An important objective of indexed medical journals is to publish high quality research. Yet, paradoxically until about three decades ago, such periodicals had themselves conducted negligible research to formulate their contents and the editorial process. Only recently, increasing attention has been directed towards evidence based editing. Interesting scientific information has been collected or is emerging for various aspects of the editorial process including content design, style and. format, authorship, peer review, publication ethics, editing, and relationship with the industry. Realizing the importance of this issue, the World Association of Medical Editors was launched in Bellagio, Italy on ] 6 March,
1995 after a three day conference to consider international cooperation among editors Of peer-reviewed medical
Indian Pediatrics too has attempted to keep itself abreast of the latest global developments in the field of medical editing and accumulate relevant evidence applicable to our scenario. Beginning with the formal "opinion poll" to determine the desirable content of the periodical in the January 1995 issue, members of the journal committee and
national advisory board have been perpetually interacting with the readers and
collecting newer evidence to guide the editorial process. This procedure has resulted in continual moulding
of the journal. Understandably, content related changes would have
become apparent to the avid follower of Indian Pediatrics whereas the
editorial process modifications would have remained largely invisible.
Medical journals have been differentiated
into two main categories, namely, "recorder journals" and "newspaper
journals" (1,2). Recorder journals might come close to the desired function of a
journal from the point
of view of the author; they are not really meant to be read, but only to deposit science for future reference which is undoubtedly important since science does not exist until published(2). General journals-newspaper journals-by contrast, have other aims: they are. active shapers of knowledge and of opinions(2). They are expected to "inform, interpret, criticize, and stimulate" (1) and also retain some recorder function, at least for important facts(2).
On the basis of collected evidence and global trends, Indian Pediatrics has now gradually shifted it's focus from a predominantly recorder journal towards a newspaper journal. To make the journal more educative, interactive, entertaining and "reader friendly",
a variety of sections have been introduced including Immunization Dialogue. Readers' Forum, Viewpoint, News in Brief, Clippings, Selected Summaries, Recommendations, Reports, Clinicopathological
Conferences and Images in Clinical. Practice. Simultaneous vigilance over the. crucial editorial components enunciated earlier, has made editing more efficient and transparent. We could not have progressed without the guiding force of our "anonymous" referees who have worked tirelessly for. the journal sans any hope of reaping suitable rewards.
The ongoing informatic revolution has strongly influenced medical publishing. The dynamic electronic version of Indian Pediatrics, one of the earliest amongst Indian medical Journals, was launched on the
internet from the April 1998 issue. This has not only enhanced the global 'visibility- and reputation of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics
but has also resulted in international contributions from reputed authors. The journal also now carries a. section entitled.
"Packaging informing about web sites of pediatric interest for the compulsive net surfer. Away from the "virtual" electronic world at the ground reality level, readers will be happy to note that Indian Pediatrics has managed to raise' resources to acquire it's own office premises.
Packaging of a product of the first visual impact, does influence it's
consumerism. On the basis of relevant feed back from our consumers, beginning from the current issue, the journal has tried to "improve" it's packaging within the available resources. The "cover package" now comprises laminated art card instead of the earlier art paper.
The journal committee is acutely aware of the fact.. that there is still
considerable scope for improving the "quality" of Indian Pediatrics. We,
therefore, request our valued readers to perpetually provide us the necessary impetus and the relevant feed back in this context.
I would also like to avail this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy and
prosperous New Year, 1999.
H.P.S. Sachdev,
Fox T. Crisis in Communication: The Functions and Future of Medical Journals. London, Athlone
Press, 1965.
2. Vandenbroucke JP. Medical journals and the shaping of medical knowledge. Lancet 1998; 352: 2001-2006.