APCPN (Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatric Nursing).
IAP is an organization of Innovative,
Active and Progressive pediatricians. It is a vibrant
Academy, made up of thousands of Individual Academicians
and Practitioners, and we must believe in the tremendous
potential of this ‘individual’ pediatrician.
The newly elected president is always driven by a
positive energy and a burning desire to do something new – something
useful for the community. Success automatically follows when activities
start taking shape. Nothing succeeds like success and constructive
activities continue simply on the momentum of enthusiasm. The year
bygone is no exception. Each and every activity was equivalent to
hundreds of man-hours sacrificed by our members out of a voluntary,
devoted inner drive.
My goal is to ACT for IAP – Academics,
Community work and Transparent administration. As a
president of this prestigious organization, I wish to make a positive
contribution to IAP members’ everyday practice – through encouraging
academic scholarship, by bringing out our power to make an impact at the
grass-roots level of society, through promoting community work, and
ensuring a transparent administration.
Every member has to be e-smart. During this year, our
members will have Pediatrics at fingertips with the help of apps on
common clinical problems.
IAP App on Growth Charts
Every paediatrician is a BIG Paediatrician
with expertise in Breastfeeding , Immunization and Growth-Development.
The Digital Growth Monitoring App developed under guidance of IAP Growth
Chart Committee will revolutionize the growth monitoring practice in
India by digitalizing the growth charts and making it convenient,
precise and speedy. After the data is entered, a graph will be generated
automatically along with diagnostic interpretation in the form of
underweight/stunting/overweight/obese. The data entered can be stored
and retrieved as and when required. This app will be available in all 3
platforms – Android, IOS and Windows. The use of Growth Chart App will
make the pediatrician 3G – feel Great, help Grow in
practice and offer a Great service to community by detecting
malnutrition at an early age.
Most of the times the pediatrician is the first
contact with the sick child. It is necessary to recognize and stabilize
the sick child, and shift her/him at appropriate time.
Most of the pediatricians practicing in periphery
have small nursing homes and do not have back up of big multispecialty
hospitals like in cities. Hence they have to manage various pediatric
emergencies and critically ill children on their own.
One of the IAP action plans for the year 2016 is
SOS – HOPE (Survival Of Sickest which will be
achieved through Handling Office Pediatric Emergencies).
SOS-HOPE app will further make management easier. I hope that
pediatricians start showing a change in their behavior and practices by
adopting the protocolized module in their day-to-day office practice;
keeping oxygen in their office, using pulse oximetry regularly,
transporting patients in ‘108’ Ambulance rather than their private
vehicle, giving antibiotics in the first hour of shock (after collecting
blood for culture), avoiding unindicated use of sodium bicarbonate, and
so on.
The program Cradle to Crayons aims at sensitizing a
common pediatrician on child development. Development is a dynamic
process of optimally utilizing the genetic potential of the baby, within
the context of the environment made available, so as to enable him/her
to achieve the full potential. Although a continuous process, the
initial years are the most critical years in the child’s development.
We know a famous road side sign – ‘start early, drive
slowly, reach safely.’ I think this should be the ‘motto’ of
developmental pediatricians. Cradle to Crayons focuses on this concept.
Early diagnosis of developmental problems will help suggest early
intervention plan to the parents. As we are aware that brain of the
child is pliable/flexible in early childhood, if we start intervention
at an early age it will help the child immensely. We pediatricians
should not answer "umar badhega to dimag badhega." Rather
we should emphasize on ‘earlier the better.’ I am sure this module will
give lot of information on this ‘start early, act early’ theme. We will
also have programs to disseminate IAP guidelines for Autism, Attention
deficit disorder and Learning disorders.
Just as every pediatrician strives hard to maintain
the potency of vaccine by maintaining the cold chain, it is desirable
that he/she takes extra efforts to maintain potency of knowledge by a
different COLD chain – Continuous Observation, Learning
and Dissemination.
Our members will enjoy an academic feast in a platter
packed with programs and publications to suit everyone’s palate. These
Art and Science of Pediatric practice (Practice
Beyond Pediatrics) – which includes Easy time for a busy Pediatrician,
Communication Skills, Staff management, Material management, Money
Matters, Pedico-legal issues, fitness fundas, Balancing profession,
health and family life
E-QUIP - Empowering for Quality Improvement
in Practice
VACCINDICON- Vaccines and Infectious
Diseases Conference
RAPID- Rational Antimicrobials
for Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Fighting Fahren‘heights’ - Managing fever
in different situations
Ideal start to Human Life - Delivery Room
Best delivery room practices and infant feeding …
for betterment of newborn care
Clearing Pediatric Airways - Clearing the
concepts in respirology and Clinico-radiological correlation
GUT - Gastroenterology Updates
and Trends (Common GE Problems for General Pediatricians)
Heart of the matter (Cardiology)
Advances and Basics through Case
Discussions (ABCD) in Neurology
Audieu to Anemia - With Particular Reference to
Control of Iron Deficiency Anemia
Genetics for the Generalist
Day To Day Challenges
(DTDC) - Pitfalls to perfection in Pediatrics
Adolescent Ambassadors
Paren ‘teen’ing - Parenting of teenagers
Get-Set-Go (for training of PGs)
Webcasting of Academic Programmes
Online Certificate Course in Pediatric
Companion - Getting into company of
computers for making a Pediatrician e - Smart
Daily SMS on clinical pearls/tips
IAP Women’ s Wing
IAP Cultural Wing
Winspire - Compilation of Success stories
of our own Pediatric colleagues
Baby Care Diary - For Record of Growth and
Development, Immunization and Nutrition Advice in the 1
Year of Life
Parivartan - for health education related
to blind faiths in pediatrics
Contests - best clinic contest, best
prescription contest and elocution contest
All the IAP programs will start with a motivational
IAP Song. This will enthuse our colleagues. The IAP Planner will help
our members plan their year-long activites.
