia.org

The revamped website of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics contains the latest practice guidelines and publications, parent fact sheets, links to the IAP Pediatric drug formulary, President's Action Plan and the Annual report. The members forum has been reactivated and is showing a large number of posts. Abstracts can be submitted online for the PEDICON 2006 through this website.

C. Vidyashankar,
PO Box 3168,
Post Code 112,
Sultanate of Oman,
E-mail: [email protected]



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