reminiscences from indian pediatrics: a tale
of 50 years |
Indian Pediatr 2018;55: 63-65 |
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Management of Diarrhea
– Changing Trends in Last 50 Years
AK Patwari
Department of Pediatrics, Hamdard Institute of
Medical Sciences, Hamdard University, New Delhi, India.
Email: [email protected]
I n January 1968, the 50-paged
issue of Indian Pediatrics included 4 original articles and 2
case reports. Amongst these, we decided to review the leading original
article on "Trends in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhoeas in Infancy" by
Udani, et al. [1] as diarrheal diseases continue to be a major
cause of morbidity and mortality in under-five children. Last 50 years
have witnessed a great deal of progress in understanding of etiology,
pathogenesis and management of diarrhea, particularly after the
discovery of scientific basis of glucose-linked sodium absorption in
diarrhea. Even though the ultimate quest for an effective ‘antidiarrheal
drug’ continues, through this communication, we present the advances
made over the past 50 years in knowledge and practices of management of
diarrhea in children.
The Past
The scenario described by Udani, et al.
[1], half a century ago, highlights the magnitude of diarrheal diseases
in children based on hospital-based data from Mumbai, Madras, Vellore
and Delhi. As expected, 89% children who reported to these hospitals
were less than 2 years of age, and 93% of diarrheal deaths in children
occurred in this vulnerable age group. Most of the research interest in
those days was focused on etiology and sensitivity of isolated organisms
to available spectrum of antibiotics. Different pathogenic organisms
were reported in 66% of cases but Shigella group of organisms known to
cause invasive diarrhea were isolated only in 8% of cases [1]. As
serotyping of E. coli was not routinely available at that time,
it is difficult to say what proportion of those 44% cases in whom
E.coli was isolated were actually infected by diarrheagenic strains.
Viruses isolated in 32% cases included Polio, Echo, Coxsackie and
unidentified viruses. Since Rotavirus was discovered much later in 1973,
one cannot comment on contribution by Rotavirus and other viruses known
to cause diarrhea in children. However, the available research data did
influence the management protocol of diarrhea, which at that time
heavily depended on use of antibiotics. Apart from antibiotics, the
mainstay of treatment was intravenous fluid therapy in almost all the
cases, which could have been responsible for a high proportion of cases
with hyponatremia (33-62%), hypernatremia (4-15%) and hypokalemia
(18-88%). Despite the fact that 40% children in the study had poor
nutritional status, a 24 hours starvation was recommended while the
child received only parenteral fluid therapy. This hospital-based study
indirectly reflects the common management practices of diarrheal
diseases followed all across the country in those days.
Historical background and past knowledge:
Description of diarrhea as a health problem dates back to Vedic era, and
the condition is included in Bhaisajya Suktas of Atharva Veda. Sushruta,
the father of Ayurveda, had prescribed that cholera victims are to be
"given to drink a profuse quantity of tepid water in which rock salt and
molasses have been dissolved; or clarified water combined with rice
gruel" [Sushruta Samhita III, verse II], highlighting the concern for
loss of water and electrolytes during an episode of diarrhea. However,
with the advent of modern medicine and available knowledge about
etiology and pathogenesis, the emphasis shifted more towards
microorganisms and antibiotics. As described by Udani, et al.
[1], during 1960’s standard management of diarrhea in children revolved
around intravenous fluid therapy and antibiotics like streptomegma,
walamycin and chloramphenicol. The list of these so called ‘antidiarrheal’
antibiotics kept on changing to tetracyclines, cotrimoxazole,
furozolidine etc. depending upon isolation of different microorganisms
and their sensitivity patterns. Pectin and bismuth kaolin were two other
pharmacological agents commonly used to ‘reduce’ water content of
diarrheal stools. It was later proved beyond doubt that these binding
agents simply changed the cosmetic appearance of stool without reducing
volume of water lost in diarrheal stools [2]. It took several years to
understand that all strains of E. coli do not cause diarrhea, and
most of them are self-limiting and therefore do not need antibiotics.
