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Letters to the Editor

Indian Pediatrics 2004; 41:750-751

Cold Chain System in Chandigarh During Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization 2001-2002

Since the inception of the Immunization Program there has been a great need of strict maintenance of Cold Chain System for all the vaccines from the site of production to the point of consumption. India has attained a immunization coverage of >85%(1) and to sustain high level of immunization coverage, there is need for strict monitoring of the existing immunization program(2,3) as especially improving cold chain system. The present study was aimed on evaluation of Cold Chain System in UT, Chandigarh during IPPI campaign in 2001-2002.

This study was conducted one week prior to National Immunization Day (NID) and on NIDs. A Pre-tested questionnaire was used(4). We visited different vaccination storage centers and 20 vaccination (PPI) posts in Chandigarh. There was one trained refri-gerator technician to attend the complaints relating to malfunctioning of Deep Freezer /Ice line Refrigerator. Cold chain sickness rate for January, 2002 was found to be 9.7%.

Ten deep freezers (DFs) were examined; though temperature was recorded twice daily but only one register was checked by the Supervisor. Of 13 ILRs examined, two ILRs were kept in a room which received direct sunlight. Three ILRs were not defrosted periodically resulting in >6mm thick ice layer on the walls. We also found that 5% vaccine carriers (VCs) had cracks in the wall lining. 10% health workers neither secured lids tightly nor kept VCs in shade during immunization session.

The maintenance of a high quality cold chain system is vital for the eradication of poliomyelitis as being envisaged by Government of India and various inter-national agencies(2,3). Our study has shown that temperature maintenance was good, but there is a room for improvement as supervision was poor. ILRs, DFs and vaccine carriers must be placed in areas, which do not receive direct sunlight(3,5). ILRs must be defrosted regularly.

Hence it is concluded that the know-ledge and practice of vaccine storage and their handling is inadequate among the health functionaries. It is, therefore, recom-mended that more emphasis is to be given to proper maintenance of Cold Chain system to enhance the knowledge and correct practice of handling the vaccines during the orientation training program organised just before IPPI program.

N.K. Goel,
H.M. Swami,

Department of Community Medicine,
Government Medical College ,
Chandigarh, India.





1. Sokhey J, Mathur YN, Biellik P. Country Overview - A report of the International evaluation of the immunization program in India. Indian Pediatr 1993; 30: 153-174.

2. Sokhey J. Progress of Poliomyelitis control -Selected states and Union Territories. Indian J Comm Med 1992; 17: 140-150.

3. Aggarwal A, Singh A. Evaluation of cold chain system in Rural Area of Haryana. Indian Pediatr 1995, 32; 01: 31-34.

4. Manage cold chain-III A training Module for Mid-Level Manager under Immunization Strengthening Project by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi, 2001.

5. Ghosh S. The cold chain. Health Dialogue 1995; 02:12.



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