Indian Pediatr 2021;58: 44-53 |
Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Advisory
Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP):
Recommended Immunization Schedule (2020-21) and Update on
Immunization for Children Aged 0 Through 18 Years
Srinivas G Kasi, 1
S Shivananda,2
Sanjay Marathe,3
Kripasindhu Chatterjee,4 Sunil Agarwalla,5 Shashi Kant Dhir,6
Sanjay Verma,7
Abhay K Shah,8
Sanjay Srirampur,9
Srinivas Kalyani,10
Harish Kumar Pemde,11
S Balasubramanian,12
Bakul J Parekh,13
GV Basavaraja,14
and Piyush Gupta15
1Kasi Clinic, Jayanagar, Bengaluru,
Karnataka; 2Fortis Hospital, Banneraghatta Road, Bengaluru,
Karnataka; 3Marathe Child Care Hospital, Nagpur; 4Department
of Pediatrics, Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Science and Hospital,
Durgapur, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal; 5Department of
Pediatrics, MKCG MCH, Berhampur, Odisha; 6Department of
Pediatrics, Guru Gobind Singh Medical College, Faridkot, Punjab;7Division
of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Postgraduate Institute
of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh; 8Dr Abhay K
Shah Children Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat; 9Department of
Pediatrics, Aditya Super speciality Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana;
10Department of Pediatrics, Niloufer Hospital, Osmania medical
College, Hyderabad; 11Department of Pediatrics, Lady Hardinge
Medical College, New Delhi; 12Department of Pediatrics,
Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu;13Bakul
Parekh Hospital for Children, Mumbai; 14Department of
Pediatrics, IGICH, Bengaluru, Karnataka; 15Department of
Pediatrics, University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; India.
Correspondence to: Srinivas G Kasi, Convener, ACVIP,
Kasi Clinic, 2nd Cross, 3rd Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru 560011,
Karnataka, India.
Email: [email protected]
Published online: November 29, 2020;
Justification: In view of
new developments in vaccinology and the availability of new
vaccines, there is a need to revise/review the existing
immunization recommendations. Process: Advisory Committee
on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP) of Indian Academy
of Pediatrics (IAP) had a physical meeting in March, 2020
followed by online meetings (September-October, 2020), to
discuss the updates and new recommendations. Opinion of each
member was sought on the various recommendations and updates,
following which an evidence-based consensus was reached.
Objectives: To review and revise the IAP recommendations for
2020-21 and issue recommendations on existing and new vaccines.
Recommendations: The major changes include recommendation
of a booster dose of injectable polio vaccine (IPV) at 4-6 years
for children who have received the initial IPV doses as per the
ACVIP/IAP schedule, re-emphasis on the importance of IPV in the
primary immunization schedule, preferred timing of second dose
of varicella vaccine at 3-6 months after the first dose, and
uniform dosing recommendation of 0.5 mL (15 µg HA) for
inactivated influenza vaccines.
Keywords: Guidelines, Inactivated
polio vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, Rabies vaccine, Varicella
T he Advisory Committee on vaccines and
Immunization Practices (ACVIP) of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics met
on 7 March, 2020, in Kolkata. ACVIP members and invitees who attended
the meeting are listed in Annexure I. The aim of the meeting was
to discuss and debate recent developments in the field of vaccinology,
to issue the relevant recommendations based on them, and to revise IAP
Immunization Timetable for the year 2020-21. This document presents the
consensus recommendations, arrived at after detailed literature review,
debates and discussions, held during the first physical meeting and
subsequent meetings held online (dIAP platform), in view of the
prevailing corona virus disease 19 (Covid-19) pandemic and inability to
have physical meetings.
The process for issuing recommendations included
review of recent published literature including standard indexed
journals, vaccine trials, recommendations of reputed international
bodies like Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA, World Health Organization
(WHO) and unpublished data from vaccine manufacturers. Data generated by
studies done in India was specifically looked at and available local
information was given preference. The summary of the key updates of
ACVIP 2020-2021 recommendations is given in Box I.
