Every child that is born, it brings with it the hope that God is not yet
disappointed with man
–Rabindranath Tagore
of a newborn baby is a special moment of joy with lot of expectations.
However the first minute after birth is full of anxious moments and rapid
physiological adjustments. Most babies go through the transition
successfully as a matter of routine; 10% however, may need varying degree
of assistance. Opportunity lost to provide needed assistance at this time
would be a crucial impediment for saving these babies. Many babies who
survive birth asphyxia go on to suffer from cerebral palsy, learning
difficulties and other disabilities.
Why birth asphyxia is a cause of concern? It
contributes to about 23% of neonatal deaths! In India there are one
million neonatal deaths every year, representing about a quarter of all
global neonatal deaths(1). Impact of birth asphyxia on childhood mortality
is thus substantial. United Nations Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4)
targets the reduction of under-5 child deaths by two-thirds between 1990
and 2015. For this to happen it is obvious that neonatal mortality rate
has to be brought down substantially and intervention directed towards
neonatal resuscitation should receive priority.
What are the settings where newborn resuscitation needs
is to be carried out? These include practically all the settings where
asphyxiated babies are born, including: community or domiciliary settings
for home births; rural health centers/midwifery stations, where attendants
with basic resuscitation skills might be available; district-level
facilities where staff are available but skills vary; and urban referral
and tertiary care centers. Individuals at all these levels require
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American
Heart Association (AHA) developed Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) in
1987 to provide resuscitation training to all delivery attendants. "Twenty
years ago, the NRP was a new concept ahead of its time that addressed a
need or a standardized course. At that time, we didn’t realize how
revolutionary this program really was," explained Dr. Errol R. Alden,
Executive Director of the AAP. "Before the NRP, people weren’t following a
particular protocol. Now, we have scientific evidence and a standardized
approach to resuscitation". While launching the first course of NRP, Dr.
William Keenan, a founding member of the NRP and Professor of Pediatrics
and Director, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, St. Louis University in
Missouri said "We had put hundreds of hours into the development of these
NRP materials, yet we were still trying to improve it for our debut."(3).
Though Neonatal Resuscitation training has been widely
used in the developed world it had limited dissemination in developing
countries, where it has great potential. "We’re all quite convinced that,
with the expertise of the NRP, the program is a very valuable tool for
saving newborn lives and if implemented properly, can reduce infant
mortality in developing countries," said Dr. Robert B. Clark, a volunteer
consultant to Latter-day Saint Charities (LDSC), a volunteer-driven
organization which sponsors NRP efforts in Turkey. NRP has made an impact
by bringing down neonatal mortality rates in Turkey from 41 to 29 per 1000
live births between 1998 to 2003. LDSC is now working in India with same
mission. In China, in 2003 a multidisciplinary partnership made a 5-year
commitment to set up "Freedom of Breath, Foundation of Life: China
Neonatal Resuscitation Program." Today, the NRP is a thriving program with
more than 27,000 active NRP instructors and over 2.2 million providers who
have received NRP training in the United States and abroad. The NRP has
been taught in 124 countries and translated into 25 different
NRP in India and Way Forward
Since the introduction of NRP, training programs for
instructors and providers have been launched in India, under the aegis of
the National Neonatology Forum (NNF). The initial goal was to train the
trainers and provide them with the necessary equipment. The NNF created a
national faculty of 150 pediatricians and nurses for NRP by conducting
certification courses in various regions of the country. The certified
faculty members in turn trained 12,000 healthcare professionals in various
parts of India over the following 2 years. Simultaneously, in several
teaching institutions, NRP was introduced into the curricula of medical
and nursing students(4). NNF has done a great service in initiating NRP
program in India and its subsequent propagation. However for a country of
the size of India with 27 million deliveries per year the program need to
be upscaled substantially. To have a skilled birth attendants trained for
every delivery, more than 0.25 million health professionals needed to be
trained in NRP including physicians, pediatricians, obstetricians,
anesthetists, nurses, midwives and other categories. It is also essential
that such skilled professionals are available in a short period of time to
meet the requirement of MDG4 goal deadline of 2015. This would require
massive organizational support.
Indian Academy of Pediatrics(IAP), has an efficient
network of more than 17,000 pediatricians with 26 state branches and 282
regional/district/city level branches. IAP also influences thousands of
other pediatricians and medical practitioners who are not its members but
who follow IAP policies. Along with Federation of Obstetrics and
Gynecological Society of India (FOGSI) with 26000 members and NNF with
3000 members (many of them are also IAP members), it is possible to create
a formidable network to extend the reach of NRP to all settings where
neonates are delivered. Forming an alliance with other health care
professional organizations including Indian Society of Perinatology and
Reproductive Biology (ISOPARB), Trained Nurses Association of India(TNAI),
Society of Midwives of India, etc. would further strengthen the
organizational network.
First Golden Minute and NRP Roll out Plan
To recognize the importance of first minute after
birth, IAP plans to start the NRP program naming it as "First Golden
Minute". The program aims to develop an efficient, cost effective and
sustainable system for on-going training and monitoring of NRP in India.
It is important that the program fulfills needs of large scale training
and periodic re-training and continuous evaluation with emphasis on
quality control. By working with other partners of NRP collaboration and
the Government, IAP intends to develop, refine and implement a system that
takes care of these needs. These systems, along with the information
collected on their relative efficiency, will be a key resource for
improving neonatal resuscitation practices in the country.
Starting in 2009, we plan to create 100 regional
trainers immediately with full NRP course. Faculty from IAP, AAP and LDSC
will be involved in the training. This will be followed by District level
instructor courses to train 300 pediatricians from states with high
childhood mortality; district instructors in turn will impart skills on
basic NRP to about 4000 health professionals through provider courses.
Additionally advanced NRP courses would also be carried out in other
states with provision of more provider courses. It is estimated that by
the year end, 5000 health professionals would be imparted skill in
neonatal resuscitation based on NRP. In subsequent years, program would be
intensified with ultimate aim of having skilled birth attendant for every
delivery in about 5 years time. IAP will issue Instructor Cards valid for
two years to various levels of Instructors and providers, and also arrange
for revalidation every two years. A web support and data management system
will also be developed to support the program. A dedicated person will be
employed to work as NRP coordinator at IAP office for supporting NRP
management and data entry.
It is time that all health care professional
organizations engaged in newborn care join hands to facilitate every
newborn’s right to have a birth attendant skilled in basic neonatal
resuscitation, at the time of delivery.
1. LawnJE, Cousens S, Zupan J. 4 million neonatal
deaths: When? Where? Why? Lancet 2005; 365: 891-900.
2. Singhal N, Bhutta ZA. Newborn resuscitation in
resource-limited settings. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2008; 13: 432-439.
http://www.cps.ca/English/ProEdu/NRP/FallWinter07.pdf. Accessed on 26th
December 2008.
4. Deorari AK, Paul VK, Singh M, Vidyasagar D. The national movement of
neonatal resuscitation in India. J Trop Pediatr 2000; 46: 315-317.