Indian Pediatr 2017;54: 125-127 |
Ankyloglossia in
Infancy: An Indian Experience
R Kishore Kumar, PC
Nayana Prabha, Prashant Kumar, Ruth Patterson and Nandini Nagar
From the Department of
Neonatology and Pediatrics, Cloudnine Hospital, Bengaluru, India.
Correspondence to: Prof R
Kishore Kumar, Chairman and Consultant Neonatologist and Pediatrician,
Cloudnine Hospital, 1533, 9th Main, 3rd Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru 560
011, India.
[email protected]
Received: January 27, 2016;
Initial review: March 26, 2016;
Accepted: December 22, 2016.
Objective: To study the prevalence, clinical
presentation and management of infants with ankyloglossia. Methods:
A retrospective file review of infants less than 6 months of age with a
diagnosis of ankyloglossia. Results: Of the 25786 babies born
during the assessment period (2007-2015), 134 (0.52%) had ankyloglossia.
Sixty-four (47.7%) infants who presented with breastfeeding difficulties
were diagnosed significantly earlier than the asymptomatic group (P<0.05).
Of the symptomatic group, 85.9% underwent frenotomy with satisfactory
results. Seventy asymptomatic infants were managed conservatively with
counselling. Conclusions: Frenotomy seems to be a safe and
effective procedure in infants with symptomatic ankyloglossia.
Keywords: Breastfeeding, Frenotomy, Tongue tie.
A nkyloglossia or tongue tie is a congenital oral
anomaly characterized by an abnormally short, thickened, or tight
lingual frenulum that restricts mobility of the tongue [1].
Ankyloglossia can cause difficulties in breastfeeding as a result of
poor latch and consequent maternal nipple pain. Several definitions and
classification systems have been proposed based on anatomical
characteristics or the functional impairment or a combination of both
[2-6]. The opinion regarding the management of tongue tie in
breastfeeding infants is divided amongst pediatricians,
otolaryngologists and lactation consultants [7-9]. There have been no
large studies from India regarding ankyloglossia in infancy and its
management. In this study, we analyzed the clinical characteristics,
outcome with regards to breastfeeding, and management of babies with
This is a retrospective study of all inborn babies
who were clinically diagnosed as having ankyloglossia before 6 months of
age. The study was approved by the Institutional ethics committee of
Cloudnine Hospital, Bangalore, India. Babies born in 3 branches of a
tertiary maternity hospital from January 2007 to September 2015 were
included in the study. All babies with major congenital anomalies,
chromosomal abnormalities and surgical problems were excluded from the
study. Data were obtained from the case files and the hospital
electronic patient record system.
The diagnosis of ankyloglossia was made by consultant
pediatricians either during the postnatal examination or during
out-patient follow-up. The diagnosis was made in the presence of a
sublingual frenulum that changed the appearance or function of the
infant’s tongue because of its decreased length, lack of elasticity, or
attachment too distal beneath the tongue or too close to or onto the
gingival ridge [10]. Lactation consultant of the hospital counselled the
parents of these infants regarding anticipated problems in feeding. The
infants were followed-up by the pediatric consultant in out-patient
department within a week. The children were considered as being
symptomatic if there were feeding difficulties such as poor latch, poor
sucking, weight loss >15% from birth weight, poor weight gain, maternal
nipple or breast pain. All the infants diagnosed with symptomatic
ankyloglossia from all three centers, were referred to the clinics of
two senior neonatal consultants trained in frenotomy. Frenotomy was
performed after standard preoperative workup. Babies were breastfed
immediately post-procedure and were advised to follow-up after a week.
The improvement was assessed for re-establishment of breastfeeding,
infant weight gain, subjective improvement in latch, and reduction in
maternal pain.
For all the infants included in the study,
birthweight, gestational age, mode of delivery, details of feeding mode,
age at which ankyloglossia was diagnosed, symptoms, age at which
frenotomy was done, improvement of symptoms post procedure and
procedural complications (if any) were recorded.
Statistical analysis was carried out using R software
(R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna). Comparison between all
the above variables in the study population was done using breastfeeding
difficulties as the grouping variable. Chi-square test was used for
categorical variables and independent t-test for continuous variables.
All tests were two tailed and P value <0.05 was considered
The total number of deliveries during the study
period was 25786. Before 6 months of age, 134 (0.52%) infants were
diagnosed as having ankyloglossia.