Scientific basis of glucose-linked absorption of
sodium was considered a major breakthrough in the management of diarrhea
in 1960s, and Lancet considered it potentially the most important
medical advance of the century. However, the concept of Oral Rehydration
Salt (ORS) was mostly revered than practiced, and the major thrust
remained on intravenous fluids, antibiotics, antiprotozoals and
antiemetics. It was during 1971 Indo-Pak war when clinical efficacy of
ORS was actually demonstrated in thousands of children and adults
suffering from diarrhea in refugee camps in Dhaka and Calcutta.
Following this large-scale experience, the clinical superiority of ORS
in preventing and treating dehydration, and replacing intravenous
therapy was accepted as a major public health intervention. World Health
Organization promoted ORS as a universal solution for preventing and
treating diarrheal dehydration due to any etiology and in all age
groups. By 1980s, introduction of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) had a
motivating influence on diarrhea management practices in academic
institutions. ORS was acknowledged as appropriate solution for
prevention and treatment of dehydration but prescription of antibiotics
continued because children with high fever were invariably prescribed
antibiotics [3]. However, very little change took place in office
practice of pediatricians. Besides, academicians and researchers
continued with their own doubts on efficacy and safety of WHO-ORS (Na +
90 mEq/L and osmolality 331 mOsmol/L) challenging its composition.
Whereas some researchers had genuine concerns about safety of WHO-ORS in
malnourished children and neonates because of risk of hypernatremia [4],
some others argued against using WHO-ORS as a universal rehydrating
solution because of its higher sodium content in comparison to sodium
losses in non-cholera stools [5]. Promotion of Salt Sugar Solution as an
alternative to WHO-ORS to treat dehydration in situations when WHO-ORS
packets were not available lead to serious consequences in some children
when the solution was prepared incorrectly. This further limited use of
ORS as the corner stone of diarrhea case management for many years.
Introduction of ORT did revolutionize public health
approach to diarrheal diseases with a significant decline in diarrheal
deaths over the years. However, the major concern for practicing
physicians continued because of their quest for improved or super ORS
which could reduce purge rate and stool volume. Some clinical trials
showed promising results with ORS based on rice, lentils and alanine [6]
but in actual practice, no significant clinical benefit was observed and
therefore the promising entry of these brands of so called ‘improved
ORS’ was short-lived.
Concept of early repair of gut mucosa with continued
feeding [7] replaced the old practice of ‘rest to gut’ or ‘no feeding in
first 24 hours’. Continuation of breastfeeding and feeding during
diarrhea became an essential component of ORT, particularly children
with malnutrition are offered food right from the beginning of
rehydration phase. In order to take care of nutritional consequences,
one extra feed for 2 weeks is recommended after an episode of acute
diarrhea to ensure adequate weight gain.
Some antisecretory and ant motility agents were
actively marketed in India during 1970s and 1980s. Even though some of
these drugs are safely used in Traveler’s diarrhea in adult population,
their routine use in pediatric practice was considered unsafe because of
a narrow safety margin between the effective therapeutic dose and the
toxic dose. After ‘lopermide tragedy in Pakistan in 1980’ when a number
of children died because of toxic doses of loperamide, liquid
formulations of the drug was banned in several countries.
Considering the magnitude of diarrheal diseases in
children and the high under-five mortality because of diarrheal deaths,
WHO launched Control of Diarrheal Diseases (CDD) Program in 1978, which
was soon followed by Govt. of India as National Control of Diarrheal
Diseases (NCDD) Program in 1980. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
established a separate ‘ORT Section’ to promote standard case management
of diarrhea by establishing Diarrhea Training and Treatment Units
(DTTUSs) in medical colleges, Mini DTUs in District Hospitals and ORT
Corners in Primary Health Centers. In 1992, NCDD program was merged with
Child Survival and Safe Motherhood (CSSM) program which was later
converted to Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Program.
