Meningitis Research Foundation, UK - The website of the meningitis research
foundation contains detailed information various types of meningitis in
all age groups, with an accent on meningococcal disease. Information on
clinical features in various age groups, complications, vaccines and
travel precautions are also given. Guidelines for recognizing
meningococcal disease, differentiation between septicemia and meningitis
and protocols for management in hospital by specialists and nurses, by
the GP and at the primary care level are given. Wall charts and
information booklets can be downloaded. Information about latest
research, news, conferences and the quarterly newsletter ‘microscope’
can also be accessed from the website.
PIER(Pediatric Information and Education Resource,
The PIER website has been hosted by the Sheffield Children’s Hospital,
UK and is a leading information source on clinical pediatrics. Over 100
guidelines on management of various pediatric diseases can be downloaded
from this website. MCQ’s, virtual lectures, links to specialty groups
and an online formulary (under development) are the other features. The
patient information and links to self-help groups section contains a
large collection of patient information pamphlets for download.
C. Vidyashankar,
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Post Code 112,
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