Box I Key Updates and Major Changes in
Recommendations for IAP Immunization Timetable 2020/21
Polio immunization
• A booster of the injectable polio vaccine
(IPV) is recommended at 4-6 years.
• The importance of IPV in the immunization
schedule is re-emphasized.
Inactivated influenza vaccines
• A uniform dosing of 15 mcg (0.5 mL) of
inactivated influenza vaccines is recommended for all children
older than 6 months.
Varicella vaccine
• The second dose of varicella vaccine should
preferably be administered 3-6 months after the first dose.
New vaccines introduction
• DTaP/IPV combination vaccine: Tetraxim
• Quadrivalent conjugate meningococcal
vaccine: Menveo
• Monoclonal antibody cocktail for post
exposure prophylaxis of rabies: Twinrab
• Conjugate (CRM 197) typhoid vaccine: Typhi
• 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: Pneumosil
The ACVIP-IAP recommendations for the year 2020-21
are being given in Table I and Fig. 1. The recommendations
about the newly introduced vaccines are summarized in Box II and
vaccines for high risk children are summarized in Box III.
Box II IAP-ACVIP Recommendations on Newer
• Approves the use of Menveo vaccine in the
2-55 years age group. It reiterates the use of this vaccine only
in special situations, as published before [45].
• Approves the use of Typhibev vaccine for
age >6 months and up to 45 years as single dose. There is no
recommendation for a booster dose.
• Recommends the use of rabies mAbs over RIGs
in the management of category 3 bites. Human monoclonal rabies
antibody (Rabishield) and murine cocktail monoclonal rabies
antibodies (Twinrab), both are available in India and approved
for the post-exposure management of suspected rabies exposure.
• Approves the use of Tetraxim for the second
booster of DPT/IPV at 4-6 years of age.
• Approves the use of Pneumosil till 2 years
of age in a 3+1 schedule, with the booster administered between
12-18 months.
• In the absence of studies in the 2-5 years age group, the
ACVIP does not presently recommend the use of Pneumosil beyond 2
years of age.
Box III IAP Recommended Vaccines for
High-risk Children
1. Meningococcal vaccine
2. Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccines
3. Oral Cholera vaccine
4. Rabies vaccine
5. Yellow fever vaccine
6. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV
High-risk conditions
1. Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency
(including HIV infection, immunosuppressive therapy, radiation)
2. Chronic cardiac conditions
3. Chronic pulmonary conditions (including
asthma if treated with prolonged high-dose oral
4. Chronic systemic diseases: Renal
(including nephrotic syndrome), hematological, hepatic diseases,
diabetes mellitus
5. Functional/ anatomic asplenia/hyposplenia
6. Cerebrospinal fluid leaks, cochlear
implants; for pneumococcal infections
Specific high-risk groups
1. Children having pets in home: Rabies
2. JE endemic areas: Japanese encephalitis
3. During outbreaks: Oral cholera vaccine
4. For travelers Rabies vaccine, meningococcal vaccine,
yellow fever vaccine
Fig. 1 ACVIP recommendations 2020-21.
(a) To be given within 24 h after birth. When
this is missed, it can be administered at first contact with
health facility; (b) An extra dose of Hepatitis B vaccine is
permitted as part of a combination vaccine when use of this
combination vaccine is necessary; (c) IPV can be given as part
of a combination vaccine; (d) 3rd dose of Rota vaccine is not
necessary for RV1; (e) Influenza vaccine should be started after
6 mo of age, 2 doses 4 wks apart, usually in the pre-monsoon
period. At other times of the year, the most recent available
strain should be used. Annual influenza vaccination should be
continued, for all, till 5 y of age; after the age of 5y, this
vaccine is recommended in the high-risk group only; (f) Single
dose is to be given for the live attenuated Hepatitis A vaccine.
The inactivated vaccine needs two doses; (g) 2nd dose of
Varicella vaccine should be given 3-6 mo of age after dose 1.