Table I describes the clinical profile and
characteristics of babies with ankyloglossia. The male female ratio was
almost similar. Majority were born by Caesarean section (72.4%), and to
primiparous women. Sixty-four (47.7%) presented with feeding
difficulties. Breastfeeding was the commonest mode of feeding in both
TABLE I Clinical Characteristics of Infants with Ankyloglossia
Asymptomatic |
Symptomatic |
P |
(n=70) |
(n=64) |
value |
Male gender |
34 (48.6%) |
36 (56.3%) |
0.374 |
Mode of delivery* |
Caesarean |
52 (74.3%) |
45 (70.3%) |
Normal |
8 (11.4%) |
17 (26.6%) |
Instrumental |
10 (14.3%) |
2 (3.1%) |
Parity |
Primiparous |
50 (71.4%) |
46 (71.9%) |
0.848 |
Multiparous |
20 (28.6%) |
18 (28.1%) |
Feeding mode* |
Breastfeeding |
70 (100%) |
59 (92%) |
Breastfeed + |
0 |
3(4.6%) |
expressed milk |
Breastfeed+ top feed |
0 |
2 (3.1%) |
#Gestational age (wks) |
38.01 (1.4) |
37.9 (1.5) |
0.961 |
#Birthweight (kg) |
2.96 (0.51) |
2.9 (0.52) |
0.727 |
#Age at diagnosis (d) |
25.15 (42.5) |
12.3 (17.4) |
0.024 |
*Chi square test was not done as some cells have frequencies
less than 5; #Mean (SD). |
The mean age at diagnosis of ankyloglossia in the
symptomatic group was significantly earlier. In infants with symptomatic
ankyloglossia, latching difficulty was the commonest symptom of impaired
breastfeeding (94%). The other symptoms were sore nipple (3.3%) and
weight loss (1.7%). Frenotomy was performed for 55 (85.9%) symptomatic
infants and five (7.1%) asymptomatic infants.
The mean (SD) age of frenotomy was 23.3 (28.7) days.
Frenotomy was performed in the first month of life in 75%. Frenotomy
resulted in improved latching, feeding and pain relief in 100% of the
symptomatic mother-infant dyads with no post-operative complications.
Although all the asymptomatic babies had no problems in breastfeeding
and good weight gain, five underwent frenotomy, owing to parental
insistence as the mothers’ perceived discomfort during feeding.
In this study among infants (<6 months) delivered at
one of the three private hospitals in Bengaluru, India, the prevalence
of ankyloglossia in was 0.52 %, of whom about half were asymptomatic.
Symptomatic ankyloglossia presented significantly earlier than the
asymptomatic group. Breastfeeding was achieved in all the symptomatic
babies who underwent frenotomy.
The study was limited by the retrospective design and
subjective outcomes. There is also the possibility of a referral bias
for frenotomy.
Previous studies have reported a prevalence rate over
a wide range of 0.5% to 10.7% depending on the study population and the
diagnostic criteria used [2,3,7,11]. The mean age of diagnosis of
ankyloglossia in our series was similar to that in previous studies
[7-9]. In previous studies, the asymptomatic rates reported are between
19% to 80% [2,3,7,12]. It is postulated that in asymptomatic babies, the
tongue tie gets stretched, and the babies adapt, are able to feed well
and consequently achieve good weight gain [13]. The mean age of
frenotomy in our babies was comparable to other studies which have
opined the optimal timing of frenotomy to be between 1 to 3 weeks
[12,14]. All symptomatic mother-infant dyads had improvement without
complications following frenotomy, as also reported in literature
We conclude that ankyloglossia is asymptomatic in a
substantial proportion of infants. Frenotomy appears to be a safe and
effective procedure if performed on an outpatient basis by adequately
trained neonatologists.
Contributors: RKK: conceptualized, designed the
study, critically reviewed the manuscript, approved the final draft and
will act as guarantor of the paper; NP: analysed the data, reviewed
literature wrote the first draft and final draft; PK: acquired the data,
participated in the analysis and critically reviewed the manuscript;
RNRP: participated in the study design, data collection and approved the
final draft; NN: interpreted the data, critically reviewed the
manuscript and approved the final draft.
Funding: None; Competing interest: None
What This Study Adds?
• If ankyloglossia interferes with breastfeeding, frenotomy
appears to be a safe and effective procedure when performed on
an outpatient basis by trained neonatologists.
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