We will continue some IAP action plans of earlier
years like:
Mission 20:20 for IMR 20 at 2020
Gaon Ki Baat – IAP Ke Saath (IAP adopt a village
Training for essential new born care with
Government of India – NSSK, Advance NRP, HBS
Mission Uday for Better Child Survival
TB module
ATM (Asthma Training Module)
IAP Nutrition Education Program
Non Communicable diseases (NCDs)
I am happy to announce that IAP’s ‘Immunize India’
program is now the world’s largest and most successful vaccination
reminder program with one million children enrolled. We are planning for
an immunization helpline too.
IAP’s Healthphone project, launched last year, is
also on its way as the largest ever mother’s education program to
prevent malnutrition, reaching 25 million women.This year we will launch
two new initiatives which will also be transformational in our fight
against malnutrition and disease.
We will launch IAP-TV to educate mothers in
pediatrician’s waiting rooms eventually educating 33 million mothers
every year. In partenership with the government and development
organizations, IAP is planning to formulate a tasty protein and
micronutrient supplement for mothers. This will be available at
affordable rates and also subsidized for poor women.
Pediatric Research in Office Setting
Busy clinicians tend to develop inertia, not
necessarily toward their clinical work but toward academic writing. The
term "couch potatoes" has been adapted to "office potatoes" to refer to
clinicians who devote their time to patients and then go home. They may
not have the energy and enthusiasm left to contribute to the medical
literature. After a busy day’s work, the "spirit may be willing but the
flesh may be weak." Against this background, a simple way to contribute
to the medical literature is to write and publish case reports. The case
report can describe the different aspects of the patient’s condition
such as history, physical examination, social aspects and follow-up.
Every new president inherits a great legacy of the
work put in by past presidents, and in his own turn he would like to
make his own contributions to it. The goal of reduction of under-five
mortality can not be achieved by the government alone. It requires
participation of each and every member of our Academy. Some members take
‘how am I concerned?’ attitude. Some members are unaware of national
programs related to child health while some do not take these seriously.
If everyone contributes his own bit, achieving the goals would no longer
be difficult. Let us try to kindle a sense of social responsibility and
enthusiasm in our collegues. When many pediatricians start showing
involvement individually and start giving 2 hours a week for the
society, and if many such self-motivated pediatricians come together,
they become the agents of change.
Many organizations are doing their own bit for better
child health. Let us start working hard at individual and local area
level, and together we can contribute maximum share as IAP organization
– quantity wise and quality wise.
A person was walking in a desert and was quite
thirsty. He noticed a borewell at a distance and became quite happy that
he would get plenty of water to quench his thirst. As he came closer, he
realized that the borewell was quite old and the hand pump was rusted.
By the side of the borewell, there was a glass of water. There was a
stone on which it was written ‘Pour this glass of water in the well and
have as much water as you need’. Now he was in two minds.. ..whether I
quench my thirst by drinking water in the glass or pour the water from
the glass into the borewell and then pump to get lot of water. "If I
pour the water and get no water from the pump, I won’t get even this
glass of water" he thought. Quite confused, finally he decided to pour
the water from the glass into the borewell and pumped the borewell. To
his great surprise, plenty of water started flowing out of the borewell.
He became quite happy. While leaving, he filled up the glass with water
and simply wrote by the side: ‘It Works.’
Let’s reflect on this story. In the real life, we
come across people who are either negative, skeptic or pessimistic…
These are the people whom I call "Wrinku"…those with constant
wrinkles on the face ! But you must remain
positive. Please try and convince the wrinkus about the
importance of your programs, projects and constructive activities. Take
them along. Remember, ‘It works’.
A teacher and a doctor are the two most respected and
non-controversial personalities in the soceity. We can very well act as
local brand ambassadors for promoting child health and develop Individual
Pediatrician’s Leadership (IPL). Every
IAP member can contribute at Individual level, Academy
level and Peripheral level and become a champion
IAPian in IAP’s IPL.
You cannot learn swimming by reading a book. You have
to dive into the pool. So take a dive into the pool of IAP. Get actively
involved in IAP activities. You will not merely experience the change
within; you will also unleash the power within.
I am fortunate to be a pearl being woven in the IAP
necklace in the city of pearls! Let’s ACT for Academics,
Community work and Transparent administration, and keep
IAP Innovative, Active and Progressive. I would ensure
that my tenure will be of Service Leadership and the meaning of every
letter in my name PRAMOD comes out with activity full of Positivity,
Rationality, Academics, Motivation, Oxygen
of enthusiasm and Dedication.
Balak Mata ki Jai.