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Global Update

Indian Pediatrics 2003; 40:690-691



Websites on attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

National Institutes of Health Consensus statements on ADHD - http://odp.od.nih. gov/consensus/cons/110/110_statement.htm The full text of the consensus statement is available from this site. The statement contains information on diagnosis, treatment modalities, impact of ADHD on family, risks of stimulant medication, directions to future research and an extensive bibliography.

NIMH- Attention deficit disorders page - www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/adhd.cfm The National Institute of Mental Health, USA’s, website contains information on etiology, diagnosis, educational and treatment options, research and sources of information and support.

Attention deficit disorders Association - www.add.org The Attention deficit disorders association of USA is a non-profit, national organization that advocates for the needs of ADHD individuals and their families. The website contains sections on ABC’s of ADHD, research, school and ADHD, legal issues, a kid’s area and information on treatment of ADHD.

Attention deficit disorder sanctuary - http://www.mhsanctuary.com/add/ The ADHD sanctuary is a section of the mental health sanctuary website, that advocates the families of patients with mental disorders. In addition to the usual features, the site contains a newsletter, chat room and a clinician’s forum.

Children and Adults with ADHD - http://www.chadd.org/ The CHADD is a national advocacy organization for individuals affected by ADHD. This website contains fact sheets about the disease, a chat room, public policy including education, employment, disability benefits, legislative and health insurance information and an electronic newsletter.

ADHD eBook www.pediatricneurology. com/adhd.htm This ebook is from Pediatric Neurology.com website. The website provides information for parents of children with ADHD. The book has 14 chapters including sections on cognitive and school therapy for ADHD.

MedlinePlus - www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplusattentiondeficitdisorderwithhyperactivity.html Medline Plus from the National library of medicine aims to provide authentic medical information through the www. Their ADHD page contains the following sections - latest news, research, and clinical trials, coping with ADHD, diagnosis of ADHD, treatment, organizations and law in relation to ADHD.

CDC website on ADHD - http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/ The Center for Disease Control, USA resource page on ADHD contains the following sections - information about ADHD, public health perspective, research news, conferences, internet links, publications and links to the national resource center on ADHD containing information on evidence based treatment of the disease.

National resource center on ADHD - http://www.help4adhd.org/ This center has been established by the CHADD (see above) and the CDC as a national clearinghouse of information about ADHD. Evidence based treatment guidelines and "Ask a question" where answers are provided by experts are some of the special features of this site.

C. Vidyashankar,
Military Hospital, Kamptee,
Nagpur - 441001,
Maharashtra, India.
Email:[email protected]



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