Probiotics (dietary supplements of living bacteria),
Prebiotics (dietary supplements of substrates preferentially fermented by
certain gut bacteria) and Synbiotics (combination of prebiotics and
probiotics) continue to elicit interest both from medical professionals
and public.
Our gut flora, which comprises of more than 100
trillion bacteria, plays a major role in maintaining good health. It
provides a barrier against harmful pathogenic bacteria, aids digestion by
promoting the assimilation and absorption of food, builds immune responses
and hence augments the host’s ability to resist infections. While majority
of these activities are beneficial, some of them may lead to the formation
of toxic, cancerous substances and thus may have a negative impact on
health. The nature of these activities is determined by the composition of
the gut flora which consists of both beneficial and harmful organisms. For
a state of healthy well being, it is important to ensure that the
beneficial bacteria are present in adequate numbers – not only enough to
promote well being but also to over come the adverse effects of harmful
pathogenic bacteria.
We start our life with a relatively healthy intestinal
tract. Factors such as irregular food habits, indiscriminate use of
antibiotics, stress, environmental pollution etc, all influence the
composition and metabolic activities of the gut flora thus creating an
imbalance. Soon the harmful organisms outnumber the beneficial ones making
us more vulnerable to ill health and disease.
Nutrition plays an important role in influencing and
altering the composition of the gut flora. Fermented foods such as sour
milk and cultured dairy products containing beneficial bacteria have been
consumed regularly as a part of the human diet since the Vedic times, and
especially all over India. The health benefits of Probiotics, however,
first came to light when Nobel laureate Dr. Ellie Metchnikoff, a Russian
biologist and, the father of Modern Immunology, published the book
"Prolongation of Life’. He observed that the reason behind the longevity
of Bulgarian peasants was the consumption of large quantities of cultured
food, especially yoghurt. He postulated that the growth of lactic acid
bacteria in the intestines displaced the harmful disease causing
organisms, reduced the production of toxins and thus improved health.
These foods were rich in lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus
bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus which helped to
maintain the friendly bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract.
Although the consumption of curd and fermented milk
drinks have nutritional benefits and may alleviate lactose intolerance,
their inability to reach the intestines live limits their potential to
significantly altering the gut flora. Dr. Metchnikof’s findings however
sparked much interest in the science of using living micro-organisms to
improve health and so came into being probiotics or bacteria for good
Probiotics are defined as "live micro-organisms that
confer a health benefit on the host when consumed in adequate amounts
(WHO/FAO)." Probiotic bacteria should be safe for consumption, reach the
intestines alive in large numbers and impart specific health benefits to
the host. These bacteria should maintain the balance of the intestinal
flora by altering favorably the gut environment in such a manner that the
growth of friendly beneficial bacteria are promoted and harmful disease
causing organisms are inhibited.
Some of the commonly used probiotic bacteria include
Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria and the yeast Saccharomyces
boullardii. Apart from their use as drugs, they are most commonly used
in the form of probiotic dairy products and probiotic fortified foods.
Today, there is emerging evidence that probiotics offer innumerable
benefits to the host by alleviating symptoms of lactose intolerance(1).
They are also known to prevent acute diarrhea, traveler’s diarrhea(2,3),
antibiotic associated diarrhea(4,5), Rotaviral diarrhea(6), etc. Research
has also shown that probiotics help to prevent the recurrence of cancers
especially bladder and colorectal cancers(7,8). Research is underway to
evaluate their role in regulating blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and
reducing obesity in adulthood. However, probiotics don’t work the same in
everyone. Probiotics may be more effective in older people than in younger
ones since more mature bellies may have fewer good bacteria. There is also
some evidence that genetic factors — that is, how much good and bad
bacteria you have in your gut — can affect your reaction to probiotics.
The consumption of probiotic dairy products to help
lead a healthy life is a well accepted concept globally. In India too,
with the growing interest in self care and optimum health at all ages’
recognition of a link between diet and health has never been stronger. As
a result, a spurt of health foods including probiotics has made their
foray into the market. While the optimism associated with the use of these
foods is undeniable, it is often counter balanced by the fact that this
area has been highly unregulated from the scientific point of view.
Guidelines governing the labeling of probiotics, such as indicating the
species, strain and the number of bacteria present are required from
regulatory authorities in India.
Like an old quote by Hippocrates goes, "Let food be thy
medicine and medicine be thy food". Today more and more people are
becoming increasingly aware that the key to a healthy life lies in the gut
and there is a greater focus on eating right and healthy!
1. Suvarna VC, Boby VU.
Probiotics in human health: A current assessment. Current Science 2005;
88: 1744-1748.
2. Buydens P, Debeucklaere S. Efficacy of SF 68 in
the treatment of acute diarrhea: a placebo contolled trial. Scand J
Gastroenterol 1996; 31: 887-891.
3. Colombel J F, Cortot A, Neut C, Romond C. Yoghurt
with Bifidobacterium longum reduces erythromycin induced
gastrointestinal effects. Lancet 1987; 2: 43.
4. McFarland LV, Surawicz CM, Greenberg RN, Elmer GW,
Moyer KA, Melcher SA, et al. Prevention of Beta lactam associated
diarrhea by Saccharomyces boulardii compared with placebo. Am J
Gastroenterol 1995; 90: 439-448.
5. Suraweiz CM, Elmer GW, Speelman P, McFarland LV,
Chinn J, Van Belle G. Prevention of antibiotic associated diarrhea by
Saccharomyces boulardii. A prospective study. Gastroenterology1989;
96: 981-988.
6. Sugita T, Togawa M. Efficacy of Lactobacillus
preparation Biolactis powder in children with rotavirus enteritis. Jap J
Pediatr 1994; 47: 2755-2762.
7. Aso Y, Akaza H, Kotake T, Tsukamoto T, Imai K,
Naito S. Preventive effect of a Lactobacillus casei preparation on the
recurrence of superficial bladder cancer in a double blind trial. Eur
Urol 1995; 27: 104-109.
8. Aso Y, Akaza H. Prophylactic effect of a Lactobacillus casei
preparation on the recurrence of superficial bladder cancer. Urol Int
1992; 49: 125-129.