The Present
Diarrheal diseases continue to be one of the
commonest childhood illnesses in India even though the under-five
mortality due to diarrheal deaths has significantly reduced. Current
case management practices are based on WHO guidelines [8] that primarily
focus on ORT (using low osmolarity ORS, continued feeding/ increased
breastfeeding), zinc supplementation and appropriate use of antibiotics
(in dysentery, cholera, severe malnutrition and associated infections).
In 2003, WHO and UNICEF recommended use of low osmolarity ORS
(245mOsm/L) based on multiple clinical trials showing that the reduced
osmolarity solution reduced stool volume in children with diarrhea as
well as the need for intravenous fluid therapy. Following a
comprehensive review by WHO Task Force on Management of Acute Diarrhea,
Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) also recommended low osmolarity ORS
for prevention and treatment of dehydration, and zinc supplementation
(10-20 mg of elemental zinc) for 14 days [9]. Introduction of Rotavirus
vaccine in the immunization schedule in addition to increase in measles
vaccine coverage are other potentially effective interventions to
significantly decrease the incidence and severity of diarrhea in
The current management guidelines are effective in
reducing mortality, and to some extent reduction in stool volume during
an episode of acute diarrhea. However, ORS does not markedly reduce
volume and frequency of loose stools. Therefore the quest for
discovering an ‘antidiarrheal drug’ is still continuing. Results of
clinical trials with racecadotril, probiotics and prebiotics are still
inconclusive to support routine use of these agents in the treatment of
diarrhea. A newer concept of calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) and its
role in addressing all four major pathophysiological mechanisms of
diarrheal disease is a way forward for future research [10]. Appropriate
case management of diarrhea remains one of the essential components of
Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) strategy
in Reproductive and Child Health Program of Govt. of India. Other
approaches specifically focusing on Diarrhea and Pneumonia management as
a priority are complementing the efforts made by the integrated
1. Udani PM, Shah PM, Mukerji S, Panvalkar RS,
Kumbhat MM, Sanzgiri RR, et al. Trends in treatment of acute
diarrhoeas in infancy. Indian Pediatr. 1968;5:1-16.
2. Portnoy BL, DuPont HL, Pruitt D, Abdo JA,
Rodriguez JT. Antidiarrheal agents in the treatment of acute diarrhea in
children. JAMA. 1976;236:844-6.
3. Jain TS, Mittal SK. Diarrhea and dehydration in
pediatric practice. Indian Pediatr. 1977;14:401-4.
4. Bhargava SK, Sachdev HP, Das Gupta B, Daral TS,
Singh HP, Mohan M. Oral rehydration of neonates and young infants with
dehydrating diarrhea: comparison of low and standard sodium content in
oral rehydration solutions. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1984;3:500-5.
5. Mittal SK. Oral rehydration: universal solution.
Indian Pediatr. 1986;23:895-7.
6. Molla AM, Ahmed SM, Greenough WB 3rd. Rice-based
oral rehydration solution decreases the stool volume in acute diarrhoea.
Bull World Health Organ. 1985;63:751-6.
7. Brown KH, Gastanaduy AS, Saavedra JM. Effect of
continued oral feeding on clinical and nutritional outcome of acute
diarrhea in children. J Pediatr. 1988;112:191-200.
8. World Health Organization. Clinical Management of
Acute Diarrhea: WHO/UNICEF Joint Statement. WHO/FCH/CAH/04.7, WHO, 2004.
9. Bhatnagar S, Bhandari N, Mouli UC, Bhan MK.
Consensus statement of IAP National Task Force on Management of Acute
Diarrhea: Status report. Indian Pediatr. 2004;41:335-48.
10. Harrell JE, Cheng SX. Inability to reduce
morbidity of diarrhea by ORS: Can we design a better therapy? Pediatr
Res. 2017;Nov 23:doi: 10.1038/pr.2017.295.
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