However, it can be administered anytime 3 mo after dose 1 or at
4-6 y; (h) Tdap should not be administered as the second booster
of DPT at 4-6 y. For delayed 2nd booster, Tdap can be given
after 7 y of age. A dose of Tdap is necessary at 10-12 y,
irrespective of previous Tdap administration. If Tdap is
unavailable/unaffordable, it can be substituted with Td; (i)
Before 14 completed years, HPV vaccines are recommended as a
2-dose schedule, 6 mo apart; (j) From 15th y onwards and the
immunocompromised subjects at all ages, HPV vaccines are
recommended as a 3-dose schedule, 0-1-6 (HPV2) or 0-2-6 (HPV4);
(k) Menactra is approved in a 2-dose schedule between 9-23 mo.
Minimum interval between two doses should be 3 mo. Menveo is
recommended as a single dose schedule after 2 y of age.
Booster Dose of Injectable Polio Vaccine (IPV)
The last case of wild polio virus (WPV) in India was
reported on 13 January, 2011 and on 27 March, 2014, India along with the
rest of Southeast Asia was declared polio-free [1]. It needs to be
emphasized that until worldwide polio eradication is achieved, cases of
imported WPV from endemic neighboring countries or cases of circulating
vaccine derived poliovirus (cVDPV), remains a real threat unless
population immunity is maintained by vaccinating children adequately in
their early years of life. Outbreaks of cVDPVs have occurred in
countries which have been polio free for several years [2]. In the
absence of inapparent infection, universal vaccination of infants and
children is the only way to establish and maintain population immunity
against polio. In 2018, the ACVIP had recommended an all IPV schedule at
6-10-14 weeks followed by an IPV booster at 15-18 months, and the
recommendation for the OPV booster at 4-6 years was dropped [3]. A birth
dose of OPV continues to be recommended.
IPV is immunogenic in an EPI schedule (6-10-14
weeks), but the titers achieved and the seroconversion rates are
reported to be lower, compared with vaccination of infants at older ages
(2-4-6 months) [4]. Studies examining the long-term persistence of
antibodies following IPV vaccination, have shown persistence of
antibodies only up to the school-entry age, with the highest titers
observed with the 3+1 schedule [4], as all IPV using countries recommend
a school age booster [5]. A pre-school booster resulted in SPR rising to
100% for all 3 serotypes and GMTs rising 32-fold to 55-fold for the 3
serotypes [6,7]. Following a pre-school booster, almost 100% SPR and
high antibody titers persist for at least 5 years [8].
In the absence of a booster at 4-6 years, the
seroprotection rates (SPR) against PV 1 and PV2 had fallen to 91% and
91.2% compared to a SPR of 100% in those who had received a school entry
booster at 4-6 years [9]. There is low scientific evidence for
³80% long-term (>5-10
years) persistence of protective antibodies following
³3-4 doses of IPV
before school age [10]. There are no studies regarding the long-term
persistence of antibodies with the EPI schedule of 6-10-14 weeks or 2
doses of fractional doses intradermal IPV [4].
Some studies have suggested an inverse correlation
between circulating levels of pre-existing homotypic antibodies and
excretion of poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3 following the administration
of trivalent OPV, indicating better mucosal immunity with higher serum
antibody titers [11]. There are no conclusive studies to demonstrate
that the booster response occurs sufficiently rapidly to prevent
re-infection or paralytic disease and that it is as effective as
pre-existing immunity [12]. It has been recommended that "a minimal
position would be to recommend four to five doses of an IPV-containing
vaccine with the last one administered at school-entry age" [4].
In a country like India, where risk of importation of
polio virus (wild and cVDPV) is high, ACVIP re-emphasizes the use of OPV
during national and subnational pulse polio days for all children. At
this stage, these additional OPV doses in IPV primed children, will help
in augmenting their gut immunity, which could be crucial for preventing
circulation of polio virus.
ACVIP Recommendation
• A booster dose of IPV at 4-6 years of age for
children who have received the initial IPV doses as per the
ACVIP/IAP schedule.
• In case of non-availability of standalone IPV,
this dose can be administered as a combination with DPT vaccines.
