unter syndrome, also known as
mucopolysaccharidosis type II, is an X-linked lysosomal storage disease
predominantly affecting the central nervous system, bones, heart and
lungs in a progressive manner. Affected individuals also have coarse
facial features and joint contractures, but the severity of all
manifestations is highly variable. Supportive care was the only
therapeutic option until recently when enzyme replacement therapy became
available. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is another treatment
option for these patients. As is true for most genetic diseases, the
exact incidence and prevalence rates for this condition in India is not
known, though it is expected that India has one of the largest burden of
genetic disorders [1]. Enzyme replacement therapy is very expensive at
present and is beyond the reach of most. Prenatal diagnosis is an option
considered by many Indian families for this condition.
As a practicing clinical geneticist and researcher, I
often find that mutation data are scarce for Indian patients, even for
common genetic conditions. Databases for normal sequence variations also
highly under-represent the Indian scenario. This under-representation
puts clinicians and researchers in a very tough situation to decipher
the pathogenicity of DNA sequence variations that they encounter during
diagnostic testing and research. Most often, we end up extrapolating
data from rest of the world and apply it to our population, which is not
Identifying mutations in a genetic disease not only
helps us confirm the diagnosis, but it also enables definitive prenatal
diagnosis for the families. In this issue of Indian Pediatrics,
Narayanan,et al. [2] present the clinical profile and mutation
spectrum of Indian patients with Hunter syndrome. Though the number of
study children is very small, this is probably the way to begin
addressing these rare genetic disorders in our country. Several earlier
publications have suggested that Indians might have unique or private
mutations for monogenic disorders [3-5]. Further, India being the second
most populous country in the world, provides a great opportunity for
creation of disease-specific mutation databases. In fact, we now have
some publications describing the largest series of patients with
mutations in the genes studied [3,6-9]. Genetic studies on lysosomal
storage diseases are now facilitated by the National Task Force on
Lysosomal Storage Diseases established by the Indian Council of Medical
Research, New Delhi. I hope these efforts culminate in much needed
mutation data for Indians with these genetic conditions thus
facilitating their diagnosis, management and prevention.
1. Verma IC. The burden of genetic disorders in
India. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1995;26 (suppl 1):3-4.
2. Lakshmi Narayanan D, Srivastava P, Mandal K,
Gambhir PS, Phadke SR. Hunter syndrome in Northern India: Clinical
features and mutation spectrum. Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:134-6.
3. Bidchol AM, Dalal A, Shah H, S S, Nampoothiri S,
Kabra M, et al. GALNS mutations in Indian patients with
mucopolysaccharidosis IVA. Am J Med Genet A. 2014;164A:2793-801.
4. Tamhankar PM, Mistri M, Kondurkar P, Sanghavi D,
Sheth J. Clinical, biochemical and mutation profile in Indian patients
with Sandhoff disease. J Hum Genet. 2015; doi: 10.1038/jhg.2015.130. [Epub
ahead of print]
5. Uttarilli A, Ranganath P, Jain SJ, Prasad CK,
Sinha A, Verma IC, et al. Novel mutations of the arylsulphatase B
(ARSB) gene in Indian patients with mucopoly-saccharidosis type VI.
Indian J Med Res. 2015;142:414-25.
6. Bidchol AM, Dalal A, Trivedi R, Shukla A,
Nampoothiri S, Sankar VH, et al. Recurrent and novel GLB1
mutations in India. Gene. 2015;567:173-81.
7. Ankleshwaria C, Mistri M, Bavdekar A, Muranjan M,
Dave U, Tamhankar P, et al. Novel mutations in the
glucocerebrosidase gene of Indian patients with Gaucher disease. J Hum
Genet. 2014;59:223-8.
8. Bhavani GS, Shah H, Dalal AB, Shukla A, Danda S,
Aggarwal S, et al. Novel and recurrent mutations in WISP3 and an
atypical phenotype. Am J Med Genet A. 2015;167A:2481-4.
9. Bhavani GS, Shah H, Shukla A, Gupta N,
Gowrishankar K, Rao AP, et al. Clinical and mutation profile of
multicentric osteolysis nodulosis and arthropathy. Am J Med Genet A.
2015;doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.37447. [Epub ahead of print]