Indian Pediatr 2015;52: 1025-1026 |
Lysosomal Storage Disorders: Present and
Shubha R Phadke
Department of Medical Genetics, Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India.
[email protected]
Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) is a group of
more than 50 single gene disorders caused by deficiencies of any of the
glycoprotein acid hydrolase enzymes. Lysosomes are intracellular
organelles serving important functions of breakdown of large molecules
and helping in their disposal. In case of deficiency of any of these
enzymes, there is deposition of large amounts of the substrate compound
inside the lysosomes, leading to hepatosplenomegaly along with variable
involvement of brain, bones, connective tissue and heart.
Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) is a prototype of LSDs, and has been an easy
diagnosis in pediatric practice. Patients presenting with coarse facies,
hepatosplenomegaly, short stature, joint contractures, radiological
changes of dysostosis multiplex, with or without corneal clouding, are
clinically labeled as mucopolysaccharidosis. It is important to confirm
the subtypes of such cases by enzyme assays and mutation detection, both
of the diagnostic tests being available in India. It is important to
note that mucolipidosis and oligosaccharidosis have clinical features
similar to MPS, and need to be considered when urine test result is
negative or there is another clinical clue. Other than classic MPS
phenotype, LSDs may present with only neurological manifestations during
infancy, childhood or even adulthood. Metachromatic leukodystrophy,
Krabbe disease and Gangliosidosis are examples of such diseases.
Cholestatic jaundice, cardiac failure and fetal hydrops are other
presenting features of LSDs. Fabry disease needs a special mention as
its diagnosis is often delayed for decades due to vague symptoms of
neuralgia and absence of specific clinical signs. Presence of
acroparesthesias with or without angiokeratomas suggests the diagnosis.
This disorder is clinically different from other LSDs, and is a cause of
cardiomyopathy, stroke and end-stage renal disease in young adults.
Fabry disease is an X-linked disease, but manifestations in females are
also observed commonly.
Suspecting LSDs in appropriate clinical situations is
necessary as definitive therapy in the form of enzyme replacement
therapy (ERT) is available for MPS I (Hurler syndrome), MPS II (Hunter
syndrome), MPS VI (Maroteaux Lammy syndrome) and Fabry disease [1].
Cerazyme, an ERT for non-neuropathic Gaucher disease was first such
agent available for patient care since 1996. Indian experience also
shows significant improvement in signs and symptoms of the disease and
hematological parameters within a short period of therapy of six months
[2]. Other ERTs have also been shown to be effective [3], but the
variability of efficacy of ERT is a major issue. Other than development
of antibodies and its effect on the efficacy of ERT and immunological
reaction to ERT, inability to deliver the enzyme to brain and bones is
the most important challenge for ERT. Other form of therapy for LSDs is
reduction of substrate. One such molecule, Miglustat, is found to be
effective as a maintenance therapy after improvement with ERT in Gaucher
disease [4], but is not much effective in improving neurological
manifestations of Niemann Pick disease [5]. Presence of neuronopathic
variants of all LSDs is common as illustrated by a large series of LSDs
presenting as neuroregression published in this issue of Indian
Pediatrics [6]. Success of ERTs in some of the LSDs has brought rays
of hope for other LSDs with poor outcome. Bone marrow transplantation
has been tried with variable outcome in LSDs [7]. Presymptomatic
hematopoetic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) may be effective, and
hence newborn screening for Krabbe disease has been proposed. Although
early treatment with HSCT seems to alter early-childhood mortality and
some of the morbidity associated with early-infantile Krabbe disease, a
lot more understanding about the disease course and efficacy of such
novel strategy is needed before including LSDs in newborn screening
program [8]. Newborn screening for Pompe disease and early institution
of ERT within a few weeks of birth has shown significantly improved
outcome, but inspite of achieving independent walking, many children
developed hip girdle muscle weekness, ptosis and speech delays [9].
Development of antibodies is an important hindrance in the efficacy of
ERT for Pompe disease as was seen in Indian patients (Personal
communications). Delay in the diagnosis causing delay in starting ERT is
another cause of unsatisfactory outcome in Pompe disease. The challenges
ahead are enormous. Targeting enzyme to lysosome, the first critical
step has been achieved. Developing an enzyme that reaches brain and
bones, and prevents and improves all manifestations of LSDs, will cause
dramatic change in the outcome. The strategies to overcome blood-brain
barrier, including stimulation of other receptors, and gene therapy are
being explored [10,11].
The developments in the field of LSDs are being
reflected in the Indian scenario [12,13]. Though individually rare,
prevalence of LSDs is 1 per 7- to 8 thousand worldwide. For a larger
population in India, the absolute number of cases obviously must be
larger. However, the cases diagnosed in India at present represent the
tip of an iceberg. Presence of high level of consanguinity in India is
obvious in LSDs, and account for about one-third of cases [11].
Confirmation of diagnosis by enzyme assays and mutation detection is
important not only for diseases for which ERT is available, but also for
genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis as all these disorders are
associated with 25% risk of recurrence in the siblings [14,15]. It is
important to diagnose mild or attenuated and juvenile/adult onset
variants of LSDs, and offer them ERT if available. Screening of
relatives of a confirmed case will identify more cases with
subclininical manifestations. The cost of ERTs is exorbitant, and is
beyond reach of most patients. Some of the drug companies are providing
ERT to limited number of patients under their humanitarian access
programs. Combined efforts of patient support groups, clinicians,
scientific community and policy makers are needed to look for long-term
solutions to provide therapy to sizable numbers of the treatable LSDs.
Supportive therapies, surveillance for early diagnosis of complications,
and genetic counseling are important components of management. Awareness
about various presentations of LSDs, approach to diagnosis, use of
diagnostic facilities, and genetic counseling will go a long way in
helping the patients and families with this rare group of genetic
Acknowledgement: Indian Council of Medical
Research for establishing National Task Force and funding multicentric
project on lysosomal storage disorders.
Funding: None; Competing interests: None
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