IPV in the Primary Immunization Schedule
In April 2016, a synchronous global switch was
implemented from trivalent OPV (tOPV) to bivalent OPV (bOPV) in routine
immunization programs. Simul-taneously, IPV was introduced in the
routine Immunization in all OPV-only using countries. Introduction of
IPV was a risk mitigation strategy to overcome the risk associated with
this switch. The switch was preceded by high quality SIAs with tOPV, to
raise population immunity against type 2 PV [13]. Modelling studies done
prior to the switch suggested that the risk of cVDPV would not last
beyond a year and a half of the switch [14].
With a massive surge in requirements for IPV, a
shortage resulted. According to the data published by the WHO, global
coverage with one dose of IPV was about 50% in 2016, 60% in 2017, and
only 72% in 2018 [15]. Thus, population immunity against PV type 2 has
decreased, with resultant increase in cVDPV cases/outbreaks [16,17]. In
2017, there were two countries with cVDPV2 outbreaks with 96 cases;
whereas, as of 13 October, 2020, worldwide there were 449 cases of
cVDPV2 [18]. This data suggests that India is not free from the risks of
cVDPV. In fact, India comes under the category of countries at high risk
for cVDPV. Moreover, India has a long border with Pakistan, a country
which is still endemic for WPW type 1. There is an imperative need to
maintain population immunity against type 2 PV, which can only be
achieved by administering IPV either in the IAP schedule or 2 doses of
fractional dose intradermal IPV at 6 weeks and 14 weeks or a single dose
of full-dose intramuscular IPV at 14 weeks. No child born after the
switch should be left unprotected against type 2 PV.
ACVIP Recommendation
• No child should be administered only
pentavalent vaccine and bOPV in infancy without IPV (two doses of
fractional dose intradermal IPV at 6 weeks and 14 weeks or a single
dose of full-dose intramuscular IPV/hexavalent combination at 14
weeks). If hexavalent vaccines are unaffordable/unavailable, the
infant must be referred to a government healthcare facility for the
primary immunization as per UIP schedule.
• Infants and young children, born after the
switch (25 April, 2016), who have not received IPV in any schedule,
should receive at least one dose of an IPV/IPV combination vaccine,
intramuscularly, at the earliest opportunity.
Uniform Dosing for Inactivated Influenza Vaccines
Since the 1970s, when whole virion vaccines were in
use, the standard-dose of IIVs in children less than 3 years of age has
been 7.5 mcg per antigen, which is half the dose, given to older
children and adults. As higher dose increased the reactogenicity, the
lower dose was adopted to reduce reactogenicity and febrile convulsions
observed with the whole virus vaccines that were in use at that time
[19]. However, the immune response in young children was very variable,
especially against the B strains in the vaccine. This was particularly
significant in children younger than 3 years of age, who were
vaccine-naïve [20]. Higher dose of 0.5 mL (15µg) in the 6-23 months age
group is expected to result in higher levels of post vaccination HI
antibody titer, which may result in increased efficacy [21]. Since, the
complications of influenza are much higher in infants, studies were done
to evaluate the safety, immunogenicity and superiority of full dose (0.5
ml; 15 µg) in the age group of 6-35 months to have uniform dosage
recommendations in all age groups.
Studies have generally shown comparable
reactogenicity and non-inferior immunogenicity with the full dose, in
comparison with the half dose, in children 6-35 months of age [22-25].
Statistically superior immunogenicity was seen only in infants between
6-11 months of age, for H3N2 and B/Yamagata and not for H1N1 [25].
Superior GMTs were demonstrated against both vaccine B strains in
children 6-17 months of age and unprimed children 6-35 months of age
In children 6-35 months of age, the quadrivalent
vaccine in a dose of 0.5 ml, demonstrated an efficacy of 63% (97·5% CI
52-72) against moderate-severe influenza, in a season when there was a
68% mismatch between the vaccine strains and the strains isolated in the
study [25].
Several countries including USA, Finland, Australia,
UK, New Zealand and Canada have adopted a uniform dosage schedule for
all age groups.
ACVIP Recommendation
• ACVIP endorses the use of a uniform dosing
schedule of inactivated influenza vaccines (15 µg/0.5 mL) for all
children older than 6 months.
So far, two brands, Influvac Tetra (Abbott)
and Fluarix Tetra (Glaxo Smithkline) have received DCGI approval for this uniform
dosage recommendation [26,27]. ACVIP endorses a dose of 0.5 mL per dose
in children older than 6 months for these brands. Uniform dosage
recommen-dations shall be extended to other brands also, once they get
approval from the licensing authority (DCGI) in India. Till then, the
manufacturer’s age specific recommendations regarding dosage may be
Second Dose of Varicella Vaccine
The timing of the second dose would depend on the
relative contributions of primary and secondary vaccine failure to the
incidence of breakthrough varicella. Primary vaccine failure could be
defined as the failure to seroconvert or the failure to mount a
protective immune response after vaccination despite seroconversion,
whereas secondary vaccine failure is the gradual waning of immunity over
time. Primary vaccine failure will favor an early second dose (few
months after dose 1), whereas secondary vaccine failure will favor a
delayed second dose (few years after dose 1).
Studies examining the immunological response to the
second dose given after 6 weeks and given after 4-5 years have shown
that the SPR (>5 U/mL by gpELIZA) are similar with both schedules, while
the GMTs are higher with the longer interval schedule. However, the mean
Stimulation Index (SI), which is a marker of the CMI is superior when
the second dose is administered at 4-5 years [28,29]. Increases of GMTs
by > 10-fold is observed following the second dose, irrespective of the
interval between doses [30,31]. This is not seen with other viral
vaccines. Such large increases suggest an inadequate priming and that
the second dose is for completing the immune response initiated by the
first dose.
Persistence of antibody in children after 1 dose of
varicella vaccine has been demonstrated in both short-term and long-term
follow-up studies [32-34], for periods as long as 9-20 years, with
titers rising during the period of follow-up [32,34], indicating an
absence of waning of antibody titers with time especially when there are
occasions for natural boosting, thus suggesting a primary vaccine
failure rather than waning immunity.
The highest incidence rate of breakthrough varicella
was seen in the first 4-5 years after vaccination [35]. Vaccine
effectiveness dropped from 97% in the first year post-vaccination to 86%
in the second year and then remained stable till 8 years [36]. In a
study from China, effectiveness was also shown to drop after the first
year and then remain stable over the next 5 years [37]. These patterns
are seen in primary vaccine failure, rather than waning immunity.
A single retrospective study has demonstrated an
increasing incidence and severity over 10 years [38]. Some outbreak
studies, which do not represent the entire population, have suggested
waning immunity as a cause of vaccine failure [39].
Globally, as of end 2018, about 36 countries had
included the varicella vaccine in their NIPs, about 23 have introduced a
2-dose schedule [40]. Approximately half of these 23 have preferred the
shorter interval between doses.
Generally, there is more robust evidence for a
primary vaccine failure following 1 dose of varicella vaccine and very
limited evidence for secondary vaccine failure. A short interval between
2 doses of the varicella vaccine might be preferable to reduce
breakthrough varicella, especially in countries with poor coverage and
where the wild-type virus circulates predominantly. In India, in the
bigger cities, 2-3 years is the usual entry age for pre-school. This may
result in breakthrough varicella before the receipt of a delayed second
dose. In India, varicella vaccine is not in the NIP and is recommended
only by the IAP and the overall uptake is low and exposure to varicella
following 1 dose may give rise to breakthrough varicella. Since the aim
of varicella vaccination, in office practice, is the best possible
protection for the individual child, an earlier second dose will be
beneficial over a delayed second dose.
ACVIP Recommendation
• The second dose of varicella vaccine should be
preferably administered 3-6 months after the first dose.
New Vaccines
The newly introduced vaccine products are detailed
below and the ACVIP recommendations for these are given in Box II.
Quadrivalent Conjugated Meningococcal Vaccine
The quadrivalent conjugate meningococcal vaccine,
Menveo (Glaxo SmithKline) has been licensed by the Drug Controller
General of India (DCGI). Menveo contains N. meningitidis
serogroup A, C, Y, and W-135 oligosaccharides conjugated individually to
Corynebac-terium diphtheriae CRM197 protein. Each dose of vaccine
contains 10 µg MenA oligosaccharide; 5 µg of each of MenC, MenY, and
MenW- 135 oligosaccharides; and 32.7 to 64.1 µg of CRM197 protein [41].
In general, in pooled cohort of 2–10 years and 11-18
years age group, non-inferiority of MENVEO to MenACWY-DT
(Menactra-Sanofi Pasteur Inc)was demonstrated for all serogroups.
Persistence of antibodies were demonstrated in children and adolescents
up to 5 years post-vaccination. Menveo
demonstrated a favorable tolerability profile in all the
age groups [42,43].
In the Indian licensure study, 72%, 95%, 94%, and 90%
of subjects achieved a post-vaccination hSBA >8, for serogroups A, C, W,
and Y, respectively, which were similar across all the 3 age groups [4].
Post-vaccination GMTs showed increases of 17-fold against serogroup A,
42-fold against serogroup C, 7-fold against serogroup W, and 15-fold
against serogroup Y, compared to pre-vaccination GMTs. Post-vaccination
GMTs were generally somewhat higher with increasing age. The vaccine was
well tolerated with no safety concerns [44]. This vaccine is
recommended for use only in special situations, as published before
Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine
Typhibev (Biological E vaccines) is a typhoid
conjugate vaccine where the source of the Vi antigen is C. frenundii,
which is in conformity with WHO specifications. Each dose of 0.5 ml
contains Typhoid Vi Polysaccharide (produced from C. Freundii sensu lato
3056): 25 µg conjugated to 16.7 µg to 100 µg of CRM197 [46].
A multicentric phase II/III study showed that
seroconversion (anti-Vi IgG >2 ug/ml) was obtained in 99% subjects
(95%CI: 97.06, 99.79) in Typhibev compared to 99.4% in comparator group
Typbar-TCV (Bharat Biolech India Limited). Non inferiority was
established with comparator TCV. Anti Vi IgG >4.3 ug/ml (criteria
defined for having sustained protection for at least 4 years) also
fulfilled predefined non inferiority criteria. The side effects profile
was comparable with the comparator vaccine [47].
Typhibev was licensed for use in India by DCGI in
February, 2020; approved for those aged older than 6 months to 45 years,
to be given in 0.5 mL single dose, intramuscular injection [46].
Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail for Post Exposure
Prophylaxis Of Rabies
In the 2018-19 recommendations, the ACVIP, strongly
endorsed the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for rabies
post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) [3,48]. Twinrab (Zydus Vaxxicare) is the
second rabies mAb to receive DCGI approval. Twinrab is a combination of
two murine anti-rabies mAb, docaravimab (62-71-3) and miromavimab
(M777-16-3). The two mAbs individually bind to and neutralize both
rabies and rabies-like virus strains isolated from canine, human, and
bovine sources, preventing their entry into the neighboring cells [49].
In a phase 3, randomized study, comparing anti-rabies
monoclonal antibody cocktail (Twinrab) against Human Rabies
Immunoglobulin (HRIG), the GMTs of the anti-bodies induced with Twinrab
were shown to be non-inferior to the antibodies induced with HRIG, with
no statistically significant difference in the two groups and a similar
adverse effect profile was seen in the two groups [50].
The recommended dose of Twinrab is 40 IU/kg of body
weight. Twinrab is indicated for post exposure prophylaxis in
individuals with suspected rabies exposure. Twinrab must always be used
in combination with rabies vaccine as part of post-exposure prophylaxis
in line with the recommendation of WHO [3,48].
DTaP/IPV Combination Vaccine
Tetraxim (Sanofi Pasteur) is a fully liquid, DTaP/IPV
combination vaccine to be administered by intramuscular route. Each 0.5
ml dose contains: Diphtheria toxoid ( ³30
IU), Tetanus toxoid (³40
IU), Bordetella pertussis antigens: pertussis toxoid and
filamentous haemag-glutinin (25 µg each), inactivated poliomyelitis
virus (type 1: 40 D antigen Units (DU), type 2:8 DU, type 3:32 DU [51].
In a review done over 619 subjects in five clinical
studies, it was found the DTaP-IPV combination vaccine was highly
immunogenic [52]. Tetraxim booster at 4-6 years of age has been shown to
be associated with strong anamnestic responses to all antigens [6] and
has been shown to be as immunogenic as DTwP-IPV when given as a
school-entry booster [7].
The vaccine induced seroprotective titers (>0.01IU/mL) against
diphtheria and tetanus, persist till at least 5 years after the
pre-school booster [8].
10-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
Pneumosil (Previously SIIPL-PCV) (Serum Institute of
India Pvt Ltd Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) is a pneumococcal
polysaccharide conjugate vaccine that has been pre-qualified for use by
WHO on 18 December, 2019 [53]. This is the third pre-qualified PCV
vaccine after Prevenar-13 (Pfizer) and Synflorix (GSK vaccines).
Pneumosil is a pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate
vaccine containing saccharides of the capsular antigens of
Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 1, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 19A,
19F, and 23F, conjugated using CDAP (1-cyano-4-dimethylamino pyridinium
tetrafluo-roborate chemistry) and chemically activated. Each dose of 0.5
ml vaccine contains 2 µg each of serotypes 1, 5, 9V, 14, 19A, 19F, 23F,
7F, 6A and 4 µg of serotype 6B conjugated to non-toxic diphtheria CRM197
carrier protein: 19-48 mcg [53]. It is available as a ready to use vial
containing vaccine in liquid form with a vaccine vial monitor [54].
In the phase 1/2 study done in Gambia, in infants,
seroprotection rates (SPR) of >90% was observed for all serotypes with
PCV 13 following the primary immunization, whereas SPR of > 90% was
observed for all serotypes except serotypes 6A and 6B, following
SIIPL-PCV. Serotype-specific IgG GMCs estimates after the primary series
were above 1 mg/mL for all serotypes following both vaccines. The
serotype-specific OPA GMTs following the primary series were comparable
for the two vaccines for six (1, 5, 6B, 14, 19F, and 23F) of 10
serotypes, while the responses were lower following SIIPL-PCV TM
for the remaining 4 serotypes [55].
A significant booster response (except for type 5)
was noted with both vaccines in children primed at 6-10-14 weeks with
the SIIPL-PCV and the comparator vaccines. The magnitude of the booster
response was higher for 1, 6B, 9V, 19A, and 23F with SIIPL-PCV, while it
was higher for 5, 19A and 19F with PCV 13. The OPA GMTs following the
booster vaccination in toddlers were generally comparable with both
vaccines [55].
In comparison with Synflorix, both vaccines elicited
a significant booster immune response for all 10 serotypes except
serotype 5, while the OPA GMTs showed a booster response for all 10
serotypes. Persistence of antibodies was seen for all serotypes till 1
year of follow up [56].
The DCGI has approved it
for active immunization against invasive disease and
pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 1, 5, 6A,
6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 19A, 19F and 23F in infants from 6 weeks of age group
for three dose regimen (dosing schedule: 6, 10 and 14 weeks) [57]. The
WHO has approved it for active immunization against invasive disease,
pneumonia and acute otitis media caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae
serotypes 1, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 19A, 19F and 23F, till the age
of 2 years [58].
Competing interests: Representatives of a few
vaccine manufacturing companies also presented their data in the
consultative meetings. None were involved in formulating the
recommendations. Funding: None. The first physical meeting was
held during Vaccicon 2020 at Kolkata. The organizers provided the
premises for the meeting. Indian Academy of Pediatrics provided the
online platform for subsequent online meetings.
Members Who Attended the Physical Meeting in Kolkata
(7 March, 2020)
(in alphabetical order)
Abhay K Shah, Bakul J Parekh, G V Basavaraja,
Kripasindhu Chatterjee, S Balasubramanian, S Shivananda, Sanjay Marathe,
Sanjay Srirampur, Shashi Kant Dhir, Srinivas Kalyani, Srinivas G Kasi,
Sunil Agarwalla, Rohit Aggarwal (Special invitee).
Piyush Gupta and Sanjay Verma could not attend the meeting.
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